This paper examines credit conditions and recoveries from financial crises. The paper highlights that the prospects for recovery from the 2008 global financial crisis appear to be on the horizon. The paper discusses that the question—what determines the path of recovery from a recession associated with a financial crisis—is of utmost importance as policymakers debate how soon to withdraw the extraordinary monetary and fiscal stimulus that were put in place soon after the onset of the crisis. The paper also analyzes inflation targeting in emerging economies.
IMF Working Papers
No. 09/142
Will they Sing the Same Tune? Measuring Convergence in the new European System of Financial Supervisors
Masciandaro, Donato; Nieto, María; Quintyn, Marc
No. 09/143
Bank Competition, Risk and Asset Allocations
Boyd, John H.; De Nicoló, Gianni; Jalal, Abu M.
No. 09/144
The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Public-Private Partnerships
Burger, Philippe; Tyson, Justin; Karpowicz, I.; Delgado Coelho, Maria
No. 09/145
Anatomy of Regional Disparities in the Slovak Republic
Banerjee, Biswajit; Jarmuzek, Mariusz
No. 09/146
Introducing the Euro as Legal Tender - Benefits and Costs of Eurorization for Cape Verde
Imam, Patrick A.
No. 09/147
Macroeconomic Fundamentals, Price Discovery and Volatility Dynamics in Emerging Markets
Nowak, Sylwia; Andritzky, Jochen R.; Jobst, Andreas; Tamirisa, Natalia T.
No. 09/148
In Search of Successful Inflation Targeting: Evidence from an Inflation Targeting Index
Miao, Yanliang
No. 09/149
Requirements for Using Interest Rates as an Operating Target for Monetary Policy: The Case of Tunisia
Chailloux, Alexandre; Durré, Alain; Laurens, Bernard
No. 09/150
Development of the Commercial Banking System in Afghanistan: Risks and Rewards
Pavlovic, Jelena; Charap, Joshua
No. 09/151
How the Financial Crisis Affects Pensions and Insurance and Why the Impacts Matter
Impavido, Gregorio; Tower, Ian
No. 09/152
Why Are Canadian Banks More Resilient?
Ratnovski, Lev; Huang, Rocco
No. 09/153
Do Workers' Remittances Promote Economic Growth?
Barajas, Adolfo; Chami, Ralph; Fullenkamp, Connel; Gapen, Michael T.; Montiel, Peter
No. 09/154
The Quality of Public Investment
Chakraborty, Shankha; Dabla-Norris, Era
No. 09/155
Spillovers from the Rest of the World into Sub-Saharan African Countries
Drummond, Paulo Flavio Nacif; Ramirez, Gustavo
No. 09/156
A Framework for Financial Market Development
Chami, Ralph; Fullenkamp, Connel; Sharma, Sunil
No. 09/157
Revenue Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges from Globalization
Keen, Michael; Mansour, Mario
No. 09/158
Fiscal Cycles in the Caribbean
Araujo, Juliana Dutra
No. 09/159
Macroeconomic Fluctuations in the Caribbean: The Role of Climatic and External Shocks
Sosa, Sebastian; Cashin, Paul
No. 09/160
How Effective is Fiscal Policy Response in Systemic Banking Crises?
Baldacci, Emanuele; Gupta, Sanjeev; Mulas-Granados, Carlos
No. 09/161
Country Experiences with the Introduction and Implementation of Inflation Targeting
Freedman, Charles; Ötker, Inci
No. 09/162
Recent Advances in Credit Risk Modeling
Capuano, Christian; Chan-Lau, Jorge A.; Gasha, Jose Giancarlo; Medeiros, Carlos I.; Santos, Andre; Souto, Marcos
No. 09/163
Panacea, Curse, or Nonevent? Unconventional Monetary Policy in the United Kingdom
Meier, André
No. 09/164
The Composition Matters: Capital Inflows and Liquidity Crunch during a Global Economic Crisis
Tong, Hui; Wei, Shang-Jin
No. 09/165
An Assessment of External Price Competitiveness for Mozambique
Vitek, Francis
No. 09/166
Spillovers of the U.S. Subprime Financial Turmoil to Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR: Evidence from Stock Markets
Sun, Tao; Zhang, Xiaojing
No. 09/167
Measures of Underlying Inflation in Sri Lanka
Gupta, Souvik; Saxegaard, Magnus
No. 09/168
The Challenge of Enforcement in Securities Markets: Mission Impossible?
