The IMF Research Bulletin, a quarterly publication, selectively summarizes research and analytical work done by various departments at the IMF, and also provides a listing of research documents and other research-related activities, including conferences and seminars. The Bulletin is intended to serve as a summary guide to research done at the IMF on various topics, and to provide a better perspective on the analytical underpinnings of the IMF’s operational work.
Journal Articles
Becker, Torbjorn; Gelos, Gaston R.; Richards, Anthony
Devaluation Expectations and the Stock Market: A New Measure and an Application to Mexico, 1994/95
International Journal of Finance and Economics
Blejer, Mario; Feldman, Ernesto; Feltenstein, Andrew
Exogenous Shocks, Contagion, and Bank Soundness: A Macroeconomic Framework
Journal of International Money and Finance
Bordo, Michael; Jeanne, Olivier
Monetary Policy and Asset Prices: Does “Benign Neglect” Make Sense?
International Finance
Borensztein, Eduardo; Lee, Jong-Wha
Financial Crisis and Credit Crunch in Korea: Evidence from Firm-Level Data
Journal of Monetary Economics
Callen, Timothy; Cashin, Paul
Capital Controls, Capital Flows, and External Crises: Evidence from India
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
Calvo, Guillermo; Reinhart, Carmen M.
Fear of Floating
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Canova, Fabio; De Nicolo, Gianni
Monetary Disturbances Matter for Business Fluctuations in the G-7
Journal of Monetary Economics
Cashin, Paul; Haque, Nadeem Ul; Olekalns, Nilss
Tax Smoothing, Tax Tilting, and Fiscal Sustainability in Pakistan
Economic Modelling
Cashin, Paul; McDermott, John
Intertemporal Consumption Smoothing and Capital Mobility: Evidence from Australia
Australian Economic Papers
Cashin, Paul; McDermott, John
Riding on the Sheep’s Back: Examining Australia’s Dependence on Wool Exports
Economic Record
Cashin, Paul; McDermott, John
Terms of Trade Shocks and the Current Account: Evidence from Five Industrial Countries
Open Economies Review
Cashin, Paul; McDermott, John; Alasdair, Scott
Booms and Slumps in World Commodity Prices
Journal of Development Economics
Chami, Ralph; Cosimano, Thomas; Fullenkamp, Connel
Managing Ethical Risk: How Investing in Ethics Adds Value
Journal of Banking and Finance
Chami, Ralph; Fullenkamp, Connel
The Economics of Private Nonmarket Insurance and the Faith-Based Initiative
The Actuary
Chami, Ralph; Fullenkamp, Connel
Trust and Efficiency
Journal of Banking and Finance
Chan-Lau, Jorge
Corporate Restructuring in Japan: An Event-Study Analysis
Japan and the World Economy
Choueiri, Nada
A Model of Contagious Currency Crises with Application to Argentina
Journal of International Money and Finance
Commander, Simon; Dolinskaya, Irina; Mumssen, Christian
Determinants of Barter in Russia: An Empirical Analysis
Journal of Development Economics
Darbar, Salim M.; Deb, Partha
Cross-Market Correlations and Transmission of Information
The Journal of Futures Markets
De Nicolò, Gianni; Kwast, Myron
Systemic Risk and Financial Consolidation: Are They Related?
Journal of Banking and Finance
Decressin, Jorg
Regional Income Redistribution and Risk Sharing: How Does Italy Compare in Europe?
Journal of Public Economics
Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli; Detragiache, Enrica
Does Deposit Insurance Increase Bank Stability? An Empirical Investigation
Journal of Monetary Economics
Domac, Ilker; Kandil, Magda Elsayed
On the Performance and Practicality of Nominal GDP Targeting in Germany
Journal of Economic Studies
Edison, Hali; Levine, Ross; Ricci, Luca; Sloek, Torsten
International Financial Integration and Economic Growth
Journal of International Money and Finance
Espinosa-Vega, Marco; Yip, Chong K.
Government Financing in an Endogenous Growth Model with Financial Market Restrictions
Economic Theory
Espinosa-Vega, Marco; Smith, Bruce D.; Yip, Chong K.
Monetary Policy and Government Credit Programs
Journal of Financial Intermediation
Faruqee, Hamid; Mühleisen, Martin
Population Aging in Japan: Demographic Shock and Fiscal Sustainability
Japan and the World Economy
Feltenstein, Andrew; Iwata, Shigeru
Why Is It So Hard to Finance Budget Deficits? Problems of a Developing Country
Journal of Asian Economics
Feltenstein, Andrew; Sarangi, Sudipta
Macroeconomic Stabilization and Economic Growth: Analysis of Reform Policies in Tanzania
Journal of Policy Modeling
Fernández, Carmen; Ley, Eduardo; Steel, Mark F.J.
Bayesian Modeling of Catch in a Northwest Atlantic Fishery
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics)
Fischer, Stanley; Sahay, Ratna; Vegh, Carlos
Modern Hyper-and High Inflations
Journal of Economic Literature
Gelos, Gaston R.; Werner, Alejandro
Financial Liberalization, Credit Constraints, and Collateral: Investment in the Mexican Manufacturing Sector
Journal of Development Economics
Gonzalez, Maria de los Angeles
Do Changes in Democracy Affect the Political Budget Cycle? Evidence from Mexico
Review of Development Economics
Gupta, Sanjeev; Heller, Peter
More Aid—Making It Work for the Poor
World Economics
Gupta, Sanjeev; Marijn, Verhoeven; Tiongson, Erwin
Decomposing Social Indicators Using Ecological Inference
Applied Economics Letters
Hanson, Gordon; Robertson, Raymond; Spilimbergo, Antonio
Does Border Enforcement Protect U.S. Workers from Illegal Immigration?
