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On October 2, the IMF launched a website on statistical practices relating to foreign direct investment. The new website (www.imf.org/external/np/sta/di/mdb97.htm) is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of users, including researchers, financial analysts, and journalists.
The website, which provides information on the statistical practices of 55 countries, has two main sections:
For each country, metadata describe data availability, data sources, compilation practices, and methodology used to compile the data.
Cross-country comparison tables summarize, by issue, the practices of the 55 countries.
The website’s information is based on a 2001 survey conducted jointly by the IMF and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Descriptions of country statistical practices have been verified by country authorities; statements about whether a country’s practices are in accordance with international standards for compiling foreign direct investment data are based on the judgment of IMF staff.
The full text of IMF Press Release No. 02/102 on the new website is available on the IMF’s website (www.imf.org).