Improving Public Investment Efficiency in the G-20
International Monetary Fund
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Through the provision of both social and economic infrastructure, public investment can serve as an important catalyst for economic growth. A significant body of theoretical and empirical research underscores the positive relationship between investment in high-quality public infrastructure and economy-wide productivity.1 Against the background of a steady decline in public investment as a share of GDP in advanced economies, evidence of infrastructure bottlenecks in emerging economies, and the sluggish global economic recovery, the G-20 has called for ramping up public investment to raise long-run economic growth (G-20, 2014).2 However, the economic and social impact of public investment crucially depends on its efficiency. Despite anecdotal evidence of projects plagued by time delays, cost overruns, and inadequate maintenance, there are few robust empirical studies of the determinants of public investment efficiency. This paper explores the link between public investment management (PIM) institutions and the efficiency of public investment for the G-20 countries. Based on the analysis from a recent IMF study, the paper finds that better PIM enhances public infrastructure quality, and pinpoints key institutional reforms needs to boost public investment efficiency (IMF 2015). These findings and recommendations are based on a comprehensive data set on investment, infrastructure and capital stocks, and two analytical innovations: (i) a new cross-country Public Investment Efficiency Index (PIE-X); and (ii) a new Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) which is applied to G-20 countries.


Through the provision of both social and economic infrastructure, public investment can serve as an important catalyst for economic growth. A significant body of theoretical and empirical research underscores the positive relationship between investment in high-quality public infrastructure and economy-wide productivity.1 Against the background of a steady decline in public investment as a share of GDP in advanced economies, evidence of infrastructure bottlenecks in emerging economies, and the sluggish global economic recovery, the G-20 has called for ramping up public investment to raise long-run economic growth (G-20, 2014).2 However, the economic and social impact of public investment crucially depends on its efficiency. Despite anecdotal evidence of projects plagued by time delays, cost overruns, and inadequate maintenance, there are few robust empirical studies of the determinants of public investment efficiency. This paper explores the link between public investment management (PIM) institutions and the efficiency of public investment for the G-20 countries. Based on the analysis from a recent IMF study, the paper finds that better PIM enhances public infrastructure quality, and pinpoints key institutional reforms needs to boost public investment efficiency (IMF 2015). These findings and recommendations are based on a comprehensive data set on investment, infrastructure and capital stocks, and two analytical innovations: (i) a new cross-country Public Investment Efficiency Index (PIE-X); and (ii) a new Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) which is applied to G-20 countries.

I. Introduction

1. Through the provision of both social and economic infrastructure, public investment can serve as an important catalyst for economic growth. A significant body of theoretical and empirical research underscores the positive relationship between investment in high-quality public infrastructure and economy-wide productivity.1 Against the background of a steady decline in public investment as a share of GDP in advanced economies, evidence of infrastructure bottlenecks in emerging economies, and the sluggish global economic recovery, the G-20 has called for ramping up public investment to raise long-run economic growth (G-20, 2014).2 However, the economic and social impact of public investment crucially depends on its efficiency. Despite anecdotal evidence of projects plagued by time delays, cost overruns, and inadequate maintenance, there are few robust empirical studies of the determinants of public investment efficiency.3

2. This paper explores the link between public investment management (PIM) institutions and the efficiency of public investment for the G-20 countries. Based on the analysis from a recent IMF study, the paper finds that better PIM enhances public infrastructure quality, and pinpoints key institutional reforms needs to boost public investment efficiency (IMF 2015). These findings and recommendations are based on a comprehensive data set on investment, infrastructure and capital stocks, and two analytical innovations: (i) a new cross-country Public Investment Efficiency Index (PIE-X); and (ii) a new Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) which is applied to G-20 countries.

3. The paper is structured as follows. Section II examines trends in public investment and infrastructure quality, and presents estimates of public investment efficiency for G-20 countries based on the IMF’s new Public Investment Efficiency Index (PIE-X). Section III uses the IMF’s new Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) to evaluate the strength of PIM institutions in G-20 countries. Section IV explores the relationship between the PIMA estimates of institutional strength and public investment efficiency, and a number of other public investment performance measures in the G-20. Section V concludes by identifying priorities for enhancing public investment management and performance in the G-20 countries based on case studies carried out for all G-20 members.

II. Public Investment and Infrastructure Efficiency

4. This section reviews cross-country trends in and relationships between public investment, infrastructure quality, and economic growth in the G-20. In doing so, it explores trends in public investment and the changing roles of the public and private sectors in the provision of infrastructure. The section also analyzes the impact of public investment on the size and quality of public infrastructure, using a new index measuring the efficiency of public investment.

