Intragenerational Redistribution in Unfunded Pension Systems

This paper studies the intracohort redistributive aspects of the United States social security system in the context of a computable general equilibrium model. It determines how the well-being of individuals who differ by gender, race, and education is affected by government social security policy. Differences in life expectancy and labor productivity translate into differences in capital accumulation and labor supply distortions that are responsible for the observed welfare difference between individuals of the same age cohort. [JEL: E62, H55, H61, J1]


This paper studies the intracohort redistributive aspects of the United States social security system in the context of a computable general equilibrium model. It determines how the well-being of individuals who differ by gender, race, and education is affected by government social security policy. Differences in life expectancy and labor productivity translate into differences in capital accumulation and labor supply distortions that are responsible for the observed welfare difference between individuals of the same age cohort. [JEL: E62, H55, H61, J1]

A major question facing policymakers in most western economies is how best to guarantee a minimum level of support to their growing elderly population. Adverse demographic prospects and recent slowdowns in economic growth have prompted the reevaluation of the viability of public pension programs and the distribution of their financing burden across generations. In addition, as unfunded pension schemes approach maturity, the issue of how this burden is distributed across individuals of the same age cohort has received increased attention. Models that quantitatively explore the implications of government social security policy, however, have almost exclusively focused on issues of intergenerational redistribution, disregarding altogether the intragenerational transfers that arise from large differences in life expectancy and labor productivity between individuals.

This paper aims to quantify the extent of intragenerational redistribution in the U.S. social security system.1 In particular, it determines how social security policy affects the well-being of individuals who differ by gender, race, and education. For this purpose, a general equilibrium-overlapping generations economy is developed, where individuals face uncertain lifetimes. Within the same age cohort individuals with different life expectancy and labor productivity coexist. Individuals decide how much to work and how much to save in private assets for old-age consumption. Retirement is mandatory and individuals are not altruistic. The return to private saving and wages is determined by profit maximizing firms with standard neoclassical production technology. The government is responsible for administering the social security program. The program is pay-as-you-go and balanced budget, and incorporates many features of the U.S. old-age insurance program.

Related literature includes Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987), who in an overlapping generations-general equilibrium simulation model study the short-run and long-run implications of changes in social security policy. Imrohoroglu, Imrohoroglu, and Joines (1995) extend their model by assuming credit and insurance market imperfections and find that unfunded pension schemes may in certain cases enhance the steady-state welfare of a dynamically efficient economy. Both works disregard ex ante differences in mortality risk and labor productivity between individuals belonging to the same age cohort, and therefore are unable to quantify the extent of intragenerational redistribution inherent in unfunded pension schemes.2 The paper is closer in spirit to that of Fullerton and Rogers (1993), who quantify the distribution of the burden of the U.S. tax system across 12 different lifetime income groups. Instead, in this paper individuals are categorized into eight different lifetime groups that differ in terms of their labor productivity and life expectancy. By focusing solely on the U.S. social security system, the model is capable of addressing in more detail certain features of the system.

In dynamically efficient economies, the return to unfunded pension schemes is less than the return to private saving. By essentially forcing individuals to substitute private assets for social security tax contributions, unfunded pension schemes in the presence of perfect insurance markets are welfare reducing. The magnitude of the loss increases with the expected present value of the difference between the future income that could have been guaranteed by the displaced saving and the social security benefits. Since unfunded pension schemes are designed not to discriminate on the basis of an individual’s probability of dying early, the expected rate of return to contributions increases with an individual’s life expectancy. In addition, unfunded schemes with progressive tax-benefit links reward individuals with lower-than-average lifetime earnings, at the expense of those with higher-than-average lifetime earnings. The higher the return to social security, the lower the observed welfare loss. However, differences in the expected return to an unfunded pension scheme can explain only part of the observed intracohort variability in welfare.

Differences in workers’ productivity-age profiles are also responsible for differences in capital accumulation and labor supply distortions.3 Assuming a closed economy, the introduction of pay-as-you-go social security crowds out capital formation, causing interest rates to rise and wages to fall. The change in relative factor prices will encourage workers to increase labor supply and saving early in life, so as to enjoy consumption and leisure later in life. Workers with later productivity peaks will not only observe a greater drop in the present value of their labor endowment, but will also find changes in their saving and labor supply behavior more distortionary.

The benchmark economy, which attempts to approximate certain features of the U.S. social security system, has an average replacement rate to labor earnings of 40 percent, a legal retirement age of 65, and a progressive tax-benefit formula. The paper simulates the steady-state effects of eliminating social security on macroeconomic aggregates as well as the lifetime welfare of cohorts that differ in their gender, race, and education. Results indicate that the steady-state welfare gains from privatizing (eliminating) social security are lower for females, whites, and noncollege graduates than for males, nonwhites, and college graduates. They are on average 40 percent greater for males than females, 4 percent greater for nonwhites than whites, and 9 percent greater for college graduates than noncollege graduates. The results are robust regardless of whether private annuity markets are assumed absent or present. Findings imply that the current system is lifetime progressive across gender and education, yet lifetime regressive across race. The latter result is very sensitive to the model’s calibration.

