IMF Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment
International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.
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Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment, a new series of research papers, are intended to make staff work in the area of policy design available to a wide audience. A list of all PPAAs issued in 1994:3 follows. Papers may also be considered for inclusion in the journal.


Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment, a new series of research papers, are intended to make staff work in the area of policy design available to a wide audience. A list of all PPAAs issued in 1994:3 follows. Papers may also be considered for inclusion in the journal.

“Macroeconomic Management with Informal Financial Markets,” by Pierre-Richard Agénor and Nadeem U. Haque [94/12]

“Recent Fiscal Developments in the European Countries of the G-7,” by G. O’Callaghan, K. Habermeier, J. Green, S.G.B. Henry, and R. Violi [94/13]

“Financial Liberalization in Israel,” by Eric V. Clifton [94/14]

“Currency Arrangements in Countries of the Former Ruble Area and Conditions for Sound Monetary Policy,” by Thomas A. Wolf [94/15]

“Measuring the Progress of Economic Reform in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union,” by Alexander Sundakov [94/16]

“Monetary Transmission and Financial Indexation: Evidence from the Chilean Economy,” by Enrique G. Mendoza and Fernando Fernández [94/17]

“Currency Boards: Issues and Experiences,” by Adam G.G. Bennett [94/18]

“Structural Policies in Developing Countries,” by Eduardo Borensztein [94/19]

“Russia and the IMF: The Political Economy of Macro-Stabilization,” by Ernesto Hernández-Catá [94/20]

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