A. Trends in Public Investment and Capital Stock

5. Following three decades of steady decline, public investment as a share of GDP has begun to recover in some G-20 economies. Public investment rates in advanced economies of the G-20 remain at historic lows, but have partially recovered in emerging markets over the last decade. In advanced G-20 countries, average public investment has steadily decreased from a high of under 5 percent of GDP in the late 1960s to a historic low of over 3 percent of GDP in 2012. In contrast, in emerging G-20 countries’ public investment rates peaked at over 7 percent of GDP in the early 1980s, declined to around 4 percent of GDP in the mid-2000s, but have since recovered to 5 percent of GDP.4

6. While the real value of the accumulated public capital stock has risen steadily on a per capita basis across G-20 economies, it has generally lagged behind economic output. Since 1960, the real value of the public capital stock has nearly doubled on a per capita basis in G-20 economies—particularly in advanced countries, though to a lesser extent in emerging markets. However, the public capital stock has failed to keep pace with rising output throughout this period. In advanced G-20 countries, the public capital stock has stabilized in recent years. After a significant recovery of their public capital stocks in the 1980s and 1990s, emerging G-20 countries saw a reduction in their public capital/output ratios over the past decades, which has only begun to reverse in the past few years (Figure 1).

Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Trends in Public Investment and Capital Stock in G-20 Countries

(percent of GDP and per-capita real terms, 2005 PPP$-adjusted)

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

Sources: Center for International Comparisons (2013); OECD (2014); WEO; and IMF staff estimates.

7. While the public sector continues to dominate the provision of economic infrastructure in emerging G-20 countries, the private sector plays an increasingly important role in advanced G-20 economies. Over the past half century, innovations in technology and financing arrangements, along with a reassessment of the role of the state, have enabled the commercialization of a growing array of infrastructure networks. In many advanced economies, the private sector has largely displaced governments in providing economic infrastructures, such as communications, energy, transport, and water supply networks. The privatization of infrastructure provision is most pronounced in advanced countries like the United Kingdom, where private companies account for almost two-thirds of investment in these sectors. By contrast, in emerging markets these networks remain largely in public hands. In India, for example, the private sector accounts for less than a third of infrastructure investment (Figure 2). In addition, the public sector is still the main provider of social infrastructure such as education and health. In education, the public sector accounts for more than half of total investment in G-20 economies; while significant dispersion exists across countries in the provision of health infrastructure.

Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Private vs. Public Investment in Core Infrastructure in the UK and India

(percent of total investment)

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

Source: McKinsey Global Institute (2013).

8. In the last decade, a growing proportion of infrastructure services in the G-20 has been delivered through PPPs, though with significant differences across countries (Figure 3). In the G-20, the PPP capital stock averaged around 4.5 percent of GDP in 2013 (about 10 percent of the public capital stock). This is most likely driven by emerging G-20 countries. The number of G-20 AE countries is limited in the sample but the broader sample analyzed in IMF (2015) suggests that the PPP capital stock was less than 1 percent of GDP in AEs as a whole.5

Figure 3.
Figure 3.

PPP Capital Stock in G-20 Economies

(percent of GDP)

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

Sources: EIB, WB, and IMF staff estimates.The full line corresponds to the median level of PPPs capital stock as percent of GDP, while the dotted lines show the ratios for countries in the 25th and 75th percentiles.

9. Within the public sector, subnational governments and public corporations are major contributors to public investment. This is particularly true in advanced and emerging G-20 economies with a federal form of government, where regional and local governments undertake more than half of public investment. Public corporations (government-owned or controlled companies), also account for a large share of total public sector investment in some advanced and emerging G-20 economies (Table 1).6

Table 1.

Composition of Public Sector Investment, Selected G-20 Economies, 2013

(percent of GDP)

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Source: IMF staff estimates. For Mexico, local government data are estimated from OECD National Accounts Database 2012, and may not be fully consistent with central government data.

B. Infrastructure Coverage and Quality and Public Investment Efficiency

10. While higher rates of public investment in emerging G-20 countries have brought about some convergence in access to social infrastructure, significant disparities in the economic infrastructure persist. Survey-based measures of infrastructure quality suggest that the recent ramping up of public investment in emerging G-20 countries has helped reduce the perceived disparity in infrastructure across countries (Figure 4a). Physical measures of infrastructure also suggest significant convergence across countries in the coverage of social infrastructure (e.g., schools, hospitals, and water). However, large and persistent disparities between advanced and emerging G-20 countries remain within the coverage of economic infrastructure (e.g., roads and electricity networks) (Figure 4).

