04/78: “Empirical Modeling of Contagion: A Review of Methodologies,” Mardi Dungey, Renee Fry, Brenda Gonzalez-Hermosillo, and Vance Martin
IMF Working Papers ($15.00)
04/78: “Empirical Modeling of Contagion: A Review of Methodologies,” Mardi Dungey, Renee Fry, Brenda Gonzalez-Hermosillo, and Vance Martin
04/79: “Economic Geography and Wages: The Case of Indonesia,” Mary Amiti and Lisa Cameron
04/80: “Political Instability and Growth: The Central African Republic,” Dhaneshwar Ghura and Benoit Mercereau
04/81: “The WTO and the Poorest Countries: The Stark Reality,” Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind Subramanian
04/82: “Foreign Bank Supervision and Challenges to Emerging Market Supervisors,” Inwon Song
04/83: “Angola’s Fragile Stabilization,” Jose Giancarlo Gasha and Gonzalo C. Pastor
IMF Country Reports ($15.00)
(Country name represents an Article IV consultation)
04/77: Comoros
04/78: Burkina Faso: PRSP Progress Report
04/79: Burkina Faso: PRSP Progress Report—Joint Staff Assessment
04/80: Portugal
04/81: Portugal: Selected Issues
04/82: Tanzania: ROSC—Data Module
04/83: Comoros: Statistical Appendix
04/84: Liberia: Report on the Post-Conflict Economic Situation and Prospects for January-June 2004
04/85: Republic of Palau
04/86: Republic of Palau: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
04/87: Burkina Faso: ROSC—Data Module
04/88: Malaysia: Statistical Appendix
04/89: Spain
04/90: Spain: Selected Issues
04/91: Republic of Madagascar: Fourth Review Under the PRGF and Requests for Extension of the Arrangement and Additional Interim Assistance Under the Enhanced HIPC Initiative
HIPC=Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
PRSP=Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PRGF=Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
ROSC=Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes
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