Articles reviewing IMF research on dollarization and on the relationship between macroeconomic policies and income distribution; country/area study: The Euro Area; summaries of Second Annual IMF Research Conference and Investor Relations Seminar; list of external publications of IMF staff; IMF working papers; visiting scholars at the IMF.
Working Paper No. 01/102
Monetary Policy Under EMU: Differences in the Transition Mechanism?
Clements, Benedict J.; Kontolemis G., Zenon; Levy, Joaquim V.
Working Paper No. 01/103
Financial Repression and Exchange Rate Management in Developing Countries: Theory and Empirical Evidence for India
Kletzer, Kenneth; Renu Kohli
Working Paper No. 01/104
Reserve Pooling in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union and the CFA Franc Zone: A Comparative Analysis
Williams, Oral; Polius, Tracy; Hazel, Selvon
Working Paper No. 01/105
A Statistical Analysis of Banking Performance in the Caribbean Currency Union in the 1990s
Juan-Ramon, V. H.; Randall, Ruby E.; Williams, Oral
Working Paper No. 01/106
The Impact of Public Education Expenditure on Human Capital, Growth, and Poverty in Tanzania and Zambia: A General Equilibrium Approach
Jung, Hong-Sang; Thorbecke, Erik
Working Paper No. 01/107
Long-Term Capital Movements
Lane, Philip; Milesi-Ferretti, Gian M.
Working Paper No. 01/108
Transitional Growth with Increasing Inequality and Financial Deepening
Ueda, Kenichi
Working Paper No. 01/109
Short-Term Forecasting: Projecting Italian GDP, One Quarter to Two Years Ahead
Iacoviello, Matteo
Working Paper No. 01/110
Injury Investigations in Anti-Dumping and the Super-Additivity Effect: A Theoretical Explanation
Gupta, Poonam; Panagariya, Arvind
Working Paper No. 01/111
The Asset Allocation of Emerging Market Mutual Funds
Disyatat, Piti; Gelos, Rafael G.
Working Paper No. 01/112
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa
Moser, Gary G.
Working Paper No. 01/113
The New Basel Capital Accord: The Devil Is in the (Calibration) Details
Kupiec, Paul H.
Working Paper No. 01/114
Institutional Reform in Transition Economies: How Far Have They Come
Weder, Beatrice
Working Paper No. 01/115
Multiples Avenues of Intermediation, Corporate Finance, and Financial Stability
Davis, E. Philip
Working Paper No. 01/116
Who Can Explain the Mauritian Miracle: Meade, Romer, Sachs, or Rodrik?
Subramanian, Arvind; Roy, Devesh
Working Paper No. 01/117
Agents’ Preferences, the Equity Premium, and the Consumption-Saving Trade-Off: An Application to French Data
Epaulard, Anne; Pommeret, Aude
Working Paper No. 01/118
Financial Liberalization, Money Demand, and Inflation in Uganda
Nachega, Jean C.
Working Paper No. 01/119
The Impact of U.S. Economic Growth on the Rest of the World: How Much Does it Matter?
Arora, Vivek B.; Vamvakidis, Athanasios
Working Paper No. 01/120
Czech Koruna and Polish Zloty: Spot and Currency Option Volatility Patterns
Morales, Armando
Working Paper No. 01/121
Is Foreign Debt Portfolio Management Efficient in Emerging Economies?
De Mello Jr., Luiz R.; Khaled Hussein
Working Paper No. 01/122
Has Inventory Investment Been Liquidity-Constrained? Evidence from U.S. Panel Data
Choi, Woon Gyu; Kim, Yungsan
Working Paper No. 01/123
Financial System Soundness in the Caribbean: An Initial Assessment
Worrell, DeLisle; Cherebin, Desiree; Polius-Mounsey, Tracy
Working Paper No. 01/124
Convergence of Relative Prices and Inflation in Central and Eastern Europe
Cihak, Martin; Holub, Tomas
Working Paper No. 01/125
Pension Reform in India
Gillingham, Robert F.; Kanda, Daniel S.
Working Paper No. 01/126
Subsidy Reforms and Poverty Alleviation
Chander, Prakash
Working Paper No. 01/127
Public Spending on Health Care and Poor
Gupta, Sanjeev; Verhoeven, Marijn; Tiongson, Erwin H.
Working Paper No. 01/128
Migration, Human Capital, and Poverty in a Dual-Economy of a Developing Country
Masson, Paul R.
Working Paper No. 01/129
Real Estate Market Developments and Financal Sector Soundness
Hilbers, Paul L.; Lei, Qin; Zacho, Lisbeth S.
Working Paper No. 01/130
The New International Financial Architecture and Africa
Le Gall, Francoise; Nsouli, Saleh M.