I. The Model

The economy is composed of individuals who live a maximum of I periods each in overlapping generations. In each generation there are J individual types who differ according to life expectancy and labor productivity. The probability of surviving between age i and age i + 1 for a type j individual is sij. Therefore, the unconditional probability of reaching age i for type j is


The share of age i, type j individuals is denoted by μij. All individual types grow at the exogenous rate λμ and population is to be stable in the sense that the cohort shares for each individual type are time-invariant.4 This implies that the measure of all different types satisfy the following relationship:


Time subscripts are ignored, as the dynamic feature of the model is captured by the age subscript. Individuals are endowed with one unit of time per period, which must be allocated between work and leisure. One unit of time of an age i, type j individual can be transformed into εij, exogenously given units of labor input.


Preferences are given by the expected discounted utility of a time separable, twice continuously differentiable, strictly concave, utility function of leisure and a consumption good:


where β is the annual discount rate, cij is consumption, and lij is leisure for an individual age i and type j. Every period, earnings are divided between consumption and gross investment. Individuals accumulate assets to smooth consumption over time. In the presence of private annuities individuals can insure against mortality risk. Annuity markets are established to avoid the issue of what to do with the assets of the deceased. Since the ex ante mortality probability of each individual is public information, competitive insurers will offer annuities with different rates of return to individuals with different life expectancies. Individuals of the same age cohort and type sign a contract in which survivors share assets of the individuals who die. In this manner, next period’s asset holdings are this period’s saving divided by the probability of surviving. This implies that a type j individual faces the following budget constraint:


where aij is the accumulated net wealth, yij is gross saving, bij are retirement benefits, and ai+1,j is next period’s accumulated wealth of an individual age i and type j. The return on asset holdings is R: the spot price of one unit of labor input in terms of the consumption good is W; and the social security payroll tax is τ. Individuals retire at age IR, after which they rely on private saving and social security benefits for their old-age consumption. Formally, εij = 0 for iIR, and for all type j individuals. Finally, the model assumes that workers, in deciding how much to work, perceive no linkage at the margin between social security benefits and taxes.


Firms maximize profits, taking factor and output prices as given. Technology is given by a neoclassical production function, f(K,N), where K is the aggregate capital stock and N is the aggregate labor input. Capital depreciates at rate δ. Firms hire physical capital and effective labor until gross factor prices equal marginal products:



The government levies a payroll tax on labor earnings to finance social security pensions. The social security tax rate is the same for all those with labor earnings up to a maximum level, Emax. The system is pay-as-you-go and the budget is balanced each period, as revenues from payroll taxes equal outlays in the form of social security pensions:


Social security pension benefits correspond to a fixed proportion of an individual’s lifetime average earnings. However, earnings of workers beyond the statutory maximum are not considered when computing an individual’s average lifetime earnings. Earnings are indexed to account for labor productivity growth, λy. Wages prior to retirement age, IR, are revalued so that they equal the wages of workers at the time they turned age IR - 1. Average lifetime indexed earnings for an age i, type j individual is given by:


Social security achieves progressivity not through graduated tax rates, but rather through the structure of benefits. The function relating retirement benefits and average lifetime earnings is highly redistributive, providing a much higher ratio of benefits to preretirement income to retirees with lower earnings history. Retirement benefits are given by:


where η(mij) is the average earnings replacement rate for an age i, type j individual with average lifetime indexed earnings, mij. The government announces an average replacement rate ηavg, and a benefit formula, and then sets taxes such that the budget is balanced each period. Individuals in the economy are atomistic in that they disregard the effect their labor supply decisions may have on the social security payroll tax.


A competitive equilibrium corresponds to a feasible allocation and a set of factor prices, such that the individual’s problem is solved for each generation, firms maximize profits, the government balances its budget, and markets clear. Market-clearing conditions for capital and labor markets are given by:


while the goods market clearing condition is:


II. Model Parameterization and Calibration

The model’s parameters are described in the following paragraphs.


