The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about Large Fiscal Consolidation Attempts in the Past and Implications for Policymakers Today (by Fuad Hasanov and Paolo Mauro). The research summaries are "Booms and Busts" (by Roberto Piazza) and " Did Export Diversification Soften the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis?" (by Rafael Romeu). The issue also provides details on visiting scholars at the IMF (mainly from September through December 2011), as well as recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes.


The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about Large Fiscal Consolidation Attempts in the Past and Implications for Policymakers Today (by Fuad Hasanov and Paolo Mauro). The research summaries are "Booms and Busts" (by Roberto Piazza) and " Did Export Diversification Soften the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis?" (by Rafael Romeu). The issue also provides details on visiting scholars at the IMF (mainly from September through December 2011), as well as recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes.

Working Paper No. 11/184

Customs Administration Reform and Modernization in Anglophone Africa—Early 1990s to Mid-2010

Zake, Justin O.

Working Paper No. 11/185

Taxing Financial Transactions: An Assessment of Administrative Feasibility

Brondolo, John

Working Paper No. 11/186

The Bright and the Dark Side of Cross-Border Banking Linkages

Cihák, Martin; Muñoz, Sònia; Scuzzarella, Ryan

Working Paper No. 11/187

Possible Unintended Consequences of Basel III and Solvency II

Al-Darwish, Ahmed I.; Hafeman, Michael; Impavido, Gregorio; Kemp, Malcolm; O’Malley, Padraic

Working Paper No. 11/188

Capital Regulation and Tail Risk

Perotti, Enrico; Ratnovski, Lev; Vlahu, Razvan

Working Paper No. 11/189

Capital Flows and Financial Stability: Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Responses

Unsal, D. Filiz

Working Paper No. 11/190

Institutional Cash Pools and the Triffin Dilemma of the U.S. Banking System

Pozsar, Zoltan

Working Paper No. 11/191

Home Sweet Home: Government’s Role in Reaching the American Dream

Tsounta, Evridiki

Working Paper No. 11/192

Economic Policies and FDI Inflows to Emerging Market Economies

Arbatli, Elif

Working Paper No. 11/193

Systemic Risk and Optimal Regulatory Architecture

Espinosa-Vega, Marco A.; Kahn, Charles; Matta, Rafael; Sole, Juan

Working Paper No. 11/194

Oil Shocks in a Global Perspective: Are They Really Tat Bad?

Rasmussen, Tobias N.; Roitman, Agustin

Working Paper No. 11/195

Are Middle Eastern Current Account Imbalances Excessive?

Beidas-Strom, Samya; Cashin, Paul

Working Paper No. 11/196

Financial Deepening, Property Rights and Poverty: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

Singh, Raju Jan; Huang, Yifei

Working Paper No. 11/197

External Adjustment and the Global Crisis

Lane, Philip R.; Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria

Working Paper No. 11/198

De Jure versus De Facto Exchange Rate Regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa

Slavov, Slavi T.

Working Paper No. 11/199

Shocks, Financial Dependence, and Efficiency: Evidence from U.S. and Canadian Industries

Estevão, Marcello M.; Severo, Tiago

Working Paper No. 11/200

Remittances in Pakistan—Why Have They Gone Up, and Why Aren’t They Coming Down?

Kock, Udo; Sun, Yan

Working Paper No. 11/201

Financial Linkages across Korean Banks

Aydin, Burcu; Kim, Myeong-Suk; Moon, Ho-Seong

Working Paper No. 11/202

Burkina Faso—Policies to Protect the Poor from the Impact of Food and Energy Price Increases

Arze del Granado, Javier; Adenauer, Isabell

Working Paper No. 11/203

Public Debt Targeting: An Application to the Caribbean

Guerson, Alejandro D.; Melina, Giovanni

Working Paper No. 11/204

South Africa: The Cyclical Behavior of the Markups and Its Implications for Monetary Policy

Klein, Nir

Working Paper No. 11/205

The Cyclicality of Fiscal Policies in the CEMAC Region

Mpatswe, Gaston K.; Tapsoba, Sampawende J.; York, Robert C.

Working Paper No. 11/206

The Taxation and Regulation of Banks

Keen, Michael

Working Paper No. 11/207

External Sustainability of Oil-Producing Sub-Saharan African Countries

Takebe, Misa; York, Robert C.

Working Paper No. 11/208

Global Economic Governance: IMF Quota Reform

Virmani, Arvind

Working Paper No. 11/209

Communication of Central Bank Thinking and Inflation Dynamics

Tang, Man-Keung; Yu, Xiangrong

Working Paper No. 11/210

Public Debt in Advanced Economies and Its Spillover Effects on Long-Term Yields

Alper, Emre; Forni, Lorenzo

Working Paper No. 11/211

Do Fiscal Spillovers Matter?