Figure 4.
Figure 4.

Indicators of Infrastructure Quality and Access

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

11. However, improvements in infrastructure are only loosely correlated with public investment, pointing to significant levels of inefficiency across countries. Staff estimates of a new Public Investment Efficiency Index (PIE-X) confirm that there is substantial scope for improving public investment efficiency in G-20 countries.7 Based on a sample of 114 countries, Figure 5 (left panel) shows a public investment efficiency frontier, which is defined by those countries with the highest coverage and quality of public infrastructure for a given level of public capital stock per capita. While the efficiency of public investment generally increases with income per capita, the slope of the frontier decreases, illustrating the decreasing marginal returns to additional investment.

Figure 5.
Figure 5.

Public Capital and Infrastructure Performance

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

Sources: Center for International Comparisons (2013); World Economic Forum (2014); OECD (2014); WEO; World Development Indicators (2014); and IMF staff estimates.The new Public Investment Efficiency indicator (PIE-X) estimates the relationship between the public capital stock and indicators of access to and the quality of infrastructure assets based on the methodology developed and described in a recent Board paper (IMF, 2015). Countries with the highest levels of infrastructure coverage and quality (output) for given levels of public capital stock and income per capita (inputs) form the basis of an efficiency frontier and are given a PIE-X score of 1. Countries are given a PIE-X score of between 0 and 1, based on their vertical distance to the frontier relative to peer best performers. The less efficient the country, the greater the distance from the frontier, and the lower its PIE-X score. The measure of infrastructure quality and access combines data on the volume of economic and social infrastructure as well as survey-based indicators of quality.The box shows the median as well as the 25th and 75th percentiles while the whiskers show the maximum and minimum values. The black square shows the average. Scores range between 0 and 1.

12. The average efficiency gap for the G-20 is 22 percent, with some countries having much higher gaps (Figure 5). This efficiency gap is measured as the distance between each country and the frontier for a given level of public capital stock and income per capita (IMF, 2015). The size of the gap shrinks as income rises, with emerging G-20 countries facing a gap of 31 percent, and advanced of 13 percent on average. The economic dividend from closing the public investment efficiency gap could be substantial. Research on the relationship between public investment efficiency and growth suggests that moving from the lowest quartile to the highest quartile in public investment efficiency could double the impact of increases of investment on growth (IMF, 2015).

III. Evaluating Public Investment Management

A. The Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) Framework

13. Differences in the efficiency of public investment across countries partly reflect differences in the relative strength of PIM institutions. Institutions determine how well investments are planned, whether allocations are made to priorities for economic development, and whether implementation avoids waste, delays, and integrity issues. The impact of public investment on infrastructure quality and economic performance is of course mediated by a range of factors. These include, for example, the level of economic development, structural characteristics of the economy,8 quality of governance, geography, and climate. However, a growing body of literature underscores the role that the legal, institutional, and procedural arrangements for public investment management play in determining the level, composition, and impact of public investment. The analysis presented in Sections III and IV suggests that improvements in public investment management practices could significantly reduce the efficiency gap for G-20 countries identified above. Clearly, the necessary institutional changes cannot be introduced overnight; they entail significant legal and institutional changes, often require the development of new skills and capacities, and will take time to deliver the envisaged benefits. Countries need to invest in public investment management.

14. Fund staff has developed a new Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) to assess the quality of PIM practices.9 The PIMA evaluates 15 key institutions for planning, allocating, and implementing public investment (Figure 6). These PIM institutions are a subset of the broader framework of budget institutions that govern the public financial management process.10 For each of the 15 PIM institutions, three key design features are identified, each of which can be fully met, partly met, or not met. Based on how many of these key features are in place, countries are given a PIMA score of between 0 (no key features in place) and 10 (all 45 key features fully in place). The precise evaluation methodology is described in Annex I. The PIMA includes elements similar to other PIM diagnostic tools,11 but provides a more comprehensive assessment of the public investment decision-making process at three key stages:

  • i. Planning sustainable levels of investment across the public sector;

  • ii. Allocating investment to the right sectors and projects; and

  • iii. Implementing projects on time and on budget.

Figure 6.
Figure 6.