Individuals are born into adulthood at age 20 and can live up to age 85, after which death is certain. The population is composed of eight different lifetime cohorts that differ in gender, race, and education. There are two gender types: male and female; two race types: whites and nonwhites; and two education types: college and noncollege educated. Lifetime cohorts differ in their life expectancy and labor productivity profile. To ensure a stable population, the model assumes that mortality rates remain constant over time and that all lifetime cohorts grow at the same constant exogenous rate. As stated previously, the assumption implies that types with shorter life expectancy must also have higher birth rates.5 To match the model’s stationary demographic structure with some general features of the current U.S. population, the proportion of individual types at age 20 equals that found in the United States in 1988.6

The annual rate of population growth, λμ, is assumed constant at 1.2 percent, which approximately corresponds to the average U.S. rate over the past 25 years. Age-specific survival probabilities across gender and race are taken from the 1988 United States Vital Statistics Mortality Surveys, while mortality differences across education groups come from a study conducted by Elo and Preston (1996). This study indicates that more educated cohorts, through greater access of material and informational resources such as diet, housing, and health care service, live longer on average. Nevertheless, education can only account for about 18 percent of the mortality difference between whites and nonwhites. Figures 1 and 2 show survival probabilities for the different cohorts.

Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Unconditional Survival Probabilities: College Educated

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Unconditional Survival Probabilities: Noncollege Educated

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Age, gender, and education specific labor productivity, ε, are compiled using Current Population Survey (CPS) March demographic files for 1989–91. The sample includes private sector employees, above the age of 19, not working in the agriculture sector. Data for different years are adjusted using the GDP deflator. For each age cohort and individual type the per year mean labor earnings and mean hours worked are computed. Mean wages are computed by simply dividing mean earnings by mean hours worked. Wages are then normalized to the average wage in the economy in order to determine the endowment of labor efficiency units. Wage-age profiles are presented in Table 1 and Figures 3 and 4. A polynomial of degree two in age is used to smooth the wage-age profile. The data show that females and noncollege graduates reach their productivity peak before males and college graduates, respectively; early wage growth is considerably higher for college graduates than for noncollege graduates; and, for all ages, whites earn higher wages than nonwhites, even after controlling for gender and education.

Table 1.

Wage Index by Age, Sex, and Education Current Population Survey: 1989-91

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Figure 3.
Figure 3.

Wage Efficiency Index: Whites

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Figure 4.
Figure 4.

Wage Efficiency Index: Nonwhites

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Table 2 describes the demographic and economic characteristics of the population. The data show that females outlive males by an average of 5.1 years, yet have on average wages that are 27.1 percent lower than those of males. Whites live on average 3.6 more years and have wages that are 13.6 percent higher than nonwhites. Similarly, college graduates outlive noncollege graduates by 0.8 years, and have wages that are on average 42.1 percent greater than wages of noncollege graduates.

Table 2.

Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Population

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Since household composition changes significantly over the lifecycle due to marriage, divorce, death of spouse, and number of dependents, the model characterizes the lifetime distributional consequences of social security on single individuals rather than on households. This approach is standard in models that study the lifecycle implications of tax policy (see Fullerton and Rogers, 1993). Therefore, men and women are treated as independent decision-making units, and the intrahousehold resource allocation problem is disregarded.7

Preferences and Technology

The expected lifetime utility of a type j individual is given by:


This functional form for preferences implies that leisure is independent of productivity, and has the advantage that the parameters needed for its calibration, β, θ, and γ. have been extensively studied in the literature. In addition, intertemporal separability of utility implies that leisure and consumption at different dates are net substitutes, and that the inverse of the degree of risk aversion equals the degree of intertemporal substitution.

All lifetime cohorts are endowed with the same preferences. The discount factor is normalized to account for productivity growth, λy, such that β=β^(1+λy)1θγ1. The true discount factor, β^, equals 1.011, and is taken from the Hurd (1989) study of retired singles, where differences in mortality probabilities across gender and race are accounted for. Consistent with the Becker and Ghez (1975) finding that households allocate approximately one-third of their discretionary time to market activities, the consumption share parameter, θ, is 0.33. Given the stability of average hours worked since World War II, the elasticity of substitution between consumption and leisure is taken to be 1. The risk aversion parameter, γ, or inverse of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is 4. The choice represents a compromise between different lifecycle models that explicitly account for leisure, and is consistent with that used in Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987).8 Different values for β and γ are chosen as part of a sensitivity analysis.

Since factor shares of income have been fairly constant over time, the paper assumes a Cobb-Douglas production function, f(K,N) = KαN1-α. The value of the capital share parameter, α, depends on how the stock and flow of services from government capital and consumer durables, proprietors’ income, and inventories are treated. Since the model contains no household production sector, no government investment, and no explicit treatment of inventories, consistent with Cooley and Prescott (1995), the capital share parameter equals 0.36. The depreciation rate, δ, is determined by the ratio of gross investment to capital, which according to National Income Accounts is approximately 0.76. The annual rate of productivity growth, λy, is assumed constant at 1 percent, which approximately corresponds to the average U.S. rate over the past 25 years. After accounting for population and productivity growth, depreciation is 5.4 percent a year.