Ivanova, Anna; Weber, Sebastian

Working Paper No. 11/212

Apocalypse Then: The Evolution of the North Atlantic Economy and the Global Crisis

Bayoumi, Tamim; Bui, Trung

Working Paper No. 11/213

Market Phoenixes and Banking Ducks: Are Recoveries Faster in Market-Based Financial Systems?

Allard, Julien; Blavy, Rodolphe

Working Paper No. 11/214

Assessing Systemic Trade Interconnectedness—An Empirical Approach

Errico, Luca; Massara, Alexander

Working Paper No. 11/215

What Fuels the Boom Drives the Bust: Regulation and the Mortgage Crisis

Dagher, Jihad; Fu, Ning

Working Paper No. 11/216

Data-Rich DSGE and Dynamic Factor Models

Kryshko, Maxym

Working Paper No. 11/217

Effciency-Adjusted Public Capital and Growth

Gupta, Sanjeev; Kangur, Alvar; Papageorgiou, Chris; Wane, Abdoul Aziz

Working Paper No. 11/218

Growth Spillover Dynamics from Crisis to Recovery

Poirson, Hélène; Weber, Sebastian

Working Paper No. 11/219

Bayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis of a Simple Monetary DSGE Model

Kryshko, Maxym

Working Paper No. 11/220

A Debt Intolerance Framework Applied to Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic

Bannister, Geofrey J.; Barrot, Luis-Diego

Working Paper No. 11/221

Spatial Spillovers in Emerging Market Spreads

Baldacci, Emanuele; Dell’Erba, Salvatore; Poghosyan, Tigran

Working Paper No. 11/222

Systemic Risks in Global Banking: What Available Data Can Tell Us and What More Data Are Needed?

Cerutti, Eugenio; Claessens, Stijn; McGuire, Patrick

Working Paper No. 11/223

Targets, Interest Rates, and Household Saving in Urban China

Nabar, Malhar

Working Paper No. 11/224

Incorporating Financial Stability in Inflation Targeting Frameworks

Aydin, Burcu; Volkan, Engin

Working Paper No. 11/225

Understanding Chinese Bond Yields and Their Role in Monetary Policy

Cassola, Nuno; Porter, Nathan

Working Paper No. 11/226

Decentralizing Spending More Tan Revenue: Does It Hurt Fiscal Performance?

Eyraud, Luc; Lusinyan, Lusine

Working Paper No. 11/227

Did the Euro Crisis Affect Non-Financial Firm Stock Prices through a Financial or Trade Channel?

Claessens, Stijn; Tong, Hui; Zuccardi, Igor

Working Paper No. 11/228

Incorporating Financial Sector Risk into Monetary Policy Models: Application to Chile

Gray, Dale F.; Garcia, Carlos; Luna, Leonardo; Restrepo, Jorge

Working Paper No. 11/229

Inflation Targeting and Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanisms in Emerging Market Economies

Mukherjee, Sanchita; Bhattacharya, Rina

Working Paper No. 11/230

Limited Information Bayesian Model Averaging for Dynamic Panels with an Application to a Trade Gravity Model

Chen, Huigang; Mirestean, Alin; Tsangarides, Charalambos G.

Working Paper No. 11/231

How Long Do Housing Cycles Last? A Duration Analysis for 19 OECD Countries

Bracke, Philippe

Working Paper No. 11/232

Inflation Dynamics in the CEMAC Region

Caceres, Carlos; Poplawski-Ribeiro, Marcos; Tartari, Darlena

Working Paper No. 11/233

Determinants of Non-Oil Growth in the CFA-Zone Oil Producing Countries: How Do They Differ?

Tabova, Alexandra; Baker, Carol L.

Working Paper No. 11/234

Global Poverty Estimates: A Sensitivity Analysis

Dhongde, Shatakshee; Minoiu, Camelia

Working Paper No. 11/235

Predicting Recessions: A New Approach for Identifying Leading Indicators and Forecast Combinations

Baba, Chikako; Kisinbay, Turgut

Working Paper No. 11/236

Making Banks Safer: Can Volcker and Vickers Do It?

Chow, Julian T. S.; Surti, Jay

Working Paper No. 11/237

Does G-4 Liquidity Spill Over?

Psalida, L. Effie; Sun, Tao

Working Paper No. 11/238

Macroprudential Policy: What Instruments and How to Use Them? Lessons from Country Experiences

Lim, Cheng Hoon; Columba, Francesco; Costa, Alejo; Kongsamut, Piyabha; Otani, Akira; Saiyid, Mustafa; Wezel, Torsten; Wu, Xiaoyong

Working Paper No. 11/239

Global Rebalancing: Implications for Low-Income Countries

Yang, Yongzheng

Working Paper No. 11/240

The Policy Interest-Rate Pass-Trough in Central America

Medina Cas, Stephanie; Carrion-Menendez, Alejandro; Frantischek, Florencia P.