The PIMA Framework

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

15. The PIMA improves upon other evaluations of public investment management in a number of respects. The tool complements diagnostic tools on PIM developed by the World Bank and OECD, which have a more project cycle and governance focus respectively.12 The PIMA is more comprehensive, bringing in elements related to macro-fiscal frameworks, integration of investment planning in medium-term budgeting, coordination of public investment across levels of government, and private sector participation in the provision of public infrastructure. The framework is also more relevant to countries at the higher end of the income scale, reflecting more advanced practices in the areas of fiscal principles, management of PPPs, project appraisal and selection, and monitoring of public assets. The tool was first applied in a recent IMF Board paper (IMF, 2015) on a representative sample of 25 advanced, emerging, and low-income countries.13

B. Applying PIMA to the G-20

16. Applying the PIMA framework to the G-20 suggests that advanced economies have stronger PIM institutions than emerging markets overall, but with some interesting exceptions. The overall strength of PIM among G-20 countries is strongly correlated with income (Figure 7). Exceptions are national and sectoral planning, central-local coordination, and multiyear budgeting, where emerging G-20 countries score similar to or even better than advanced G-20 countries.

Figure 7.
Figure 7.

PI Institutional Overall Score by G-20 Sub-Group

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

Source: IMF staff estimates.

17. Institutional strength also tends to increase along the investment cycle, with planning institutions being the weakest and implementation the strongest. Yet, there are some important exceptions here too. Advanced G-20 countries are relatively strong in the management of PPPs, regulation of infrastructure companies, and budget comprehensiveness and unity. Emerging G-20 countries perform relatively poorly when it comes to project management and monitoring of public assets. Both G-20 AEs and EMs perform relatively poorly in fiscal rules and project appraisal.

IV. Explaining Public Investment Performance

18. This section relates the PIMA scores for the G-20 to four measures of public investment performance.14 These measures of public investment outcomes include indicators of the:

  • Efficiency of public investment – measured by the PIE-X indicator of the infrastructure coverage and quality estimated in Section II.

  • Volatility of public investment – measured by the standard deviation of GG investment growth.

  • Credibility of public investment – measured by the absolute difference between budgeted and actual general government capital expenditure.

  • Integrity of public investment – proxied by the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) Corruption Index.15

19. Strong PIM institutions are linked to higher efficiency for the G-20 countries. Figure 8a shows the positive relationship between country PIMA scores and efficiency, which holds for both the 25 country representative sample evaluated in IMF (2015) and for G-20 countries specifically. As institutions get stronger, countries get more infrastructure “bang” for their investment “buck.”

Figure 8.
Figure 8.

PIM Institutions and PI Performance Indicators

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

Source: IMF staff estimates; WEO.

20. Improvements in PIM can cut the public investment “efficiency gap” by about two-thirds in the G-20. On average, the G-20 countries face an efficiency gap of 22 percent. They could close 67 percent of the distance from the efficiency frontier (discussed in Section II) by adopting the PIM practices of the best performer.16 Improving PIM institutions would have the largest payoff in emerging markets where institutions are relatively weaker than in advanced economies.

21. G-20 countries with strong PIM institutions tend to have more stable levels of investment. Figure 8b shows that strong PIM institutions are associated with less volatile investment flows, even when corrected for income levels. Various studies emphasize the importance of avoiding stop-go investment policies, given the consequences for the cost, timeliness, and quality of the resulting infrastructure assets.17 Rapid scaling up of investment, or efforts to use public investment for countercyclical purposes, have typically failed to deliver the desired impacts on growth, in part, due to the substantial inefficiencies generated in the process (Warner, 2014).

22. G-20 countries with strong PIM institutions have more credible capital budgets. EMs tend to suffer from underexecution of their capital budgets due to overly optimistic assumptions about how soon projects can break ground, lack of funding, and weak implementation capacity. By contrast, AEs tend to overspend on large investment projects due to incentives for executing agencies to understate project costs and risks as a means of inflating benefit/cost ratios and securing project approval. Overall, both over- and underspending, relative to the approved capital budget decreases with stronger institutions (Figure 8c).

23. Strong PIM institutions are also associated with lower perceived levels of rent-seeking and corruption among G-20 countries. Public investment projects often provide lucrative opportunities for corruption and rent-seeking. Empirical studies have found corruption to be associated with higher overall levels of public investment and lower levels of public investment efficiency.18 Figure 8d shows a positive relationship between the strength of PIM institutions and perceptions of government integrity as measure by the ICRG Corruption Index. This result holds even when adjusted for income. Open, competitive, and transparent procedures for allocating and implementing public investment projects are particularly important in limiting opportunities for corruption.