Social Security

Social security is treated purely as an old-age insurance program. Spouse, survivor, disability, and health insurance features are disregarded. Social security pension benefits are indexed to labor productivity growth; the benefit structure is progressive and means tested. As dictated by current social security legislation, wages are revalued so that they equal the wages of workers at the time they turned 60. Individuals retire and receive social security benefits starting at age 65.9

Monthly social security benefits, known as the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA), are a function of the retired individual’s Average Index Monthly Earnings (AIME).10 Since the program achieves its progressivity through the structure of benefits and not through graduated tax rates, benefits are structured so that the PIA increases with the AIME at a decreasing rate. The function relating the PIA to the AIME has three segments with sharply declining ratios of PIA to AIME. These values are calibrated consistent with the legislation specified in the 1993 Social Security Handbook. The first $401 of AIME entitled the retiree to a primary insurance of 90 cents per dollar of AIME. The next segment covered AIME values up to $2,420, where each dollar of AIME entitled the retiree to 32 cents of benefits. Above that level, each dollar of AIME produced only 15 percent of primary insurance benefit up to some set maximum. The average replacement rate to income in 1993 was approximately 45 percent and the average personal income close to $1,920 per month. The replacement rate of an age i, type j individual with average annual lifetime earnings, mij, can be summarized as:


where ηavg is the replacement rate for an individual with average labor earnings corresponding to mavg. The fraction of primary insurance allowed per unit of AIME, between earnings bend points mkbend and mk+1bend, is defined as πkηavg.11 Since earnings above $4,800 per month are not counted in calculating a person’s AIME, Emax is set equal to 2.5 times the economy’s average pretax labor earnings. Figure 5 relates the effective social security replacement rate to an individual’s average annual lifetime earnings.

Figure 5.
Figure 5.

Effective Social Security Replacement Rate by Income

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Source: Social Security Handbook, 1993.Note: Labor earnings units are equivalent to US$100,000.

III. Findings

The welfare implications of changes to the U.S. social security system, at both the aggregate and intracohort level, are described in the following paragraphs.

Aggregate Welfare Implications

The benchmark economy is one where the average replacement rate to income is 40 percent, legal retirement age is 65, and the benefit formula is progressive. Since the paper is intended to determine the extent of intragenerational redistribution inherent in the U.S. social security system, the model refrains from transition analysis, and focuses solely on the long-run implications of policies that divert from the bench-mark.12 As is well-documented in the literature, increases in pay-as-you-go social security will crowd out capital formation, which in turn will cause pretax wages to fall, interest rates to rise, and ultimately output to fall. Policy aimed at reducing the size of social security will bring about positive long-run macroeconomic effects. The model predicts that eliminating social security will increase steady-state capital by 22.8 percent, aggregate output by 9.8 percent, aggregate consumption by 5.2 percent, and aggregate labor by 3.1 percent. The increase in full lifetime resources required to make all individual types indifferent between the benchmark economy and one where social security is absent equals 2.52 percent of GDP and 2.57 percent of the economy’s lifetime labor endowment.13 The macroeconomic effects of social security policy in steady-state are found in Table 3.

Table 3.

Social Security and Economic Aggregates

Perfect Annuity Markets: β = 1.011, γ = 4, θ = 0.33

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Note: Benchmark policy: η = 40%, IR = 65, and progressive benefit formula.

Figures 6 through 9 show assets, net worth, consumption, and hours worked profiles for an average white, male, noncollege graduate. As predicted by standard lifecycle models, individuals smooth consumption over the lifecycle by borrowing early, accumulating assets over the remainder of their working lives, and dissaving after retirement. When a pay-as-you-go social security system is introduced, individuals save less on their own (though their net worth is roughly constant). In addition, an increase in the steady-state return to capital will encourage individuals to increase work effort and save more early so to reduce work effort and consumption at a later age.

Figure 6.
Figure 6.

Assets Age Profile and Social Security Policy

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Figure 7.
Figure 7.

Net Worth Age Profile and Social Security Policy Type: Male-White-Noncollege

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Figure 8.
Figure 8.

Consumption Age Profile and Social Security Policy

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Figure 9.
Figure 9.

Hours Worked Age Profile and Social Security Policy Type: Male-White-Noncollege

Citation: IMF Staff Papers 2000, 002; 10.5089/9781451974584.024.A004

Intracohort Welfare Differences

Lifecycle savings and work effort vary with life expectancy and labor productivity. Individuals with longer life expectancy save and work more during their active period of life to finance a longer retirement. Workers with later productivity peaks save less, since their age-earnings profile more closely matches their optimal consumption plan. This section evaluates how changes in social security policy affect the lifecycle behavior and lifetime utility of individuals who differ in their life expectancy and labor productivity.

