For the latest thinking about the international financial system, monetary policy, economic development, poverty reduction, and other critical issues, subscribe to Finance & Development (F&D). This lively quarterly magazine brings you in-depth analyses of these and other subjects by the IMF’s own staff as well as by prominent international experts. Articles are written for lay readers who want to enrich their understanding of the workings of the global economy and the policies and activities of the IMF.


For the latest thinking about the international financial system, monetary policy, economic development, poverty reduction, and other critical issues, subscribe to Finance & Development (F&D). This lively quarterly magazine brings you in-depth analyses of these and other subjects by the IMF’s own staff as well as by prominent international experts. Articles are written for lay readers who want to enrich their understanding of the workings of the global economy and the policies and activities of the IMF.


Ridwan Ali & Barbara Pitkin, Searching for Household Food Security in Africa, December p.3

Rolf Alter, Lessons from the Export Processing Zone in Mauritius, December p. 7

Jill Armstrong, Socioeconomic Implications of AIDS in Developing Countries, December p. 14

Shawki Barghouti & Guy Le Moigne, Irrigation and the Environmental Challenge, June p. 32

Eduardo Borensztein, Will Debt Reduction Increase Investment? March p. 25

Avishay Braverman & Monika Huppi, Improving Rural Finance in Developing Countries, March p. 42

Hugh Bredenkamp, Reforming the Soviet Economy, June p. 18

David Burton & Martin Gilman, Exchange Rate Policy and the IMF, September p. 18

Michel Camdessus, Good News Out of Africa, December p. 2

Ajay Chhibber, Tackling Inflation During Reforms in Africa, March p. 28

Anthony Churchill & Robert Saunders, Global Warming and the Developing World, June p. 28

Robert Corker, The Changing Nature of Japanese Trade, June p. 6

Dean DeRosa, Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa Hinders Exports, September p. 42

Dean DeRosa & Joshua Greene, Will Contemporaneous Devaluations Hurt Exports from Sub-Saharan Africa? March p. 32

Mamadou Dia, Development and Cultural Values in Sub-Saharan Africa, December p. 10

William Easterly, Economic Policy and Economic Growth, September p. 10

Gunnar Eskeland & Emmanuel Jimenez, Curbing Pollution in Developing Countries, March p. 15

Alejandro Foxley, Setting the Development Agenda, September p. 32

Jacob Frenkel & Morris Goldstein, Europe’s Emerging Economic and Monetary Union, March p. 2

Charles Griffin, The Need to Change Health Care Priorities in LDCs, March p. 45

Nagy Hanna, Informatics and the Developing World, December p. 45

Daniel Hewitt, Military Expenditures in the Developing World, September p. 22;

  • and What Determines Military Expenditures? December p. 22

Arturo Israel, The Changing Role of the State in Development, June p. 41

Susan Jones, The Road to Privatization, March p. 39

H.B. Junz & Clemens Boonekamp, What is at Stake in the Uruguay Round? June p. 11

Attila Karaosmanoglu, Challenge of Sustaining Growth with Equity in Asia, September p. 34

Javad Khalilzadeh-Shirazi & Anwar Shah, Tax Reform in Developing Countries, June p. 44

Elizabeth King, Challenges in Human Development, September p. 9

Pierre Landell-Mills & Ismail Serageldin, Governance and the Development Process, Sept. p. 14

Eduardo Lizano, Lessons in Economic Policymaking, December p. 33

Ernst Lutz & Mohan Munasinghe, Accounting for the Environment, March p. 19

Paul Masson & Donogh McDonald, The Macroeconomic Effects of German Unification, March p. 6

Robert S. McNamara, Reducing Military Expenditures in the Third World, September p. 26

Robert Miller, The Changing Economics of Steel, June p. 38

Kenneth Miranda & Timothy Muzondo, Public Policy and the Environment, June p. 25

Ridley Nelson, Managing Drylands, March p. 22

Sylvia Ostry, The Uruguay Round: An Unfinished Symphony, June p. 16

Marina Primorac, How Does a Country Join the IMF? June p. 34

S. Rajcoomar, Madagascar: Crafting Comprehensive Reforms, September p. 46

Orlando Roncesvalles & Andrew Tweedie, Augmenting the IMF’s Resources, December p. 26

Katrine Saito, Extending Help to Women Farmers in LDCs, September p. 29

Marcelo Selowsky, External Financing and Adjustment, June p. 22

Shakour Shaalan & Howard Handy, Middle East Oil Exporters and World Savings, December p. 36

