01/195: Globalization and Firms’ Financing Choices: Evidence from Emerging Economies, Sergio Schmukler and Esteban Vesperoni


01/195: Globalization and Firms’ Financing Choices: Evidence from Emerging Economies, Sergio Schmukler and Esteban Vesperoni

Working Papers ($10.00)

01/195: Globalization and Firms’ Financing Choices: Evidence from Emerging Economies, Sergio Schmukler and Esteban Vesperoni

01/197: Limiting Currency Volatility to Stimulate Goods Market Integration: A Price-Based Approach, David Parsley and Shang-Jin Wei

01/198: Sources of Inflation in Developing Countries, Prakash Loungani and Phillip L. Swagel

01/199: Regional Disparities and Transfer Policies in Russia: Theory and Evidence, Era Dabla-Norris and Shlomo Weber

01/200: Risk Diversification in the Credit Portfolio: An Overview of Country Practices, JoAnne Morris

01/201: Financial Stability and Fiscal Crises in a Monetary Union, Samir Jahjah

01/202: Corporate Restructuring in Japan: An Event-Study Analysis, Jorge Chan-Lau

01/203: Mind the Gap: What Is the Best Measure of Slack in the Euro Area? Kevin Ross and Angel J. Ubide Querol

01/204: The Impact of Corporate Governance Structures on the Agency Cost of Debt, Jorge Chan-Lau

01/205: Central Bank Independence and the Design of Fiscal Institutions, Francesca Castellani and Xavier Debrun

01/206: Quality Controls, License Transferability, and the Level of Investment, Kala Krishna, Ling Hui Tan, and Ram Ranjan

01/207: Uncovered Interest Parity in Crisis: The Interest Rate Defense in the 1990s, Robert P. Flood and Andrew K. Rose

01/208: Government Spending, Legislature Size, and the Executive Veto, Reza Baqir

01/209: The Treatment of Nonperforming Loans in Macroeconomic Statistics, Adriaan M. Bloem and Cornelis N. Gorter

01/210: Convertibility Risk: The Precautionary Demand for Foreign Currency in a Crisis, Stanley Black, Charis Christofides, and Alexandros T. Mourmouras

01/211: Systemic Weaknesses of Budget Management in Anglophone Africa, Ian C. Lienert and Feridoun Sarraf

01/212: Legal Central Bank Independence and Inflation in Latin America During the 1990s, Luis I. Jacome Hidalgo

01/213: A Model of the Joint Distribution of Banking and Exchange-Rate Crises, Robert P. Flood and Nancy P. Marion

01/214: Pension Reform and the Fiscal Policy Stance, George A. Mackenzie, Philip R. Gerson, Alfredo Cuevas, and Peter S. Heller

01/215: An Investigation of Output Variance Before and During Inflation Targeting, Francisco de Asis Nadal De Simone

01/216: Import-Reducing Effect of Trade Barriers: A Cross-Country Investigation, Qing Wang

02/1: The Impact of Changes in Stock Prices and House Prices on Consumption in OECD Countries, Alexander Ludwig and Torsten Sløk

02/2: The Austrian Theory of Business Cycles: Old Lessons for Modern Economic Policy? Stefan E. Oppers

02/3: Currency Crises and Uncertainty About Fundamentals, Alessandro Prati and Massimo Sbracia

IMF Staff Country Reports ($15.00)

02/1: Mali: Selected Issues and Statistical Annex

02/2: Mali: 2001 Article IV Consultation, Third Review Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility

02/3: Burkina Faso: Fourth Review Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and the Third Annual Program

02/4: Vietnam: 2001 Article IV Consultation and First Review Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Request for Waiver and Modification of Performance Criteria

02/5: Vietnam: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix

Publications are available from IMF Publication Services, Box X2002, IMF, Washington, DC 20431 U.S.A. Telephone: (202) 623-7430; fax: (202) 623-7201; e-mail: publications@imf.org.

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IMF Survey Supplement 2002
Author: International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept.