“Capital Inflows and Policy Responses in the ASEAN Region” by Linda M. Koenig [96/25]


“Capital Inflows and Policy Responses in the ASEAN Region” by Linda M. Koenig [96/25]

“Capital Inflows and Policy Responses in the ASEAN Region” by Linda M. Koenig [96/25]

“A Pecking Order Theory of Capital Inflows and International Tax Principles” by Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka, and Chi-Wa Yeun [96/26]

“Real Exchange Rates and Commodity Prices” by Dominique Dupont and V. Hugo Juan-Ramon [96/27]

“Comovements in National Stock Market Returns: Evidence of Predictability but Not Cointegration” by Anthony Richards [96/28]

“Volatility and Predictability in National Stock Markets: How Do Emerging and Mature Markets Differ?” by Anthony Richards [96/29]

“Is MENA a Region? The Scope for Regional Integration” by Mohamed A. El-Erian and Stanley Fischer [96/30]

“Stabilization and Growth in Transition Economics: The Early Experience” by Stanley Fischer, Ratna Sahay, and Carlos A. Végh [96/31]

“Compilation of Working Paper Summaries issued in July-December l995” [96/32]

“Fiscal Balance During Inflation, Disinflation, and immigration: Polio Lessons” by Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka [96/33]

“Have Institutional Investors Destabilized Emerging Markets?” by Brian Aitken [96/34]

“A Destination VAT for CIS Trade” by Katherine Baer, Victoria P. Summers, and Emil M. Sunley [96/35]

“Italian Unemployment 1975–95: An Analysis of Macroeconomic Shocks and Policies Using Evidence from a Structural Vector Autoregression” Charalambos A. Christotides [96/36]

“The Reform of Wholesale Payment Systems and its Impact on Financial Markets” by David Folkerts-Landau, Peter Garber, and Dirk Schoenmaker [96/37]

“Rational Liquidity Crises in the Sovereign Debt Market: In Search of a Theory” by Enrica Detragiache [96/38]

“Currency Convertibility and the Fund: Review and Prognosis” by Vicente Galbis [96/39]

“Transfers, Social Safety Nets, and Economic Growth” by Xavier Sala-i-Marum [96/40]

“Mexico’s Currency Risk Premia in 1992–94: A Closer Look at the Interest Rate Differentials” by Alejandro M. Werner [96/41]

“Long-Term Trends in the Saving-Investment Balance and Persistent Current Account Surpluses in a Small Economy: The Case of the Netherlands” by loannis Halikias [96/42]

“German Unification: What Have We Learned from Multi-Country Models?” by Joseph E. Gagnon, Paul R. Masson, and Warwick J. McKibbin [96/43]

“Inflation Targeting in the United Kingdom: Information Content of Financial and Monetary Variables” by Josef Baumgartner and Ramana Ramaswamy [96/44]

“Taxation and Unemployment” by Howell H. Zee [96/45]

“The Output-Inflation Nexus in Ukraine: Is there a Trade-off?” by Atish R. Ghosh [96/46]

“R&D Spillovers and Global Growth” by Tamim Bayoumi, David T. Coe, and Elhanan Helpman [96/47]

“Wage Indexation and the Cost of Disinflation” by Estaban Jadresic [96/48]

“Infrequent Large Nominal Devaluations and their Impact on the Futures Prices for Foreign Exchange in Brazil” by Paulo Drummond [96/49]

“Estimation of the Near Root Model of Real Exchange Rates” by C. John McDermott [96/50]

“Credit and Exchange Rate-Based Stabilization” by May Khamis [96/51]

“Budget Deficits and Budget Institutions” by Alberto Alesina and Roberto Perotti [96/52]

“Implications of a Surge in Capital Inflows: Available Tools and Consequences for the Conduct of Monetary Policy” by Jang-Yung Lee [96/53]

“Have North-South Growth Linkages Changed?” by Alexander W. Hoffmaister, Mahmood Pradhan, and Hossein Samiei [96/54]

“Money Laundering and the International Financial System” by Vito Tanzi [96/55]

“Multiple Exchange Rates, Fiscal Deficits and Inflation Dynamics” by Vincent Bodart [96/56]

“Moderate Inflation in Poland: A Real Story” by Thierry Pujol and Mark Griffiths [96/57]

“What Determines the Current Account? A Cross-Sectional and Panel Approach” by Guy Debelle and Hamid Faruqee [96/58]

“An Empirical Analysis of Fiscal Adjustments” by C. John McDermott and Robert F. Wescott [96/59]

“Fiscal Rules and the Budget Process” by Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti [96/60]

“Fiscal Transition in Countries of the Former Soviet Union: An Interim Assessment” by Adrienne Cheasty and Jeffrey M. Davis [96/61]

“Broad Money Demand and Financial Liberalization in Greece” by Neil R. Ericsson and Sunil Sharma [96/62]

“Bank-by-Bank Credit Ceilings: Issues and Experiences” by Mitra Farahbaksh and Gabriel Sensenbrenner [96/63]

Worldwide Military Spending, 1990–95” by Sanjeev Gupta, Jerald Schiff, and Benedict Clements [96/64]

“Inflation Targeting: Theory and Policy Implications” by John H. Green [96/65]

“Macroeconomic Implications of Money Laundering” by Peter J. Quirk [96/66]

“Equivalence of the Production and Consumption Methods of Calculating the Value-Added Tax Base: Application in Zambia” by Anthony J. Pellechio and Catharine B. Hill [96/67]