Since pay-as-you-go social security does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s probability of dying early, the expected rate of return to contributions increases with an individual’s life expectancy. In addition, the progressive nature of the system benefits individuals with below average lifetime earnings. The gross expected return to social security of a type j individual, Rss,j, is that which equates the present value of expected lifetime contributions to the present value of expected lifetime benefits:


Table 4 shows how these returns compare across individuals, under different scenarios of population growth, and social security tax policy. Results show that, when controlling for gender, the progressivity of the social security system mitigates the redistribution involved in pooling risk, since income and life expectancy are positively correlated. Nonwhite, male college graduates face the lowest returns, while white, female college graduates face the highest. If a proportional tax-benefit formula were in place instead, females, whites, and college graduates would earn higher returns simply because they live longer on average.

Table 4.

Social Security Expected Rate of Return (percent)

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Since social security essentially forces individuals to hold an annuity, in dynamically efficient economies, a higher return to social security contributions implies a smaller difference between the return to private saving and social security. Therefore, asset accumulation distortions are less severe for those with above-average life expectancy and below-average earnings.14

However, differences in the expected return to social security can help explain only part of the variation in lifetime welfare across cohorts. Social security is financed through a payroll tax that distorts an individual’s labor supply decision. Since the paper assumes that individuals do not perceive a link between the social security payroll tax and benefits at the margin, the marginal tax rate equals across types for all ages.15 The variability in capital accumulation and labor supply distortion is then due to differences in workers’ age-productivity profiles. Workers with later productivity peaks find increases in social security more distortionary than workers with earlier peaks. Unfunded pension schemes crowd out capital formation, cause interest rates to rise and wages to fall, and encourage workers to increase labor effort and saving early in life, so as to enjoy consumption and leisure later in life. Therefore, workers with later productivity peaks will find changes in their capital accumulation and labor supply behavior more distortionary. In addition, workers with later productivity peaks will observe a greater drop in the present value of their labor endowment, as the relative return to capital increases.

Tables 5 and 6 show that, in the long-run, all cohorts experience an increase in their private saving, labor effort, and welfare when social security is eliminated. Workers, besides increasing their labor effort, increase the productivity of their work by postponing effort to later in the lifecycle. Results show that individuals with higher returns to social security offset to a greater degree increases in mandatory contributions, by reducing their private saving. Therefore, eliminating pay-as-you-go social security is likely to produce a greater increase in the private saving of females, whites, and noncollege graduates, since these cohorts on average earn a higher return to social security.

Table 5.

Intracohort Welfare and Social Security (Part A)

(percent change)

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Table 6.

Intracohort Welfare and Social Security (Part B)

(percent change)

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In addition, labor effort is found to be less responsive to changes in social security policy the later a worker’s age-productivity peak. Since eliminating social security implies eliminating the payroll tax and reducing the relative return to capital in steady-state, individuals will not only increase their labor supply but also shift their work effort to later in the lifecycle. The later a worker’s productivity peaks the less labor supply must accommodate to achieve the desired consumption and leisure plan. Females, nonwhites, and noncollege graduates, who on average have earlier age-productivity peaks, experience larger changes in their labor supply.

The extent of intracohort redistribution is quantified by comparing the steady-state welfare gains of eliminating social security across lifetime cohorts.16 Social security is defined as “lifetime progressive” when resources required to make individuals indifferent between the benchmark economy with social security and the alternative economy without social security increase with the present value of their labor endowment in the benchmark economy. If eliminating social security causes males to enjoy lifetime welfare gains, which relative to their expected present value of lifetime wealth are greater than those of females, then social security is said to benefit females at the expense of males. Similarly, if the welfare gains relative to the expected present value of lifetime wealth of eliminating social security were equal for all cohorts, then the system is defined as “lifetime proportional” since it does not redistribute resources intragenerationally.

Results indicate that welfare gains are greatest for cohorts whose private saving and labor supply are less responsive to changes in the system. Cohorts that have below average life expectancy, above average lifetime earnings, and later productivity peaks stand to gain more from reductions in social security. The results confirm that males, nonwhites, and college graduates experience a greater welfare gain from privatizing (here understood as eliminating) social security than females, whites, and noncollege graduates, respectively. These gains are, on average, 39.8 percent greater for males than females, 3.8 percent greater for nonwhites than whites, and 9.1 percent greater for college graduates than noncollege graduates. The results imply that the current system is lifetime progressive across gender and education, yet lifetime regressive across race.17 Appendix III shows that these results are fairly robust to the choice of parameters values.

Results in the Absence of Annuities

Empirical evidence suggests the near absence of private formal or informal markets to insure against uncertain longevity. In this section, the robustness of the model is tested for when private annuity markets do not exist18. In the absence of private annuities, the individual’s problem is slightly different. Individuals still accumulate assets for life-cycle reasons, but now precautionary motives become relevant as uncertainty about an individual’s life expectancy induces saving to cover consumption in the event he or she lives longer than expected.19 In contrast to equation (3), gross saving is now given by:


where Фij represents the lump-sum transfer of accidental bequests for an age i, type j individual. The government is now responsible for collecting and distributing the accidental bequests. Unintended bequests are assumed to be taxed at 100 percent and returned in a lump-sum fashion to survivors of all ages.