Working Paper No. 01/131
Policies and Prospects in Japan and The Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region
Callen, Timothy; McKibbin, Warwick J.
Working Paper No. 01/132
Statistical Treatment of Accrual of Interest on Debt Securities
Joisce, John; Wright, Chris
Working Paper No. 01/133
Returns to Human Capital & Investment in New Technology
Kaufman, Martin D.; Dunaway, Steven V.; Luzio, Rodolfo
Working Paper No. 01/134
Pure Contagion and Investors Shifting Risk Appetite: Analytical
Issues and Empirical Evidence
Kumar, Manmohan S.; Persaud, Avinash
Working Paper No. 01/135
Macroeconomic Policies and Poverty Reduction: Stylized Facts and an Overview of Research
Cashin, Paul A.; Mauro, Paolo; Pattillo, Catherine A.; Sahay, Ratna
Working Paper No. 01/136
Rationing Rules and Outcomes: The Experience of Singapore’s Vehicle Quota System
Tan, Ling H.
Working Paper No. 01/137
International Financial Contagion and the Fund: A Theoretical Framework
Clark, Peter B.; Huang, Haizhou
Working Paper No. 01/138
Bank Reform and Bank Efficiency in Pakistan
Hardy, Daniel C.; Bonaccorsi di Patti, Emilia
Working Paper No. 01/139
A Primer on Mineral Taxation
Baunsgaard, Thomas
Working Paper No. 01/140
A Model of Exchange Rate Regime Choice in the Transitional Economies of Central and Eastern Europe
Klyuev, Vladimir
Working Paper No. 01/141
Financial Sector Evolution in the Central European Economies: Challenges in Supporting Macroeconomic Stability and Sustainable Growth
Iakova, Dora M.; Wagner, Nancy L.
Working Paper No. 01/142
IMF Conditionality and Country Ownership of Programs
Khan, Mohsin S.; Sharma, Sunil
Working Paper No. 01/143
Reserve Adequacy in Emerging Market Economics
Wijnholds, Onno de Beaufort J.; Kapteyn, Arend
Working Paper No. 01/144
Debt Relief Under the HIPC Initiative: Context and Outlook for Debt Sustainability and Resource Flow
Ross, Doris C.; Abrego, Lisandro
Working Paper No. 01/145
Fiscal Rules: Useful Policy Framework or Unnecessary Ornament?
Kopits, George F.
Working Paper No. 01/146
Real Convergence to EU Income Levels: Central Europe from 1990 to the Long Term
Doyle, Peter; Kuijs, Louis; Jiang, Guorong
Working Paper No. 01/147
Asset Securitization and Structured Financing: Future Prospects and Challenges for Countries in Emerging Markets
Alles, Lakshman
Working Paper No. 01/148
What Does South Africa’s Pattern of Trade Say About Its Labor Markets?
Subramanian, Arvind; Alleyne, Trevor S.
Working Paper No. 01/149
Implementation of Monetary Policy and the Central Bank’s Balance Sheet
Schaechter, Andrea
Working Paper No. 01/150
Trade Integration and Political Turbulence: Environmental Policy Consequences
Fredriksson, Per G.; Mani, Muthukumara
Working Paper No. 01/151
Monetary Policy with a Touch of Basel
Chami, Ralph; Cosimano, Thomas
Working Paper No. 01/152
Characterizing Exchange Rate Regimes in Post-Crisis East Asia
Baig, Taimur
Working Paper No. 01/153
Economic and Environmental Benefits of Eliminating Log Export Bans: A Case for Costa Rica
Kishor, Nalin; Mani, Muthukumara; Constantino, Luis
Working Paper No. 01/154
From Crisis to Recovery in Korea: Strategy, Achievements, and Lessons
Chopra, Ajai; Kang, Kenneth H.; Karasulu, Meral; Liang, Hong; Ma, Henry P.
Working Paper No. 01/155
Why Has the Euro Been So Weak?
Meredith, Guy M.
Working Paper No. 01/156
Econometric Analysis of Discrete Reforms
Kireyev, Alexei P.
Working Paper No. 01/157
Cost and Effectiveness of Banking Sector Restructuring in Transition Economies
Zoli, Edda
Working Paper No. 01/158
Corporate Bond Risk and Real Activity: An Empirical Analysis of Yield Spreads and Their Systematic Components
Chan-Lau, Jorge; Ivaschenko, Iryna V
Working Paper No. 01/159
Should Banks Be Narrowed?
Bossone, Biagio
Working Paper No. 01/160
Financial Development and Poverty Alleviation: Issues and Policy Implications for Developing and Transition Countries
Holden, Paul; Prokopenko, Vassili
Working Paper No. 01/161
Inflation Targeting Under Asymmetric Preferences
Ruge-Murcia, Francisco J.