Review of Economics and Statistics
Jeanne, Olivier; Rose, Andrew
Noise Trading and Exchange Rate Regimes
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Kandil, Magda
Cost of Living Adjustments and Business Cycles: Disaggregated Evidence
Macroeconomic Dynamics
Kandil, Magda; Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen; Chomsisengphet, Souphala
Are Devaluations Contractionary in Asia?
Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics
Kandil, Magda; Domac, Ilker
On the Performance and Practicality of Nominal GDP Targeting in Germany
Journal of Economic Studies
Keen, Michael
The German Tax Reform of 2000
International Tax and Public Finance
Keen, Michael
Some International Issues in Commodity Taxation
Swedish Economic Policy Review
Keen, Michael; King, John
The Croatian Profit Tax: An ACE in Practice
Fiscal Studies
Keen, Micheal; Lahiri, Sajal; Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis
Tax Principles and Tax Harmonization Under Imperfect Competition: A Cautionary Example
European Economic Review
Klyuev, Vlademir
Exchange Rate Regime Choice in Central and Eastern European Transitional Economies
Comparative Economic Studies
Kose, Ayhan M.
Explaining Business Cycles in Small Open Economies: How Much Do World Prices Matter?
Journal of International Economics
Kose, Ayhan M.; Riezman, Raymond
How Severe Is the Innocent Bystander Problem?
Pacific Economic Review
Lane, Philip R.; Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria
External Wealth, the Trade Balance, and the Real Exchange Rate
European Economic Review
Lane, Philip R.; Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria
Long-Run Determinants of the Irish Real Exchange Rate
Applied Economics
Lane, Philip R.; Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria
Long-Term Capital Movements
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2001
Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria; Perotti, Roberto; Rostagno, Massimo
Electoral Systems and Public Spending
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Mishkin, Frederic; Savastano, Miguel
Monetary Policy Strategies for Emerging Market Countries: Lessons from Latin America
Contemporary Economic Studies
Obstfeld, Maurice; Rogoff, Kenneth
Global Implications of Self-Oriented National Monetary Rules
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Odling-Smee, John; Pastor, Gonzalo
The IMF and the Ruble Area: 1991-93
Comparative Economic Studies
Panagariya, Arvind; Duttagupta, Rupa
Politics of Free Trade Areas: Tariffs versus Quotas
Journal of International Economics
Podpiera, Richard; Hanousek, Jan
Information-Driven Trading at the Prague Stock Exchange: Evidence from Intra-Day Data
Economics of Transition
Sayek, Selin; Selover, David
International Interdependence and Business Cycles Transmission Between Turkey and the European Union
Southern Economic Journal
Soderling, Ludvig
Manufacturing Competitiveness in Africa: Evidence from Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, and Senegal
Economic Development and Cultural Change
Sriram, Subramanian S.
Demand for Money: Major Analytical Framework
Southern Economist
Sriram, Subramanian
Determinants and Stability of Demand for M2 in Malaysia
Journal of Asian Economics
Swagel, Phillip; Tan, Ling Hui
Unionization and Strategic Trade Policy
The International Trade Journal
Sy, Amadou
Emerging Market Bond Spreads and Sovereign Credit Ratings: Reconciling Market Views with Economic Fundamentals
Emerging Markets Review
Tiongson, Erwin; Gupta, Sanjeev; Verhoeven, Marijn
The Effectiveness of Government Spending on Education and Health Care in Developing and Transition Economies
European Journal of Political Economy
Other External Publications
(Contributions to Books and Conference Volumes)
Blejer, Mario; Leone, Alfredo; Rabanal, Pau
Inflation Targeting in the Context of IMF-Supported Adjustment Programs
Inflation Targeting: Design, Performance, and Challenges, ed. by Norman Loayza and Raimundo Soto (Central Bank of Chile)
Cashin, Paul; Liang, Hong
Features of Korean Business and Export Cycles
Korea’s Economy (Korean Economic Institute of America)
Evans, Owen; Leone, Alfredo; Gill, Mahinder; Hilbers, Paul
Macroprudential Indicators of Financial System Soundness
Issues in the Frontier of International Financial Regulation, ed. by Renwu Liu and Jinze Wu (Chinese Finance Publisher, Beijing)
Gonzalez-Hermosillo, Brenda; Dungey, Mardi; Fry, Renee; Martin, Vance
The Transmission of Contagion in Developed and Developing International Bond Markets
Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, Bank for International Settlements
Haacker, Markus
Providing Health Care to HIV Patients in Southern Africa
The Economics of Essential Medicines, ed. by Brigitte Granville (Royal Institute for International Affairs, London)
Latter, Tony; Odling-Smee, John; Buiter, Willem; Vanhala, Matti
Fix versus Float: What Have We Learned from the 1990s?
Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes in the Globalised World (Bank of Estonia)
A full and updated listing of external publications of IMF staff (from 1997 onward), including forthcoming publications, can be found in a searchable database at the Research at the IMF website at http://www.imf.org/research.