In the presence of uninsurable mortality risk individuals discount the future more heavily and consume earlier in life than they would otherwise. Social security, by partially substituting for private annuities, improves an individual’s consumption allocation and reduces accidental bequests.

Results indicate that the welfare gains of pay-as-you-go social security, in the form of insurance provision for uncertain longevity, are outweighed by the cost, in the form of a lower capital stock.20 Table 7 shows that, in an economy without annuities, the proportional increase in full lifetime resources required to make an individual indifferent between the benchmark economy and one where social security is absent equals 2.36 percent of output, 0.16 percentage points less than when annuities are present.21 In the absence of annuities, the gains of social security, in the form of insurance provision, increase with an individual’s life expectancy. Therefore, cohorts with higher life expectancy (females, whites, and college graduates) gain relatively less from privatizing (eliminating) social security when private annuity markets do not exist (see Tables 8 and 9).22

Table 8.

Sensitivity Analysis: Intracohort Welfare and Social Security (Part A)

(percent change)

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Table 9.

Sensitivity Analysis: Intracohort Welfare and Social Security (Part B)

(percent change)

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dependents.24 Survival benefits are likely to be greater for groups with higher fertility rates, and higher probabilities of death of a household head. In addition, transfers to dependent spouses will differ according to the degree of household specialization, determined by the relative productivity (education) differences of the spouses. Finally, adding marital status to the model allows us to address life insurance ownership questions, and the extent to which it is affected by public provision.

Integrating spouse and survivor insurance in a modeling context where men and women make joint economic decisions and face changes in their marital status is likely to open a realm of unexplored policy issues.

Appendix I. Computation of Equilibrium

The solution methodology, the Gauss-Seidel method, is borrowed from Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987). It involves solving a complicated set of nonlinear equations that specify households’ and firms’ optimization behavior and the government’s budget constraint. The algorithm starts with guesses for the capital to labor ratio, the age-specific shadow wages, and the social security tax rate. When the social security benefit formula is progressive it also requires a guess for the economy’s average labor earnings. The capital to labor guess determines the relative factor prices that when combined with the shadow wage, social security tax rate, and benefit formula solve for the optimal behavior of individuals. The standard procedure in lifecycle models is to go to the last period of an individual’s life, where the future is no longer relevant, and solve for the behavior of the individual. In turn, this behavior would describe the nature of the future for individuals of the previous age. The recursive nature of the problem allows for the determination of the behavior for individuals of all ages.

From the derived labor supply decisions, new guesses for shadow wages are obtained. Aggregation of labor supply and saving decisions across all population subgroups in turn provide a new guess for the capital to labor ratio. From the labor supply decisions the earnings of each type of individual are determined, as well as the new social security tax guess that follows from the government’s budget constraint. Typically, 10 to 20 iterations are required to achieve convergence to a steady-state equilibrium. The introduction of heterogeneity in age-cohort labor productivity and mortality risk only adds to the size and dimension of the problem in hand, but fundamentally does not alter the solution algorithm.

The computational algorithm for the no-annuity-case differs only slightly. Besides providing starting guesses for the capital to labor ratio, the age-specific shadow wages, the social security tax rate, and the economy’s average labor earnings, a guess for the lump-sum transfer of accidental bequests must also be specified. In this case, the aggregation of labor supply and saving decisions provide new guesses for the capital to labor ratio and the lump-sum transfer of accidental bequests.

Appendix II. The Welfare Function

Welfare for type j individuals, who face a social security policy x^, is defined as the expected discounted lifetime utility they derive from optimal consumption and leisure contingency plans:


The benchmark economy approximates the current social security program, where the average replacement rate to income is 40 percent, legal retirement age is 65, and the benefit formula is progressive. The welfare loss or gain for an individual of type j of departing from the benchmark economy is defined as the proportional increase or decrease in full lifetime resources required to make an individual of type j indifferent between the benchmark economy and an alternative economy. Because the utility function is homothetic, a change in an individual’s lifetime wealth, provided factor prices are fixed, is associated with a proportional change in an individual’s lifetime consumption and leisure. Therefore, the resources required to make an individual of type j indifferent between the benchmark economy x^ and the alternative economy x* equal:


The product of ωj(x*) and the expected present value of labor endowment in the benchmark economy represents the additional resources necessary to make individuals of type j indifferent between the benchmark and alternative economy. Social security is considered “lifetime progressive” if resources required to make individuals indifferent between the benchmark economy and an alternative economy without social security increase with the present expected value of their labor endowment in the benchmark economy. The aim of this exercise is not to make pareto-like statements, but rather statements of the sort: “an individual is better or worse off in an economy with social security policy x* than if he or she were to live in an economy with social security policy x^.”

