IMF Staff Papers draws on IMF Working Papers, which are research studies by members of the IMF’s staff. A list of Working Papers issued in 1999:1 follows:
“China’s Trade Flows: Changing Price Sensitivities and the Reform Process.” by Valerie Cerra and Anurudha Dayal-Gulali [99/1]
“Credibility of Central Bank Independence Revisited,” by Timo T Valila [99/2]
“In Search of Capital Crunch: Supply Factors Behind the Credit Slowdown in Japan.” by David Woo [99/31]
“Central Bank Autonomy, and Inllation and Output Performance in the Baltic Slates, Russia, Other Countries of the Former Soviet Union.” by Tonny Lybeck [99/41
“Offshore Banking: An Analysis of Micro- and Macro-Prudential Issues.” by Luca Errico and Alberto Musalem [99/5]
“Privatization in Transition Countries: A Sampling of the Literature.” by Oleh Havrylyshyn and Donald McGettigan [99/6]
“Inflation Targeting in Korea: An Empirical Exploration,” by Alexander W. Hoffmaister 199/71
“RLPMOD: A Smaller Sibling for MULTI MOD.” by Guy Meredith [99/8]
“Implications of EMU for Exchange Rale Policy in Central and Eastern Europe,” by George Kopits [99/9[
“Enemy of None bul a Common Friend to All? An Intemalional Perspective on the Lender of Last Resort Function.” by Curzio Giannini |99/I0)
“Sectoral Macroeconomic Intcrdependencies: Evidence for Latin America. East Asia, and Europe,” by Norman Loayza, Humberto Lopez, and Angel Ubide |99/11 ]
“The Euro and the Production Structure and Export Performance of Middle East and North African Countries,” by Jean-Francois Ruhashyaiikiko [99/12]
“The Morning After: Explaining the Slowdown in Japanese Growdi in the 1990s,” by Tamim Bayoumi [99/13]
“Consumption and Income Inequality in Poland During the Economic Transition.” by Michael Keene and Eswar Prasad [99/14]
“Exchange Rate Unification, the Equilibrium Real Exchange Raic, ami Choice of Exchange Rule Regime: The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” by V. Snudai ai ajan. Michel La/arc. and Sherwyn Williams [99/15)
“Interest Rate Arbitrage in Currency Baskets: Forecasting Weights and Measuring Risk,” by Peter Christoffersen and Lorenzo Giorgiunni |99/16]
“Large Capital Flows: A Survey of the Causes. Consequences, and Policy Responses.” by Alejandro Lopez-Mejia |99/17|
“Are There Internaiional R&D Spillovers Among Randomly Matched Trade Partners? A Response to Keller.” by David T. Coe and Alexander W. Hofmiaister [99/18]
“Taxation in Latin America: Structural Trends and Impact of Administration.” by Parthasaralhi Shome [99/19]
“Credit Allocation and Financial Crisis in Korea,” by Eduardo Borensztein and Jong-Wha Lee [99/20]
“Does Higher Government Spending Buy Better Results in Education and Health Care?” by Sanjeev Gupta. Marijn Verhoeven, and Erwin Tiongson [99/21]
“The Stock Market Channel of Monetary Policy,” by Ralph Chami. Thomas F. Cosi mano, and Conile! Fullenkamp [99/22]
“Growth Gains from Trade and Education.” hy Se-Jik Kim and Yong Jin Kim [99/23]
“Capital Controls and Trade Liberalization in a Monetary Economy.” by Byung K. Jang [99/24]
“Financial Liberalization, Credit Constraints, and Collateral: Investment in the Mexican Manufacturing Sector,” by R. Gastón Gelos and Alejandro Werner [99/25]
“Monetary Policy and Public Finances: Inflation Targets in a New Perspective.” by Christian H. Beddies [99/26]
“Explaining Foreign Exchange Market Puzzles.” by Norman C. Miller [99/27]
“The Korean Financial Crisis of 1997: A Strategy of Financial Sector Reform.” by Tomás J.T. Baliño and Angel Ubide [99/28]
“A Model of Contagious Currency Crises with Application to Argentina,” by Nada Choueiri [99/29]
“The Length and Cost of Banking Crises.” by Edward J. Fydl [99/30]
“Exchange Rate Movements and Tradable Goods Prices in East Asia: An Analysis Based on Japanese Customs Data. 1988-98,” by Shinji Takagi and Yushi Yoshida [99/31]
“How Intensive Is Competition in the Emerging Markets’? An Analysis of Corporate Rales of Return from Nine Emerging Markets.” by Jack Glen. Ajit Singh, and Rudolph Matthias [99/32]
“Determinants of Ex-Ante Banking System Distress: A Macro-Micro Empirical Exploration of
Some Recent Episodes.” hy Brenda González.-HcrmosiIio [99/33] “Institutions, Innovations, and Growih,” by Haizhou Huang and Clienggang Xu [99/341
“Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Developing Countries: Some Stylized Facts,” by Pierre-Richard Agenor. C. John McDermott. and Eswar S. Pradad [99/35]
“Explaining the Behavior of Financial Intermediation: Evidence from Transition Economics.” by Philipp C. Rother [99/36]
“The Long-Run Relationship Between Real Exchange Rales and Real Interest Rate Differentials: A Panel Study.” by Ronald McDonald and Jun Nagayasu [99/37]
“East Asia in the Aftermath: Was There a Crunch?” by Swati R. Shosh and Atish R. Ghosh 199/381
“A Model of the Lender of Last Resort,” by Charles A.E. Goodhart mid Haizhou Huang [99/39]
“Real Exchange Rate Behavior and Economie Growth: Evidence from Egypt. Jordan. Morocco, and Tunisia,” by llker Domac and Ghiadi Shahsigh [99/40|
“Is Poland Ready for Inflation Targeting? by Peter F. Christoffersen and Roben F. Wescott [99/41]
“Does Monetary Policy Stabilize the Exchange Rate Following a Currency Crisis?” by Ilan Goldfajn and Poonam Gupta [99/42]
“Unemployment, Capital Substitution, and Economic Growth,” by Robert Rowthorn [99/43]