V. Strengthening Public Investment Management

24. This final section identifies priorities for strengthening public investment management in the G-20. It is based on a set of case studies19 prepared by IMF staff and shared bilaterally with G-20 country authorities. Recommendations covered all three phases of the public investment management cycle and 14 of 15 institutions included in the PIMA framework (Figure 9).20 The common themes emerging from these case studies are summarized below for advanced, emerging, and G-20 countries as a whole.

Figure 9.
Figure 9.

G-20 Case Studies: Distribution of Recommendations over PIMA Institutions for AEs and EMs

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

Source: IMF staff

25. Most recommendations for institutional strengthening for the G-20 are in the planning area, fewest in the delivery area. This reflects the findings in Section IV about the relative strengths of G-20 countries in investment implementation (especially availability of funding and protection of capital appropriations) and relative weaknesses in investment planning (especially fiscal and budgetary planning and central-local government coordination). At the same time, two aspects of investment allocation (project appraisal and selection) also represent important areas for improvement.

A. Advanced G-20 Countries

26. A key priority for advanced G-20 countries is to strengthen central-local coordination of public investment. Sub-national governments fund and implement a large share of public investment in many advanced economies. Coordination can improve sectoral prioritization, project selection and synergies, and can make implementation more efficient. Anecdotal evidence suggests considerable issues with duplication in regional strategies and lack of tie in with national priorities. Recommendations made include establishment of information sharing mechanisms during the planning phase, linking of regional and national strategic planning, formalization of discussion/negotiation process, and publishing of consolidated public investment plans of all levels of government.

27. Many advanced G-20 countries have opportunities for strengthening multi-year budgeting. G-20 AEs actually score weaker on this issue than AEs in the wider IMF study. Medium-term budgeting enables line ministries to better allocate funds and provides a baseline of spending over multiple years. More predictability of funding at the ministry level promotes development of a pipeline of approved projects, better prioritization among projects, and disclosure of the total costs of proposed and ongoing projects. Investment spending ceilings by sector or ministry, either indicative or binding, will provide discipline in planning and implementation.

28. Advanced G-20 could also improve national planning and the sectoral and regional guidance this provides. Investment planning in many advanced G-20 has been largely decentralized to sectoral ministries and regional authorities. That has positive implications for project planning and implementation. However, it can also lead to rigidity in sectoral allocation and lack of coherence between national and sectoral and regional prioritization.

B. Emerging G-20 Countries

29. Emerging G-20 countries need to establish clearer criteria and procedures for project selection. Few emerging G-20 countries publish selection criteria for projects, thus making it easier to by-pass, and minimizing benefits from project appraisals. It means that projects can be parachuted into the selection process from the political level without adequate scrutiny and evaluation. Feedback from ex post project evaluations is useful to inform and refine the project selection process and criteria. Several emerging G-20 countries approve more projects than can realistically be financed, resulting in degraded implementation performance.

30. Emerging G-20 countries need to better monitor of their existing stock of infrastructure assets. Knowledge of the stock and condition of infrastructure is a precondition for determining infrastructure needs and maintenance requirements. While countries often have requirements for asset registers, the data are often not reliable, particularly in EM G-20 countries where sub-national governments play a substantial role in infrastructure provision. Accounting systems often do not cover nonfinancial assets. With valuations missing, asset management is basic at best and privatization processes are impeded. Appropriate accrual accounting procedures and estimates of depreciation in financial statements can be a good proxy for the amount of maintenance and capital replacement costs that should be planned for.

31. Project management and evaluation are bottlenecks in quite a few emerging G-20 countries, leading to delayed implementation and cost overruns. Project management capacity is often limited, not properly assigned or not properly overseen. Project implementation plans are not always developed prior to project approval, which, if done, would provide greater continuity between project design and implementation. Ex post evaluations of project management, outputs, and outcomes are also often overlooked even though they provide important inputs to planning, design, and appraisal of future projects. While ex post financial audits of projects should be done on a risk-based manner, emerging G-20 countries often do not have the criteria on when to audit a project and publish the results.

C. All G-20 Countries

32. All G-20 countries should look to make their fiscal frameworks more supportive of sustainable, stable, and adequate levels of public investment. Fiscal frameworks should protect investment spending against fiscal pressures in the near term—even if this is not always fully possible under tight financing constraints—and make investment flows less pro-cyclical and more fiscally sustainable in the longer term. The use of structural balance limits or investment floors, coupled with firm ceilings on overall indebtedness has proven helpful in some countries. More predictable and stable levels of aggregate public investment support improved sectoral and major project planning, and ensure that recurrent spending shares in any consolidation efforts.