Working Paper No. 11/241

Rapid Credit Growth: Boon or Boom-Bust?

Elekdag, Selim; Wu, Yiqun

Working Paper No. 11/242

Risk Sharing and Financial Contagion in Asia: An Asset Price Perspective

Rungcharoenkitkul, Phurichai

Working Paper No. 11/243

Financial Integration and Rebalancing in Asia

Pongsaparn, Runchana; Unteroberdoerster, Olaf

Working Paper No. 11/244

Monetary Policy, Bank Leverage, and Financial Stability

Valencia, Fabian

Working Paper No. 11/245

Improving the Monetary Policy Frameworks in Central America

Medina Cas, Stephanie; Carrion-Menendez, Alejandro; Frantischek, Florencia P.

Working Paper No. 11/246

Do Remittances Reduce Aid Dependency?

Kpodar, Kangni; Le Gof, Maelan

Working Paper No. 11/247

An Assessment of Estimates of Term Structure Models for the United States

He, Ying; Medeiros, Carlos I.

Working Paper No. 11/248

The Role of Structural Reforms in Raising Economic Growth in Central America

Swiston, Andrew; Barrot, Luis-Diego

Working Paper No. 11/249

Optimal Precautionary Reserves for Low-Income Countries: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Dabla-Norris, Era; Kim, Jun Il; Shirono, Kazuko

Working Paper No. 11/250

Towards Effective Macroprudential Policy Frameworks: An Assessment of Stylized Institutional Models

Nier, Erlend; Osinski, Jacek; Jácome, Luis Ignacio; Madrid, Pamela

Working Paper No. 11/251

What Drives the Global Land Rush?

Arezki, Rabah; Deininger, Klaus; Selod, Harris

Working Paper No. 11/252

Unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean

Ball, Laurence M.; De Roux, Nicolas; Hofstetter, Marc

Working Paper No. 11/253

Precautionary Savings in a Small Open Economy Revisited

Roitman, Agustin

Working Paper No. 11/254

Do Commodity Futures Help Forecast Spot Prices?

Reichsfeld, David A.; Roache, Shaun K.

Working Paper No. 11/255

Determinants of Development Financing Flows from Brazil, Russia, India, and China to Low-Income Countries

Mwase, Nkunde

Working Paper No. 11/256

Velocity of Pledged Collateral: Analysis and Implications

Singh, Manmohan

Working Paper No. 11/257

Inflation Dynamics in Asia: Causes, Changes, and Spillovers from China

Osorio, Carolina; Unsal, D. Filiz

Working Paper No. 11/258

Can Emerging Market Central Banks Bail Out Banks? A Cautionary Tale from Latin America

Jácome, Luis Ignacio; Saadi Sedik, Tahsin; Townsend, Simon

Working Paper No. 11/259

Monetary Policy and Risk-Premium Shocks in Hungary: Results from a Large Bayesian VAR

Carare, Alina; Popescu, Adina

Working Paper No. 11/260

The Puzzle of Persistently Negative Interest Rate-Growth Differentials: Financial Repression or Income Catch-Up?

Escolano, Julio; Shabunina, Anna; Woo, Jaejoon

Working Paper No. 11/261

Te Economic Crisis: Did Financial Supervision Matter?

Masciandaro, Donato; Vega Pansini, Rosaria; Quintyn, Marc

Working Paper No. 11/262

A Theory of Domestic and International Trade Finance

Ahn, JaeBin

Working Paper No. 11/263

Modeling Correlated Systemic Liquidity and Solvency Risks in a Financial Environment with Incomplete Information

Schumacher, Liliana; Barnhill, Theodore M.

Working Paper No. 11/264

Bank of Japan’s Monetary Easing Measures: Are They Powerful and Comprehensive?

Lam, W. Raphael

Working Paper No. 11/265

The Problem That Wasn’t: Coordination Failures in Sovereign Debt Restructurings

Bi, Ran; Chamon, Marcos; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin

Working Paper No. 11/266

The Design of Fiscal Adjustment Strategies in Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and Swaziland

Basdevant, Olivier; Benicio, Dalmacio; Mircheva, Borislava; Mongardini, Joannes; Verdier, Geneviéve; Yang, Susan; Zanna, Luis-Felipe

Working Paper No. 11/267

Low-Income Countries’ BRIC Linkage: Are There Growth Spillovers?

Samaké, Issouf; Yang, Yongzheng

IMF Working Papers and other IMF publications can be downloaded in full-text format from the Research at the IMF website: