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FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT is published quarterly in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish by the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington, DC 20431, USA.
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Shuja Nawaz
Laura Wallace
Gita Bhatt
Luisa Watson
Nancy Birdsall
Peter Clark
K. Burke Dillon
Stephen Eccles
Richard Hemming
Pierre Landell-Mills
Anthony Lanyi
Johannes Linn
Gobind Nankani
Orlando Roncesvalles
Joanne Salop
Brian Stuart
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October 1991
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Front Matter Page
December 1991 • Volume 28• Number 4
Front Matter Page
Good News Out of Africa
Michel Camdessus
Searching for Household Food Security in Africa
Ridwan Ali & Barbara Pitkin
Lessons from the Export Processing Zone in Mauritius
Rolf Alter
Development and Cultural Values in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mamadou Dia
Health & Development Socioeconomic Implications of AIDS in Developing Countries
Jill Armstrong
Safe Motherhood—from Advocacy to Action
Anne Tinker
World Economy in Transition Improved Social Indicators in the Developing World, 1965–88
What Determines Military Expenditures?
Daniel Hewitt
Augmenting the IMF’S Resources
Orlando Roncesvalles & Andrew Tweedie
Interest Rates and Government Debt
Vito Tanzi & Mark Lutz
Guest Article Lessons in Economic Policymaking
Eduardo Lizano
Middle East Oil Exporters and World Savings
Shakour Shaalan & Howard Handy
Migrant Workers Migration in LDCs: Risk, Remittances, and the Family
Oded stark
What Determines Workers’ Remittances?
Sadek wahba
Informatics and the Developing World
Nagy Hanna
The Development Frontier: Essays in Applied Economics by Peter Bauer
Callisto Madavo
Public Debt Management: Theory and History edited by Rudiger Dornbusch and Mario Draghi
Carlos Vegh
A Political Economy of the Middle East by Alan Richards and John Waterbury
Ismail Serageldin
Saudi Arabia’s Economy: Oil and the Search for Economic Development by Hossein Askari and Economic Development in Saudi Arabia: Consequences of the Oil Price Decline by Robert Looney
Zubair Iqbal
Mismatch and Labour Mobility edited by Fiorella Padoa Schioppa and Unemployment: A Problem of Policy by G.D.N. Worswick
Charles Adams
Essays in Honor of Edmond Malinvaud edited by Paul Champsaur et al
Bernard Ziller
Growth, Productivity, Unemployment edited by Peter Diamond
William Easterly
New Ideas from Dead Economists—An Introduction to Modern Economic Thought by Todd Buchholz
Rui Coutinho
Books in Brief
Index 1991
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