To compare the overall welfare gains or losses associated with alternative social security arrangements, a social welfare function is defined where the lifetime resources of each type of individual is given a weight equivalent to its measure at birth. The increase or decrease in the present value of labor endowment required to make all lifetime cohorts indifferent between the benchmark economy x^, and the alternative economy x*, is given by


Tables 3 and 7 in the main text show Ω(x*) expressed as both relative to output and relative to the present value of lifetime resources.

Appendix III. Sensitivity Analysis

This section examines the robustness of the policy experiments. In particular, it determines the extent to which results change with values for the risk aversion coefficient, γ, and the subjective discount factor, β.

Changes in the Degree of Risk Aversion

A fall in the risk aversion parameter γ is equivalent to an increase in the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, and hence an increase in the desire to postpone consumption. The model confirms that lowering the risk aversion parameter, from γ = 4 to γ = 3, will increase the capital to output ratio in the benchmark economy by 12 percent.

Results indicate that capital accumulation is less responsive to changes in social security the lower the degree of risk aversion. Eliminating social security will cause aggregate capital to fall by 21.3 percent when γ = 3, yet by 22.8 percent when γ = 4. The degree of risk aversion will affect capital accumulation distortions in two ways. First, the inefficiency associated with intertemporal distortions increases with the degree of risk aversion. In addition, since capital accumulation falls with the degree of risk aversion, the difference between the steady-state return to capital and the return to social security increases. These facts imply that the welfare gain of eliminating social security increases with the value of the risk aversion parameter. See Table 7.

Finally, a reduction in the risk aversion parameter will also increase the intracohort difference in well-being. The welfare gains of eliminating social security are now 52.3 percent greater for males than females, 7.6 percent greater for nonwhites than whites, and 13.6 percent greater for college than noncollege educated. For more details, see Tables 8 and 9.

Changes in the Discount Factor

In overlapping generations economies, the market rate of discount exceeds the rate at which individuals discount the future. Therefore, the lower the discount factor, the weaker are the incentives to postpone consumption and consequently the lower the economy’s stock of capital. As predicted, lowering the discount factor from β = 1.011 to β = 0.98 will reduce the capital to output ratio in the benchmark economy by 30 percent, from 3.40 to 2.63.

In addition, reducing the discount factor will cause capital accumulation to be less responsive to changes in social security policy. Eliminating social security will increase aggregate capital by 22.8 percent and 15.2 percent, for β = 1.011 and β = 0.98, respectively. Yet, the welfare gain associated with social security, as a percentage of the present value of lifetime resources, is 0.64 percentage points greater for β = 0.98.25 While, on the one hand, a lower discount factor reduces saving incentives and hence saving distortions, on the other hand, it increases saving and labor supply distortion, by increasing the difference between the steady-state return to capital and the return to social security. Simulation results indicate the latter effect dominates the former (see Table 7).

Regarding the magnitude of intragenerational redistribution, results indicate that increases in the rate of time preference will reduce the welfare difference between our lifetime cohorts. The welfare gains of eliminating social security are 20.5 percent and 4.2 percent greater for males and college educated, respectively. However, in contrast to the baseline result, whites stand to gain slightly more from reductions in social security than nonwhites. While whites observe on average higher returns to social security contributions, they also observe on average later labor productivity peaks. As the desire to postpone consumption lessens, the positive effect of observing higher returns is outweighed by the negative effect of having later productivity peaks. Hence, whether social security is lifetime regressive or progressive across race is very sensitive to changes in the discount factor (see Tables 8 and 9).


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Luis Cubeddu is an Economist in the Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF. He thanks Andrew Abel, Alan Auerbach, Richard Hemming, José-Víctor Ríos-Rull, and the participants at seminars at the University of Pennsylvania and the Latin American Econometric Society Meeting for helpful discussions and comments on a previous draft.


In this paper, social security is treated purely as an old-age insurance program. Survivor, disability, and hospital insurance features are disregarded.


In Imrohoroglu, Imrohoroglu, and Joines (1995), since individuals cannot fully insure against unemployment risk, individuals of the same age group may differ ex post not only in their labor income but also in their asset holdings.


Social security is financed through a payroll tax that distorts an individual’s labor supply decision. The magnitude of the distortion is a function of both the age-specific net marginal tax rate and the shape of a worker’s wage-age profile. Since workers, in deciding how much to work, perceive no linkage at the margin between social security benefits and taxes, marginal taxes will equal across types for all ages.


A population’s steady-state growth rate is determined by its age-specific mortality and fertility rates (assuming these remain constant over time). If different types of individuals have different survival probabilities, as is the case in this paper, then for all types to grow at the same rate, fertility rates must differ. Specifically, individuals with shorter life expectancy must have higher birth rates.