Carvajal, Ana; Elliott, Jennifer A.
No. 09/169
Employment Effects of Growth Rebalancing in China
Guo, Kai; N'Diaye, Papa
No. 09/170
Does Good Financial Performance Mean Good Financial Intermediation in China?
Feyzioglu, Tarhan
No. 09/171
Interest Rate Liberalization in China
Feyzioglu, Tarhan; Porter, Nathaniel John; Takáts, Elöd
No. 09/172
Is China's Export-Oriented Growth Sustainable?
Guo, Kai; N'Diaye, Papa
No. 09/173
Counterparty Risk, Impact on Collateral Flows and Role for Central Counterparties
Singh, Manmohan; Aitken, James
No. 09/174
Fiscal Vulnerability and Sustainability in Oil-Producing Sub-Saharan African Countries
York, Robert C.; Zhan, Zaijin
No. 09/175
India's Experience with Fiscal Rules: An Evaluation and The Way Forward
Simone, Alejandro; Topalova, Petia
No. 09/176
Tourism Specialization and Economic Development : Evidence from the UNESCO World Heritage List
Arezki, Rabah; Cherif, Reda; Piotrowski, John
No. 09/177
Towards a Principal-Agent Based Typology of Risks in Public-Private Partnerships
de Palma, André; Leruth, Luc; Prunier, Guillaume
No. 09/178
Incorporating Market Information into the Construction of the Fan Chart
Elekdag, Selim; Kannan, Prakash
No. 09/179
Setting up a Sovereign Wealth Fund: Some Policy and Operational Considerations
Das, Udaibir S.; Mulder, Christian B.; Sy, Amadou N.R.; Lu, Y.
No. 09/180
Credit Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa - Sources, Risks, and Policy Responses
Iossifov, Plamen; Khamis, May Y.
No. 09/181
Putting the Parts Together: Trade, Vertical Linkages, and Business Cycle Comovement
di Giovanni, Julian; Levchenko, Andrei A.
No. 09/182
Understanding the Growth of African Financial Markets
Yartey, Charles Amo; Andrianaivo, Mihasonirina
No. 09/183
International Evidence on Recovery from Recessions
Cerra, Valerie; Panizza, Ugo; Saxena, Sweta Chaman
No. 09/184
Establishing Conversion Values for New Currency Unions: Method and Application to the Planned Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Currency Union
Krueger, Russell C.; Kamar, Bassem; Carlotti, Jean-Etienne
No. 09/185
Euro Area Monetary Policy in Uncharted Waters
Cihák, Martin; Harjes, Thomas; Stavrev, Emil
No. 09/186
One Money, One Market - A Revised Benchmark
Eicher, Theo S.; Henn, Christian
No. 09/187
How Good Are Ex Ante Program Evaluation Techniques? The Case of School Enrollment in PROGRESA
Bornhorst, Fabian
No. 09/188
Search in the Labor Market Under Imperfectly Insurable Income Risk
Roca, Mauro
No. 09/189
What Drives China's Interbank Market?
Porter, Nathaniel John; Xu, TengTeng
No. 09/190
Fiscal Sustainability in Remittance-Dependent Economies
Abdih, Yasser; Chami, Ralph; Gapen, Michael T.; Mati, Amine
No. 09/191
Monetary Policy and the Central Bank in Jordan
Maziad, Samar
No. 09/192
The Gambia: Demand for Broad Money and Implications for Monetary Policy Conduct
Sriram, Subramanian S.
No. 09/193
Institutional Inertia
Valderrama, Laura
No. 09/194
Political Risk Aversion
Valderrama, Laura
No. 09/195
Lebanon-Determinants of Commercial Bank Deposits in a Regional Financial Center
Finger, Harald; Hesse, Heiko
No. 09/196
The Derivatives Market in South Africa: Lessons for Sub-Saharan African Countries
Adelegan, Olatundun Janet
No. 09/197
Frugality: Are We Fretting Too Much? Household Saving and Assets in the United States
Abdih, Yasser; Tanner, Evan
No. 09/198
The Real Effects of Financial Sector Risk
Tieman, Alexander F.; Maechler, Andrea M.