Working Paper No. 01/162
Systemic Financial Crises, Balance Sheets, and Model Uncertainity
Stone, Mark R.; Weeks, Melvyn
Working Paper No. 01/163
Trade in the Mashreq: An Empirical Examination
Blavy, Rodolphe
Working Paper No. 01/164
Private Costs and Public Infrastructure: The Mexican Case
Murphy, Russell D.; Feltenstein, Andrew
Working Paper No. 01/165
Emerging Market Bond Spreads and Sovereign Credit Ratings: Reconciling Market Views with Economic Fundamentals
Sy, Amadou N.
Working Paper No. 01/166
Inflation Targeting and the Unemployment-Inflation Trade-off
Clifton, Eric V.; Leon, Hyginus L.; Wong, Chorng-Huey
Working Paper No. 01/167
How Volatile and Unpredictable Are Aid Flows, and What Are the Policy Implications?
Bulir, Ales; Hamann, A. Javier
Working Paper No. 01/168
Inflation Dynamics in Madagascar, 1971–2000
Sacerdoti, Emilio; Xiao, Yuan
Working Paper No. 01/169
The Russian Financial Crisis and Its Consequences for Central Asia
Pastor, Gonzalo C.; Damjanovic, Tatiana
Working Paper No. 01/170
Post-Crisis Exchange Rate Policy in Five Asian Countries: Filling in the “Hollow Middle”?
Hernandez, Leonardo F.; Montiel, Peter J.
Working Paper No. 01/171
Key Features of Australian Business Cycles
Cashin, Paul A.; Ouliaris, Sam
Working Paper No. 01/172
Short- and Long-Term Poverty and Social Policy in a “Snakes and Ladders” Model of Growth
Cuevas, Alfredo
Working Paper No. 01/173
Economic Data Dissemination: What Influences Country Performance on Frequency and Timiliness?
Allum, Peter F.; Agca, Mehmet
Working Paper No. 01/174
The Law of One Price Over 700 Years
Rogoff, Kenneth; Froot, Kenneth A.; Kim, Michael
Working Paper No. 01/175
Determinants of, and the Relation Between, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth: A Summary of the Recent Literature
Lim, Ewe-Ghee
Working Paper No. 01/176
The Art of Making Everybody Happy: How to Prevent a Secession
Le Breton, Michel; Weber, Shlomo
Working Paper No. 01/177
Monetary Policy and Corporate Liquid Asset Demand
Choi, Woon Gyu; Kim, Yungsan
Working Paper No. 01/178
Is Fiscal Policy Coordination in EMU Desirable?
Beetsma, Roel; Debrun, Xavier; Klaassen, Franc
Working Paper No. 01/179
Euro Area Money Demand: Measuring the Opportunity Costs Appropriately
Calza, Alessandro; Gerdesmeier, Dieter; Levy, Joaquim
Working Paper No. 01/180
A Simple Measure of the Intensity of Capital Controls
Edison, Hali; Warnock, Francis E.
Working Paper No. 01/181
Tax Incentives in The Philippines: A Regional Perspective
Chalk, Nigel A.
Working Paper No. 01/182
An Attempt to Profile the Finances of China’s Enterprise Sector
Heytens, Paul J.; Karacadag, Cem
Working Paper No. 01/183
Manuals on Macroeconomic Statistics: A Stocktaking to Guide Future Work
Carson, Carol S.; Laliberte, Lucie
Working Paper No. 01/184
Implications of Globalization for Monetary Policy
Wagner, Helmut
Working Paper No. 01/185
Hedging Government Oil Price Risk
Daniel, James
Working Paper No. 01/186
The Zero Interest Rate Floor (ZIF) and Its Implications for
Monetary Policy in Japan
Hunt, Benjamin L.; Laxton, Douglas M.
Working Paper No. 01/187
The Effects of Capital Controls on Exchange Rate Volatility and
Frenkel, Michael; Nickel, Christiane; Schmidt, Gunter; Stadtmann, Georg
Working Paper No. 01/188
Measuring Statistical Capacity Building: A Logical Framework Approach
Khawaja, Sarmad; Morrison, Thomas K.
Working Paper No. 01/189
Speculative Attacks in the Asian Crisis
Zhang, Zhiwei
Working Paper No. 01/190
Exchange Rates and Capital Flows
Brooks, Robin J.; Edison, Hali; Kumar, Manmohan S.; Slok, Torsten M.
Working Paper No. 01/191
Foreign Currency Credit Ratings for Emerging Market Economies
Mulder, Christian B.; Perrelli, Roberto
Working Paper No. 01/192
Capital Flows and Their Macroeconomic Effects in India
Kohli, Renu
IMF Working Papers and other IMF publications can be downloaded in full-text format from the Research at the IMF website: www.imf.org/research.