This condition is empirically verified. The data show that females, whites, and the college educated outlive males, nonwhites, and the noncollege educated, but that the latter group observes higher birth rates.


Although the current U.S. demographic structure is far from being stationary, as the proportion of nonwhites and college-educated people in the population has been increasing over time, the assumption allows for the existence of a stable population where different lifetime cohorts coexist.


Craig and Batina (1991) use a two-period, general equilibrium-overlapping generations model to simulate the effect of spouse and retirement insurance on family labor supply. In their specification, they are able to use households as welfare measuring units by assuming that the marital status of the couple does not change over the lifecycle.


For the preferences used in this paper, the lower the degree of risk aversion, the less individuals care about consumption smoothing and the more willing they are to substitute labor from periods of low wages to periods of high wages. In the presence of uncertainty, the lower the degree of risk aversion, the smaller the fraction of resources devoted to precautionary savings.


Legislation passed in 1983 calls for a gradual increase in the age at which future retirees are able to receive full benefits. By 2022, the age will be 67.


In computing an individual’s AIME, the model considers labor earnings for all ages prior to retirement. Current legislation instead considers the highest 35 years of labor earnings.


The fraction of PIA allowed per unit of AIME is calculated by multiplying the average replacement by π, where, π1 = 2.0; π2 = 0.71; π3 = 0.33; and π4 = 0.0. The bend points are as follows: m1bend=0;m2bend=0.2mavg;m3bend=1.25mavg;andm4bend=2.5mavg.


Obviously, changes in social security for an initial transition period will affect the young and old very differently. Appendix I describes the algorithm used in computing the model’s equilibrium.


These results are similar to those found in Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987), who show a replacement rate of 60 percent reduces steady-state capital by 24 percent and that the welfare loss is about 6 percent of full-time resources.


The welfare loss increases with the expected present value of the difference between the future income guaranteed by the displaced saving and the social security benefits.


If workers were to perceive a tax-benefit link, labor supply distortions would be mitigated. Workers with higher life expectancy and lower lifetime earnings would observe lower net marginal taxes and in turn lower labor supply distortions. In addition, since net marginal taxes fall with age, workers would be encouraged to postpone their labor effort. Therefore, those with late productivity peaks will find changes in their labor supply less distortionary. A more elaborate discussion of these issues is found in Feldstein and Samwick (1992), who document social security net marginal tax rates across age, gender, marital status, and income class.


Appendix II provides a detailed discussion on the measurement and comparison of steady-state welfare.


One may also argue that social security makes the lifetime distribution of wealth more equal, by taking larger amounts away from lifetime rich groups (male, college graduates) than from lifetime poor groups (female, noncollege graduates).


Studies show that only about 2 percent of the elderly own individual annuities. Not only do insurance companies lack information about an insurer’s survival probabilities, but regulatory constraints may force them to offer the same contract to males and females. See Warshawsky (1988) and Mitchell and others (1998) for evidence on why individual annuity markets are thin.


Precautionary saving in response to risk is associated with convexity of the marginal utility function or a positive third derivative. The model’s preferences guarantee a positive precautionary saving motive. See Kimball (1990) for more on this issue.


While recent work by Imrohoroglu, Imrohoroglu, and Joines (1995) and Valdivia (1997) show that under certain conditions the gains of social security can outstrip the costs, their economies differ in some very important dimensions to that of this paper. Imrohoroglu, Imrohoroglu, and Joines (1995) assume that individuals also face uninsured unemployment risk. The introduction of an additional source of uninsured risk increases the precautionary motives for saving, and increases the gains of introducing social security by reducing the size of unintended bequests. Valdivia (1997) assumes that bequests are operational and that preferences are of constant relative risk aversion. In this framework the costs of living longer than expected are greater, partly because precautionary motives are absent and partly because reduced bequests affect the welfare of future generations. In addition, both papers restrict individual labor supply decisions and hence underestimate the potential distortionary effects of a wage-tax financed social security system. Finally, the comparison of welfare results across these models is complicated because, unlike in this paper, different employment and mortality histories translate into intra-age wealth heterogeneity. Further research and sensitivity analysis on the subject is warranted, yet outside the scope of this paper.


In the absence of annuities, the equilibrium tax rate and the expected difference between the return to private capital and that of social security are lower, resulting in lower capital accumulation and labor supply distortions.


The long-run welfare gains of eliminating social security are on average 52.2 percent greater for males than females, 0.8 percent greater for nonwhites than whites, and 6.3 percent greater for college than noncollege graduates.


Cubeddu and Ríos-Rull (1997), in a similar framework, study how changes in the patterns of household formation and dissolution affect saving decisions at the household and aggregate level.


For smaller discount factors, the increase in full lifetime resources required to make all individuals indifferent between the benchmark economy and one where social security is absent is larger relative to the economy’s present value of labor endowment.

IMF Staff Papers, Volume 47, No. 1
Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.