The Web edition of the IMF Survey is updated several times a week, and contains a wealth of articles about topical policy and economic issues in the news. Access the latest IMF research, read interviews, and listen to podcasts given by top IMF economists on important issues in the global economy. www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/home.aspx
IMF Working Papers ($15.00)
04/29: “Inflation Dynamics in the Dominican Republic,” Oral Williams and Olumuyiwa S. Adedeji
04/30: “Fiscal Sustainability in Heavily Indebted Countries Dependent on Nonrenewable Resources: The Case of Gabon,” Joseph Ntamatungiro
04/31: “Imperfect Capital Mobility in an Open Economy Model of Capital Accumulation,” Vladimir Klyuev
04/32: “The Decentralization Dilemma in India,” Catriona M. Purfield
04/33: “An Option-Based Approach to Bank Vulnerabilities in Emerging Markets,” Jorge Chan-Lau, Arnaud Jobert, and Janet Kong
04/34: “The Determinants of International Portfolio Holdings and Home Bias,” Hamid Faruqee, Shujing Li, and Isabel K.Yan
04/35: “Liberalized Markets Have More Stable Exchange Rates: Short-Run Evidence from Four Transition Countries,” Ales Bulir
04/36: “China: International Trade and WTO Accession,” Thomas R. Rumbaugh and Nicolas R. Blancher
04/37: “Competitiveness in Bulgaria: An Assessment of the Real Effective Exchange Rate,” Dimitar Chobanov and Piritta Sorsa
04/38: “The Political Economy of Conditional and Unconditional Foreign Assistance: Grants vs. Loan Rollovers,” Alexandros T. Mourmouras and Wolfgang Mayer
04/39: “Autocorrelation-Corrected Standard Errors in Panel Probits: An Application to Currency Crisis Prediction,” Andrew Berg and Rebecca N. Coke
04/40: “And Schumpeter Said, ‘This Is How Thou Shalt Grow’: Further Quest For Economic Growth in Poor Countries,” Philippe Beaugrand
04/41: “Forecasting Commodity Prices: Futures Versus Judgment,” Chakriya Bowman and Aasim M. Husain
04/42: “Public Expenditure Management in Francophone Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis,” Yaya Moussa
04/43: “India in the 1980s and 1990s: A Triumph of Reforms,” Arvid Panagariya
04/44: “Debt Crises and the Development of International Capital Markets,” Andrea Pescatori and Amadou N. Sy
04/45: “A Multivariate Filter for Measuring Potential Output and the NAIRU: Application to the Czech Republic,” Jaromir Benes and Papa N’Diaye
04/46: “Domestic Debt Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Jakob E. Christensen
IMF Country Reports ($15.00)
(Country name represents an Article IV consultation)
04/18: Indonesia: Eleventh Review Under the Extended Arrangement
04/19: Nicaragua: Joint Staff Assessment of the PRSP Second Progress Report
04/20: Vietnam: PRSP Progress Report
04/21: Lesotho
04/22: Albania: Third Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the PRGF, Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, and Financing Assurances Review
04/23: Lesotho: Selected Issues And Statistical Appendix
04/24: Pakistan: PRSP
04/25: Vietnam: PRSP
04/26: Georgia: Ex Post Assessment of Georgia’s Performance Under IMF-Supported Programs
04/27: Bangladesh: First Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the PRGF and Request for Waiver of Performance Criteria
PRGF=Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
PRSP=Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Publications are available from IMF Publication Services, Box X2004, IMF, Washington, DC 20431 U.S.A.
Telephone: (202) 623-7430; fax: (202) 623-7201; e-mail: publications@imf.org.
For information on the IMF on the Internet—including the full texts of the English edition of the IMF Survey, the IMF Survefs annual Supplement on the IMF, Finance & Development, an updated IMF Publications Catalog, and daily SDR exchange rates of 45 currencies—please visit the IMF’s website (http://www.imf.org). The full texts of all Working Papers and Policy Discussion Papers are also available on the IMF’s website.