No. 09/199
Modernizing Bank Regulation in Support of Financial Deepening: The Case of Uruguay
Adler, Gustavo; Mansilla, Mario; Wezel, Torsten
No. 09/200
The Need for Special Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions—The Case of the European Union
Cihák, Martin; Nier, Erlend
No. 09/201
French Banks Amid the Global Financial Crisis
Xiao, Yingbin
No. 09/202
Benchmark Priors Revisited: On Adaptive Shrinkage and the Supermodel Effect in Bayesian Model Averaging
Feldkircher, Martin; Zeugner, Stefan
No. 09/203
The Drivers of Housing Cycles in Spain
Aspachs-Bracons, Oriol; Rabanal, Pau
No. 09/204
How to Stop a Herd of Running Bears? Market Response to Policy Initiatives during the Global Financial Crisis
Aït-Sahalia, Yacine; Andritzky, Jochen R.; Jobst, Andreas; Nowak, Sylwia Barbara; Tamirisa, Natalia T.
No. 09/205
Commodity Terms of Trade: The History of Booms and Busts
Spatafora, Nikola; Tytell, Irina
No. 09/206
The Effectiveness of Central Bank Interventions During the First Phase of the Subprime Crisis
Frank, Nathaniel; Hesse, Heiko
No. 09/207
Accounting Discretion of Banks During a Financial Crisis
Huizinga, Harry; Laeven, Luc
No. 09/208
Controlling Capital? Legal Restrictions and the Asset Composition of International Financial Flows
Binici, Mahir; Hutchison, Michael; Schindler, Martin
No. 09/209
International Risk Sharing During the Globalization Era
Flood, Robert P. ; Marion, Nancy P.; Matsumoto, Akito
No. 09/210
Who Benefits from Capital Account Liberalization? Evidence from Firm-Level Credit Ratings Data
Prati, Alessandro; Schindler, Martin; Valenzuela, Patricio
No. 09/211
Revised System for the Classification of Exchange Rate Arrangements
Habermeier, Karl Friedrich; Kokenyne, Annamaria; Veyrune, Romain; Anderson, Harald
No. 09/212
Cointegrated TFP Processes and International Business Cycles
Rabanal, Pau; Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F.; Tuesta, Vicente
No. 09/213
What Determines Bond Market Development in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Adelegan, Olatundun Janet; Radzewicz-Bak, Bozena
No. 09/214
Constructing Forecast Confidence Bands during the Financial Crisis
Chen, Huigang; Clinton, Kevin; Johnson, Marianne; Kamenik, Ondra; Laxton, Douglas
No. 09/215
São Tomé and Príncipe: Domestic Tax System and Tax Revenue Potential
Farhan, Nisreen H.
No. 09/216
Determinants and Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa
Singh, Raju; Haacker, Markus; Lee, Kyung-woo
No. 09/217
Access to Market Financing for IDA-Eligible Countries—The Role of External Debt and IMF-Supported Programs
Thomas, Alun H.
No. 09/218
Do Trading Partners Still Matter for Nigeria's Growth? A Contribution to the Debate on Decoupling and Spillovers
Obiora, Kingsley I.
No. 09/219
The Uncertainty Channel of Contagion
Kannan, Prakash; Köhler-Geib, Fritzi
No. 09/220
Oil Prices and Bank Profitability: Evidence from Major Oil-Exporting Countries in the Middle East and North Africa
Poghosyan, Tigran; Hesse, Heiko
No. 09/221
External Balance in Low Income Countries
Christiansen, Lone Engbo; Prati, Alessandro; Ricci, Luca Antonio; Tressel, Thierry
No. 09/222
Euro Area Sovereign Risk During the Crisis
Sgherri, Silvia; Zoli, Edda
No. 09/223
Australian Bank and Corporate Sector Vulnerabilities—An International Perspective
Takáts, Elöd; Tumbarello, Patrizia
No. 09/224
New Zealand Bank Vulnerabilities in International Perspective
Brooks, Ray; Cubero, Rodrigo
No. 09/225
Revisiting the Determinants of Productivity Growth: What's New?
Loko, Boileau; Diouf, Mame Astou
No. 09/226
Unconventional Central Bank Measures for Emerging Economies
Ishi, Kotaro; Stone, Mark R.; Yehoue, Etienne B.
