IMF Working Papers
International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.
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Stall Papers draws on IMF Working Papers, which are research studies by members of the Fund’s staff. A list of Working Papers issued in 1996:4 follows.


Stall Papers draws on IMF Working Papers, which are research studies by members of the Fund’s staff. A list of Working Papers issued in 1996:4 follows.

“Inflation, Nominal Interest Rates, and the Variability of Output,” by Bankim Chadha and Daniel Tsiddon [96/109]

“Current Account Sustainability: Selected Asian and Latin American Experiences,” by Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti and Assaf Razin [96/110]

“Is the Phillips Curve Really a Curve? Some Evidence for Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States,” by Guy Debelle and Douglas Laxton [96/111]

“Macroeconomic Experiences of the Transition Economies in Indochina,” by John R. Dodsworth, Ajai Chopra, Chi D. Pham, and Hisanobu Shishido [96/112]

“Japan’s Medium- and Long-Term Fiscal Challenges,” by Kenji Okamura [96/113]

“Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Spain,” by Zuzanu Murgasova [96/114]

“Additional Evidence on EMS Interest Rate Linkages,” by Alicia García-Herrero and John Thornton [96/115]

“Growth Accounting and Growth Processes,” by Jahangir Aziz [96/116]

“Race to the Center: Competition for the Nikkei 225 Futures Trade,” by Takatoshi Ito and Wen-Ling Lin [96/117]

“Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Equilibrium Discount Factors,” by Charles Kramer [96/118]

“Fiscal Policy and Long-Run Growth,” by Vito Tanzi and Howell H. Zee [96/119]

“The Taxation Implicit in Two-Tiered Exchange Rate Systems,” by Harry Huizinga [96/l20]

“Wage Indexation and Macroeconomic Stability: The Gray-Fischer Theorem Revisited,” by Esteban Jadresic [96/121]

“Accountability and Transparency in the Public Sector: The New Zealand Experience,” by Marco Cangiano [96/122]

“Issues and New Directions in Public Expenditure Management,” by A. Premchand [96/123]

“Investment and Growth in the Middle East and North Africa,” by Amer Bisat, Mohamed A. El-Erian, Mahmoud El-Gamal, and Francesco P. Mongelli [96/124]

“Equilibrium Exchange Rates in Transition Economies,” by Charles Wyplosz and László Halpern [96/125]

“Health and Education Expenditures in Russia, the Baltic States, and Other Countries of the Former Soviet Union,” by Mark A. Horton [96/126]

“The Brady-Euro Yield Differential Debate: Why Arbitrage is Infeasible,” by Elaine Buckberg and Federico Kaune [96/127]

“The Role of Prudential Supervision and Financial Restructuring of Banks During Transition to Indirect Instruments of Monetary Control,” by V. Sundararajan [96/128]

“Business Cycle in Czechoslovakia Under Central Planning: Were Credit Shocks Causing It?” by Ales Bulír [96/129]

“National Accounts in Transition Countries: Distortions and Biases,” by Adriaan M. Bloem, Paul Cotterell, and Terry Gigantes [96/130]

“Capital Mobility and Exchange Market Intervention in Developing Countries,” by Michael Dooley, Donald J. Mathieson, and Liliana Rojas-Suarez [96/131]

“Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Business Cycle: Evidence from Japan,” by Bankim Chadha and Eswar Prasad [96/132]

“EMU and Long Interest Rates in Germany,” by Jeromin Zettelmeyer [96/133]

“Financial Sector Reform and Banking Crises in the Baltic Countries,” by Martha de Castello Branco, Alfred Kammer, and L. Effie Psalida [96/134]

“A Credit Crunch? A Case Study of Finland in the Aftermath of the Banking Crisis,” by Ceyla Pazarbaşioğlu [96/135]

“Saving Mobilization in Developing Countries: The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” by Mohamed A. El-Erian and Manmohan S. Kumar [96/136]

“Capital Inflows and the Real Exchange Rate: Analytical Framework and Econometric Evidence,” by Pierre-Richard Agénor and Alexander Hoffmaister [96/137]

“Disinflation in Transition Economies: The Role of Relative Price Adjustment,” by Sharmini Coorey, Mauro Mecagni, and Erik Offerdal [96/138]

“Social and Political Factors in a Model of Endogenous Economic Growth and Distribution: An Application to the Philippines,” by Delano Villanueva [96/139]

“Government Debt, Life-Cycle Income, and Liquidity Constraints: Beyond Approximate Ricardian Equivalence,” by Hamid Faruqee, Douglas Laxton, and Steve Symansky [96/140]

“Globalization, Tax Competition, and the Future of Tax Systems,” by Vito Tanzi [96/141]

“Banking System Fragility: Likelihood Versus Timing of Failure—An Application to the Mexican Financial Crisis,” by Brenda González-Hermosillo, Ceyla Pazarbaşioğlu, and Robert Billings [96/142]

“Union Behavior, Industry Rents, and Optimal Policies,” by Phillip Swagel [96/143]

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