The IMF Research Bulletin, a quarterly publication, selectively summarizes research and analytical work done by various departments at the IMF, and also provides a listing of research documents and other research-related activities, including conferences and seminars. The Bulletin is intended to serve as a summary guide to research done at the IMF on various topics, and to provide a better perspective on the analytical underpinnings of the IMF’s operational work.
Working Paper No. 02/172
Poverty Dynamics in Rural India
Aziz, Jahangir
Working Paper No. 02/173
Cotton Sector Strategies in West and Central Africa
Badiane, Ousmane; Ghura, Dhaneshwar; Goreux, Louis; Masson, Paul R.
Working Paper No. 02/174
Transparency and International Investor Behavior
Gelos, R. Gaston; Wei, Shang-Jin
Working Paper No. 02/175
The ECB and Euro-Area Enlargement
Berger, Helge
Working Paper No. 02/176
A Comparative Analysis of Government Social Spending Indicators and Their Correlation with Social Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Lopes, Paulo S.
Working Paper No. 02/177
Operational Aspects of Fiscal Policy in Oil-Producing Countries
Barnett, Steven A.; Ossowski, Rolando J.
Working Paper No. 02/178
A New Financial System for Poverty Reduction and Growth
Bossone, Biagio; Sarr, Abdourahmane
Working Paper No. 02/179
Statistical Legislation: Toward a More General Framework
Khawaja, Sarmad; Morrison, Thomas K.
Working Paper No. 02/180
Economic Transition, Entrepreneurial Capacity, and Intergenerational Distribution
Hougaard Jensen, Svend E.; Rasmussen, Tobias N.; Rutherford, Thomas F.
Working Paper No. 02/181
Moral Hazard and International Crisis Lending: A Test
Dell’Ariccia, Giovanni; Schnabel, Isabel; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin
Working Paper No. 02/182
User Payments for Basic Education in Low-Income Countries
Hillman, Arye L.; Jenkner, Eva R.
Working Paper No. 02/183
How Does Conditional Aid (Not) Work?
Ramcharan, Rodney
Working Paper No. 02/184
The Inflation Targeting Framework in Norway
Soikkeli, Jarkko
Working Paper No. 02/185
Money Demand in the Euro Area: Where Do We Stand (Today)?
Kontolemis G., Zenon
Working Paper No. 02/186
Consolidation and Market Structure in Emerging Market Banking Systems
Gelos, R. Gaston; Roldos, Jorge E.
Working Paper No. 02/187
Expenditure Issues and Governance in Central America
Corbacho, Ana; Davoodi, Hamid R.
Working Paper No. 02/188
Dollarization, Monetary Policy, and the Pass-Through
Ize, Alain; Parrado, Eric
Working Paper No. 02/189
Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions over Integration and Geography in Economic Development
Rodrik, Dani; Subramanian, Arvind; Trebbi, Francesco
Working Paper No. 02/190
Tunisia’s Experience with Real Exchange Rate Targeting and the Transition to a Flexible Exchange Rate Regime
Fanizza, Domenico G.; Laframboise, Nicole L.; Martin, E.; Sab, Randa E.; Karpowicz, Izabela
Working Paper No. 02/191
Quantifying the Impact of Trade on Wages: The Role of Nontraded Goods
Tokarick, Stephen P.
Working Paper No. 02/192
Islamic Financial Institutions and Products in the Global Financial System: Key Issues in Risk Management and Challenges Ahead
Sundararajan, V.; Errico, Luca
Working Paper No. 02/193
Bedfellows, Hostages, or Perfect Strangers? Global Capital Markets and the Catalytic Effect of IMF Crisis Lending
Cottarelli, Carlo; Giannini, Curzio
Working Paper No. 02/194
Growth-Financial Intermediation Nexus in China
Aziz, Jahangir; Duenwald, Christoph K.
Working Paper No. 02/195
Modeling the Macroeconomic Impact of HIV/AIDS
Haacker, Markus
Working Paper No. 02/196
The Challenge of Diversification in the Caribbean
Berezin, Peter; Salehizadeh, Ali; Santana, Elcior
Working Paper No. 02/197
Modern Hyper- and High Inflations
Fischer, Stanley; Sahay, Ratna; Vegh, Carlos
Working Paper No. 02/198
The Economics of Post-Conflict Aid
Demekas, Dimitrios G.; McHugh, James E.; Kosma, Theodora
Working Paper No. 02/199
Automatic Fiscal Stabilizers in France
Di Bella, Gabriel
Working Paper No. 02/200
An Empirical Analysis of China’s Export Behavior
Cerra, Valerie; Saxena, Sweta C.