No. 09/227
Analyzing Fiscal Space Using the MAMS Model: An Application to Burkina Faso
Gottschalk, Jan; Manh Le,, Vu; Lofgren, Hans; Nouve, Kofi
No. 09/228
The Liquidity and Liquidity Distribution Effects in Emerging Markets: The Case of Jordan
Vandenbussche, Jérôme; Blazsek, Szabolcs; Watt, Stanley
No. 09/229
Macro-Hedging for Commodity Exporters
Borensztein, Eduardo; Jeanne, Olivier; Sandri, Damiano
No. 09/230
Global Market Conditions and Systemic Risk
González-Hermosillo, Brenda; Hesse, Heiko
No. 09/231
Three Cycles: Housing, Credit, and Real Activity
Igan, Deniz; Kabundi, Alain N.; Nadal-De Simone, Francisco; Pinheiro, Marcelo; Tamirisa, Natalia T.
No. 09/232
Monetary Policy and the Lost Decade: Lessons from Japan
Leigh, Daniel
No. 09/233
Excessive Lending, Leverage, and Risk-Taking in the Presence of Bailout Expectations
Georgiou, Andréas
No. 09/234
Hybrid Inflation Targeting Regimes
Roger, Scott; Restrepo, Jorge; Garcia, Carlos
No. 09/235
Is the Canadian Housing Market Overvalued? A Post-Crisis Assessment
Tsounta, Evridiki
No. 09/236
Inflation Targeting at 20: Achievements and Challenges
Roger, Scott
No. 09/237
Fiscal Deficits and Current Account Deficits
Kumhof, Michael; Laxton, Douglas
No. 09/238
Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting in the World Economy: A Panel Unobserved Components Approach
Vitek, Francis
No. 09/239
Sovereign Wealth Funds and Financial Stability - An Event Study Analysis
Sun, Tao; Hesse, Heiko
No. 09/240
Treating Intangible Inputs as Investment Goods: The Impact on Canadian GDP
Belhocine, Nazim
No. 09/241
The Role of Financial Variables in Predicting Economic Activity in the Euro Area
Espinoza, Raphael A.; Fornari, Fabio; Lombardi, Marco
No. 09/242
Valuation of Unlisted Direct Investment Equity
Kumah, Emmanuel; Damgaard, Jannick; Elkjaer, Thomas
No. 09/243
Top-Down Budgeting - An Instrument to Strengthen Budget Management
Ljungman, Gösta
No. 09/244
A Rule-Based Medium-Term Fiscal Policy Framework for Tanzania
Kim, Daehaeng; Saito, Mika
No. 09/245
What's the Damage? Medium-Term Output Dynamics After Banking Crises
Abiad, Abdul; Balakrishnan, Ravi; Koeva Brooks, Petya; Leigh, Daniel; Tytell, Irina
No. 09/246
Governance and Fund Management in the Chinese Pension System
Impavido, Gregorio; Hu, Yu-Wei; Li, Xiaohong
No. 09/247
Financial Sector Surveillance and the IMF
Gola, Carlo; Spadafora, Francesco
No. 09/248
Today versus Tomorrow: The Sensitivity of the Non-Oil Current Account Balance to Permanent and Current Income
Thomas, Alun H.; Bayoumi, Tamim
No. 09/249
Countering the Cycle - The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Korea
Eskesen, Leif Lybecker
No. 09/250
The Stock of Intangible Capital in Canada: Evidence from the Aggregate Value of Securities
Belhocine, Nazim
No. 09/251
Monetary and Macroprudential Policy Rules in a Model with House Price Booms
Kannan, Prakash; Rabanal, Pau; Scott, Alasdair
No. 09/252
Macroeconomic Patterns and Monetary Policy in the Run-up to Asset Price Busts
Kannan, Prakash; Rabanal, Pau; Scott, Alasdair
No. 09/253
Adding Indonesia to the Global Projection Model
Andrle, Michal; Freedman, Charles; Garcia-Saltos, Roberto; Hermawan, Danny; Laxton, Douglas; Munandar, Haris
No. 09/254
Credit Derivatives: Systemic Risks and Policy Options?
Kiff, John; Elliott, Jennifer A.; Kazarian, Elias G.; Scarlata, Jodi G.; Spackman, Carolyne
IMF Working Papers and other IMF publications can be downloaded in full-text format from the Research at the IMF website: http://www.imf.org/research.