Janos Somogyi, Malaysia’s Successful Reform Experience, March p. 35

Oded Stark, Migration in LDCs: Risk, Remittances, and the Family, December p. 39

Lawrence Summers, Research Challenges for Development Economists, September p. 2

Vito Tanzi & Mark Lutz, Interest Rates and Government Debt, December p. 30

Imre Tarafas, Hungary’s Reforms: Past and Present, March p. 12

George Tavlas & Yuzuru Ozeki, The Internationalization of the Yen, June p. 2

Vinod Thomas, Lessons from Economic Development, September p. 6

Anne Tinker, Safe Motherhood—from Advocacy to Action, December p. 18

Nadeem Ul Haque & Peter Montiel, How Mobile is Capital in Developing Countries? September p. 38

Sadek Wahba, What Determines Workers’ Remittances? December p. 41

Kumiko Yoshinari, Accessing the International Capital Markets, September p. 40

The State of the Soviet Economy, March p. 10

The Global Environment Facility, March p. 24

The Uruguay Round, June p. 10

World Economy in Transition Kenneth Warwick, Saving and Investment in Developing Countries, June p. 36

Improved Social Indicators in the Developing World, 1965–88, December p. 21

Book Reviews

Hossein Askari, Saudi Arabia’s Economy: Oil and the Search for Economics Development, reviewed by Zubair Iqbal, December

Robert Barro, Macroeconomic Policy, reviewed by Jonathan Ostry, March

Peter Bauer, The Development Frontier: Essays in Applied Economics, reviewed by Callisto Madavo, December

Todd Buchholz, New Ideas from Dead Economists—An Introduction to Modem Economic Thought, reviewed by Rui Coutinho, December

Willem Buiter, Principles of Budgetary and Financial Policy, reviewed by Jack Diamond, March

Paul Champsaur et al, editors, Essays in Honor of Edmond Malinvaud, reviewed by Bernard Ziller, December

Frank Cowell, Cheating the Government: The Economics of Evasion, reviewed by Peter Stella, September

Deborah Davis and Ezra Vogel, editors, Chinese Society on the Eve of Tiananmen, reviewed by Shahid Yusuf, June

Peter Diamond, editor, Growth, Productivity, Unemployment, reviewed by William Easterly, December Rudiger Dornbusch and Mario Draghi, editors, Public Debt Management: Theory and History, reviewed by Carlos Vegh, December

Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, Hunger and Public Action, reviewed by Martin Ravallion, June

Bill Emmott, The Sun Also Sets, reviewed by Kenji Takeuchi, June

Pamela Falk, editor, Inflation: Are We Next? reviewed by Brian Stuart, June

Mary Furner and Barry Supple, editors, The State and Economic Knowledge, reviewed by Robert Picciotto, June

Stefan Gerlach and Peter Petri, editors, The Economics of the Dollar Cycle, reviewed by James Boughton, September

William Haraf and Thomas Willett, editors, Monetary Policy for a Volatile Global Economy, reviewed by Peter Isard, March

Robert Kleinberg, China’s “Opening” to the Outside World, reviewed by Shahid Yusuf, June

Janos Kornai, The Road to a Free Economy, reviewed by Anthony Lanyi, March

Neil Kotler, Sharing Innovation: Global Perspectives on Food, Agriculture, and Rural Development, reviewed by Peter Hazell, September

Anne Krueger, Perspectives on Trade and Development, reviewed by Ajay Chhibber, June

Paul Krugman, The Age of Diminished Expectations, reviewed by Margaret Garritsen de Vries, March

Edward Lincoln, Japan’s Unequal Trade, reviewed by Kenji Takeuchi, June

Robert Looney, Economic Development in Saudi Arabia: Consequences of the Oil Price Decline, reviewed by Zubair Iqbal, December

Thomas Mayer, editor, The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy, reviewed by James Boughton, September

Henry Nau, The Myth of America’s Decline, reviewed by Margaret Garritsen de Vries, March

David Pearce, Anil Markandya, and Edward Barbier, Blueprint for a Green Economy, reviewed by Herman Daly, September

Michael Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, reviewed by Gregory Ingram, September

Alan Richards and John Waterbury, A Political Economy of the Middle East, reviewed by Ismail Serageldin, December

W.W. Rostow, Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the Present, reviewed by Bahram Nowzad, March

Fiorella Padoa Schioppa, editor, Mismatch and Labour Mobility, reviewed by Charles Adams, December

Julian Simon, The Economic Consequences of Immigration, reviewed by David Coe, June

Andrew Stoeckel, David Vincent, and Sandy Cuthbertson, editors, Macroeconomic Consequences of Farm Support Policies, reviewed by Sanjeev Gupta, March

Lance Taylor, editor, Socially Relevant Policy Analysis, reviewed by Peter Montiel, September

Ezra Vogel, One Step Ahead in China, reviewed by Shahid Yusuf, June

G.D.N. Worswick, Unemployment: A Problem of Policy, reviewed by Charles Adams, December