Working Paper No. 02/201
Testing the Relationship Between Government Spending and Revenue: Evidence from GCC Countries
Fasano, Ugo; Wang, Qing
Working Paper No. 02/202
International Stock Returns and Market Integration: A Regional Perspective
Brooks, Robin J.; Del Negro, Marco
Working Paper No. 02/203
Oil Revenue Assignments: Country Experiences and Issues
Ahmad, Ehtisham; Mottu, Eric A.
Working Paper No. 02/204
Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Turkey
Leigh, Daniel; Rossi, Marco
Working Paper No. 02/205
An Analysis of Money Demand and Inflation in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Celasun, Oya; Goswami, Mangal
Working Paper No. 02/206
The Use of Credit Ceilings in the Presence of Indirect Monetary Instruments: An Analytical Framework
Yossifov, Plamen
Working Paper No. 02/207
MODIS: A Market-Oriented Deposit Insurance Scheme
Vaez-Zadeh, Reza; Xie, Danyang; Zoli, Edda
Working Paper No. 02/208
The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Stimulating Economic Activity—A Review of the Literature
Hemming, Richard; Kell, Michael S.; Mahfouz, Selma
Working Paper 02/209
On National or Supranational Objectives: Improving the Effectiveness of Targeted Expenditure Programs
Ahmad, Ehtisham; Tandberg, Eivind; Zhang, Ping
Working Paper 02/210
A Balance Sheet Approach to Financial Crisis
Allen, Mark; Rosenberg, Christoph B.; Keller, Christian; Setser, Brad; Roubini, Nouriel
Working Paper 02/211
An Evaluation of Monetary Regime Options for Latin America
Berg, Andrew; Borensztein, Eduardo R.; Mauro, Paolo
Working Paper No. 02/212
A Political-Economic Model of the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime
Sun, Yan
Working Paper No. 02/213
The Persistence of Corruption and Slow Economic Growth
Mauro, Paolo
Working Paper No. 02/214
WTO Financial Services Commitments: Determinants and Impact on Financial Stability
Valckx, Nico
Working Paper No. 02/215
Implications of Migration on Income and Welfare of Nationals
Ueda, Kenichi
Working Paper No. 02/216
Population Aging and Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability in Austria
Eskesen, Leif Lybecker
Working Paper No. 02/217
International Liquidity and the Role of the SDR in the International Monetary System
Clark, Peter B.; Polak, Jacques J.
Working Paper No. 02/218
Financial Contagion and Investor “Learning”: An Empirical Investigation
Basu, Ritu
Working Paper 02/219
Welfare Effects of Transparency in Foreign Exchange Markets: The Role of Hedging Opportunities
Drees, Burkhard; Eckwert, Bernhard
Working Paper No. 02/220
Monetary Policy Credibility and the Unemployment-Inflation Trade-off: Some Evidence from 17 Industrial Countries
Laxton, Douglas M.; N’Diaye, Papa
Working Paper No. 02/221
Income from Bonds: Treatment in the System of National Accounts, 1993
Laliberte, Lucie
Working Paper No. 02/222
How Symmetric Are the Shocks and the Shock Adjustment Dynamics Between the Euro Area and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)?
Frenkel, Michael; Nickel, Christiane
Working Paper No. 02/223
Keynes, Cocoa, and Copper: In Search of Commodity Currencies
Cashin, Paul A.; Cespedes, Luis; Sahay, Ratna
Working Paper No. 02/224
Explaining the Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Different Prices
Choudhri, Ehsan U.; Faruqee, Hamid; Hakura, Dalia S.
Working Paper No. 02/225
Monetary Policy and Asset Prices: Does “Benign Neglect” Make Sense?
Bordo, Michael D.; Jeanne, Olivier D.
Working Paper No. 02/226
Monetary Union in West Africa: Who Might Gain, Who Might Lose, and Why?
Debrun, Xavier; Masson, Paul R.; Pattillo, Catherine A.
Working Paper No. 02/227
Central American Tax Reform: Trends and Possibilities
Stotsky, Janet G.; WoldeMariam, Asegedech
Working Paper No. 02/228
Why Do Many Disinflations Fail? The Importance of Luck, Timing, and Political Institutions
Hamann, A. Javier; Prati, Alessandro
Working Paper No. 02/229
Common and Idiosyncratic Components in Real Output: Further International Evidence
Nadal De Simone, Francisco D.
Working Paper No. 02/230
Compiling and Using Export and Import Price Indices
Zieschang, Kimberly D.; Dridi, Jemma
IMF Working Papers and other IMF publications can be downloaded in full-text format from http://www.imf.org/publications.