Staff Papers draws on IMF Working Papers, which are research studies by members of the Fund’s staff. A list of Working Papers issued in 1991:4 follows; additions will be noted in future issues.
“Nominal Income Targeting: A Critical Evaluation,” by Victor Argy [91/92]
“Forecasting Accuracy of Crude Oil Futures Prices,” by Manmohan S. Kumar [91/93]
“The Cost of Export Subsidies: Evidence from Costa Rica,” by Alexander Hoffmaister [91/94]
“The Effects of Inflation on Economic Growth: Lessons from Latin America,” by José De Gregorio [91/95]
“Assessing Target Zone Credibility: Mean Reversion and Devaluation Expectations in the EMS,” by Lars E.O. Svensson [91/96]
“Models of Inflation and the Costs of Disinflation,” by Bankim Chadha, Paul Masson, and Guy Meredith [91/97]
“Soft Budget Constraints, Firm Commitments, and the Social Safety Net,” by Daniel C. Hardy [91/98]
“Speculative Attacks and Models of Balance of Payments Crises,” by Pierre-Richard Agénor, Jagdeep S. Bhandari, and Robert P. Flood [91/99]
“Private Saving and Terms of Trade Shocks: Evidence from Developing Countries,” by Jonathan D. Ostryand Carmen M. Reinhart [91/100]
“Mozambique: Economic Rehabilitation and the Poor,” by Paulo S. Lopesand Emilio Sacerdoti [91/101]
“An Empirical ‘Dependent Economy’ Model for Pakistan,” by Nadeem U. Haque, Assim M. Husain, and Peter J. Montiel [91/102]
“Taxation of Capital Gains—A Review of the Main Issues,” by Krister Anderson [91/103]
“Persistence in the Variability of Daily Exchange Rates,” by George C. Tsibouris [91/104]
“Increasing Export Diversification in Commodity Exporting Countries: A Theoretical Analysis,” by Dean A. DeRosa [91/105]
“Intervention, Interest Rates, and Charts: Three Essays in International Finance,” by Mark P. Taylor [91 /106]
“Stopping High Inflation: An Analytical Overview,” by Carlos A. Végh [91/107]
“Foreign Currency Deposits: Implications for Macroeconomic Policies,” by Andréas Georgiou [91/108]
“Currency Diversification of Reserves and Sovereign Debt for Small Open Economies,” by Indi Rajasingham [91/109]
“Testing for Credibility Effects,” by Pierre-Richard Agénorand Mark P. Taylor [91/110]
“Wage Controls and Employment in a Socialist Economy,” by Timothy D. Lane [91/111]
“Assessing the Impact of Structural Adjustment on the Poor: The Case of Malawi,” by Ronald Hicksand Odd Per Brekk [91/112]
“Establishing incentive Structures and Planning Agencies That Support Market-Oriented Transformations,” by Michael P. Dooleyand Peter Isard [91/113]
“Cross-Border Deposits and Monetary Aggregates in the Transition to EMU,” by Ignazio Angeloni, Carlo Cottarelli, and Aviram Levy [91/114]
“Dynamic Capital Mobility in Pacific Basin Developing Countries: Estimation and Other Policy Implications,” by Hamid Faruqee [91/115]
“Apartheid, Growth, and Income Distribution in South Africa: Past History and Future Prospects,” by Robert Corkerand Tamim Bayoumi [91/116]
“Dollarization in Latin America: Gresham’s Law in Reverse?” by Pablo E. Guidottiand Carlos A. Rodriguez [91/117]
“The Determinants of U.S. Real Interest Rates in the Long Run,” by Sharmini Coorey [91/118]
“Market Liberalization Policies in a Reforming Socialist Economy,” by Elias Dinopoulosand Timothy D. Lane [91/119]
“The Structure and Operation of the World Gold Market,” by Gary O’Callaghan [91/120]
“Interest Rate Liberalization: Some Lessons from Africa,” by Bart Turtleboom [91/121]
“Growth Strategies, Employment, and Income Distribution in Brazil: An Input-Output Assessment,” by Benedict J. Clements [91/122]
“Effects of Long-Run Demographic Changes in a Multi-Country Model,” by Paul R. Masson [91/123]
“Sticky Exchange Rates and Flexible Prices—A Heretic View from the Interwar Period,” by Anne-Marie Guideand Holger C. Wolf [91/124]
“Energy Pricing in the Soviet Union,” by Manmohan S. Kumarand Kent Osband [91/125]
“Government Ponzi Games and Debt Dynamics Under Uncertainty,” by Leonardo Bartoliniand Carlo Cottarelli [91/126]
“Financial Sector Reforms and Monetary Policy,” by Mohsin S. Khanand V. Sundararajan [91/127]
“Evaluating Policy Rules Under Imperfect Credibility,” by Paul R. Massonand Steven A. Symansky [91/128]
“Credibility and the Cost of Export Subsidies,” by Alexander Hoffmaister [91/129]
“Price and Volume Effects of a Devaluation in Developing Countries,” by Arend Kouwenaar [91/130]
“Banking Policy and the Pricing of Deposit Guarantees: A New Approach,” by S.M. Fries and W.R.M. Perraudin [91/131]
“The Information Content of Prices in Derivative Security Markets,” by Louis O. Scott [91/132]
“The CFA Franc Zone: Currency Union and Monetary Standard,” by James M. Boughton [91/133]
“Modeling the Yield Curve,” by Mark P. Taylor [91/134]
A limited supply of IMF Working Papers is available free of charge to interested scholars and research institutions. In requesting a particular paper (or papers), please indicate the Working Paper number (for example, WP/92/1), title, and author(s). Requests should be made to:
International Monetary Fund
Publication Services
Washington, D.C. 20431, U.S.A.
Telephone: (202) 623–7430
Telefax: (202) 623–7201
In statistical matter throughout this issue,
dots (…) indicate that data are not available;
a dash (—) indicates that the figure is zero or less than half the final digit shown, or that the item does not exist;
a single dot (.) indicates decimals;
a comma (,) separates thousands and millions;
“billion” means a thousand million, and “trillion” means a thousand billion;
a short dash (–) is used between years or months (for example, 1990–92 or January-October) to indicate a total of the years or months inclusive of the beginning and ending years or months;
a stroke (/) is used between years (for example, 1991/92) to indicate a fiscal year or a crop year;
a colon (:) is used between a year and the number indicating a quarter within that year (for example, 1992:2);
components of tables may not add to totals shown because of rounding.