The research summaries in the September 2012 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin are "Surges in Capital Flows: Why History Repeats Itself" (by Mahvash S. Qureshi) and "The LIC-BRIC Linkage: Growth Spillovers" (by Issouf Samake, Yongzheng Yang, and Catherine Pattillo). The Q&A covers "Seven Questions on Monetary Transmission in Low-Income Countries" (by Prachi Mishra and Peter Montiel). "Conversations with a Visiting Scholar" features an interview with IMF Fellow Olivier Coibion. Also included in this issue are details on the IMF Fellowship Program, visiting scholars at the IMF, a listing of recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes, and an announcement on IMF Economic Review's first Impact Factor.


The research summaries in the September 2012 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin are "Surges in Capital Flows: Why History Repeats Itself" (by Mahvash S. Qureshi) and "The LIC-BRIC Linkage: Growth Spillovers" (by Issouf Samake, Yongzheng Yang, and Catherine Pattillo). The Q&A covers "Seven Questions on Monetary Transmission in Low-Income Countries" (by Prachi Mishra and Peter Montiel). "Conversations with a Visiting Scholar" features an interview with IMF Fellow Olivier Coibion. Also included in this issue are details on the IMF Fellowship Program, visiting scholars at the IMF, a listing of recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes, and an announcement on IMF Economic Review's first Impact Factor.

IMF Research Bulletin

M. Ayhan Kose


Prakash Loungani


Patricia Loo

Assistant Editor

Tracey Lookadoo

Editorial Assistant

Feras Abu Amra

Systems Consultant

Multimedia Services


The IMF Research Bulletin (ISSN: 1020-8313) is a quarterly publication in English and is available free of charge. The views expressed in the Bulletin are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Material from the Bulletin may be reprinted with proper attribution. Editorial correspondence may be addressed to The Editor, IMF Research Bulletin, IMF, Room HQ1-9-612, Washington, DC 20431 USA; or e-mailed to

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Staff Discussion Notes showcase new policy-related analysis and research by IMF departments. These papers are generally brief and written in nontechnical language, and are aimed at a broad audience interested in economic policy issues. For more information on this series and to download the papers in this series, please visit:

No. 12/04

Fiscal Frameworks for Resource Rich Developing Countries Thomas Baunsgaard, Mauricio Villafuerte, Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro, and Christine Richmond

No. 12/05

Externalities and Macroprudential Policy Gianni De Nicolò, Giovanni Favara, and Lev Ratnovski

No. 12/06

Policies for Macrofinancial Stability: How to Deal with Credit Booms Giovanni Dell’Ariccia, Deniz Igan, Luc Laeven, and Hui Tong, with Bas Bakker and Jérôme Vandenbussche

No. 12/07

Fostering Growth in Europe Now Bergljot Barkbu, Jesmin Rahman, Rodrigo Valdés, and a staff team

No. 12/08

Income Inequality and Fiscal Policy Francesca Bastagli, David Coady, and Sanjeev Gupta

No. 12/09

What Lies Beneath: The Statistical Definition of Public Sector Debt An Overview of the Coverage of Public Sector Debt for 61 Countries Robert Dippelsman, Claudia Dziobek, and Carlos A. Gutiérrez Mangas