The Research Summaries in the September 2013 IMF Research Bulletin focus on “External Conditions and Debt Sustainability in Latin America” (Gustavo Adler and Sebastian Sosa) and “Monetary Policy Cyclicality in Emerging Markets” (Donal McGettigan, Kenji Moriyama, and Chad Steinberg). In the Q&A, Itai Aigur and Sunil Sharma discuss “Seven Questions on Macroprudential Policy Frameworks.” The Research Bulletin also includes an updated listing of recent IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from the IMF Bookstore, as well as information on a forthcoming conference. The IMF Economic Review’s new Impact Factor is also highlighted.
IMF Research Bulletin
M. Ayhan Kose
Prakash Loungani
Patricia Loo
Assistant Editor
Tracey Lookadoo
Editorial Assistant
Feras Abu Amra
Systems Consultant
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The IMF Research Bulletin
(ISSN: 1020-8313) is a quarterly publication in English and is available free of charge. The views expressed in the Bulletin are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Material from the Bulletin may be reprinted with proper attribution. Editorial correspondence may be addressed to The Editor, IMF Research Bulletin, IMF, Room HQ1-9-612, Washington, DC 20431 USA; or e-mailed to resbulletin@imf.org.
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www.imf.org/external/cntpst to receive notification of new issues of the IMF Research Bulletin and a variety of other IMF publications. Individual issues of the Bulletin are available at www.imf.org/researchbulletin.
China’s Road to Greater Financial Stability: Some Policy Perspectives
China’s Road to Greater Financial Stability discusses the financial policy context within China, macroeconomic factors affecting financial stability, and the critical role of financial system oversight. It seeks to improve the understanding of the financial sector policy processes underway and the shifts taking place among China’s economic priorities. The volume draws on contributions from senior Chinese authorities and academics, as well as staff from the IMF.
Global Rebalancing: A Roadmap for Economic Recovery
This book examines imbalances in seven major economies and evaluates key indicators agreed by the G20 for identifying large imbalances, including public and private debt and private saving, and countries’ external accounts. The chapters describe a suite of corrective steps tailored for each country that, if implemented, could improve prospective economic outcomes, creating sustainable and balanced growth for these economies and serving as a model for other G20 countries.
Macroprudential Frameworks in Asia
This Departmental Paper portrays a cross-country dimension of Macroprudential policy implementation in Asia, advancing a comprehensive overview of institutional arrangements and instruments deployed by individual countries to address systemic risk, including risk concentration and interconnectedness. The book is the first comprehensive collection of papers assessing the existing institutional arrangements for Macroprudential policies in Asia.
For more information on these titles and other IMF publications, please visit www.imfbookstore.org