33. Most G-20 countries could strengthen the rigor and transparency of project appraisal. This can be done, for example, through the adoption of standard project appraisal guidelines, more systematic use of cost-benefit analyses, and incorporation of risk assessments in project evaluation. Many G-20 countries conduct but do not publish project evaluations or cost-benefit analyses, which, if published, would provide an incentive to perform these studies in a more thorough manner and contribute to greater discipline in project selection. While many G 20 countries have devolved responsibility for project appraisals to line ministries, a central review or second opinion can ensure compliance with national priorities and comparability of project analyses across sectors. Feasibility studies conducted by external experts are often warranted in cases of large, complex, or politically sensitive projects.

34. Many G-20 countries are still struggling to make PPPs a cost-effective alternative to traditional budget financing of public infrastructure. Countries that have been successful in this area have published national strategies for the use of PPPs, select PPP projects based on value-for-money reviews by a dedicated PPP unit, and are guided by clear criteria for choosing between PPPs and traditional financing. PPP commitments should be systematically monitored, with overall limits on the accumulation of PPP liabilities, to minimize related fiscal risks.


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Annex I. The Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) Diagnostic

A. Basic Principles

The 15 public investment management institutions—and their key features—described in Section III.A provide the basis for a comprehensive evaluation of PIM practices in a sample of 25 countries. Each institution was assessed based on three indicators related to the key design features of that institution, resulting in a total of 45 indicators. The indicators were selected to characterize each institution, rather than as comprehensive descriptors of it.

Three possible scores were set for each indicator. The criteria for each score were intended to focus on key elements that contribute to PIM outcomes. While practices in a country rarely fit the scoring criteria exactly, the criteria provide valuable guidance to ensure that scoring is applied as consistently as possible. Scores were based on current practice. If current practice was very recently introduced, and thus had no opportunity to influence PIM outcomes to date, scores were calculated based on previous practice.

Criteria for each of the three possible scores within an indicator often accumulate key characteristics. In other words, the lowest score required the presence in a country of A, the next highest score required the presence of A and B, and the highest score required the presence of A, B, and C. Most indicators were intended to apply to all countries. In cases where B was not present, but C was, the middle score was given. A few indicators were not assumed to be present in every country. For example, a country that has not entered into any (PPPs, and has no immediate plans to do so, was not scored on PPP-related indicators.

Institutions nominally in place are not equally effective across countries. For example, project appraisal procedures required by law, and reviewed by a dedicated unit in the Ministry of Finance, may be carried out better in Country X than in Country Y. In such cases, both countries would be scored equally if the project appraisal practices were broadly reasonable. However, if Country Y was nominally carrying out appraisal practices that were widely considered to be of low quality, the country would not be scored as if this practice was present. In short, the scoring was based on the assumption that practices were effective, and therefore present, unless there was clear evidence to the contrary.

The 45 indicator scores were aggregated using simple averaging. Averages were calculated for institutions, phases of the PIM process, countries, and classes of countries. If an indicator was judged to be inapplicable, as might be the case with PPP indicators, the indicator was removed entirely from the average calculation and thus affected the score only insofar as the total number of observations was reduced. Indicators and scoring criteria were designed with roughly equal weighting in mind.

Scoring was performed by the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) staff members with knowledge of public financial management practices in each country. The desk economist in the respective IMF country team reviewed the scoring for each country. Countries were consulted directly regarding any factual questions about particular institutions. An internal review to ensure consistency of scoring across countries was conducted.

B. Comparison with Other Indices

The above evaluation results are consistent with other measures of the strength of public institutions and investment management. The strength of PIM institutions, measured using the methodology described above, is highly correlated with wider measures of government integrity, such as the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) (Annex Figure.1.A).21 The results are also correlated with the Public Investment Management Index (PIMI) developed by the IMF and the World Bank for a range of emerging and low-income developing countries,22 although the overlap between sample countries is relatively low (Annex Figure.1.B). It also compares well to the conceptual framework for PIM developed by the World Bank.

Annex Figure 1.
Annex Figure 1.

Correlation with Other Measure

Citation: Policy Papers 2015, 004; 10.5089/9781498344258.007.A001

C. The PIMA Questionnaire

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This was echoed by the IMFC. See IMFC 2014e.


There are some exceptions, including Warner (2014), Gupta and others (2014), found the strength of public investment management to be a significant factor in the relationship between public investment and growth.


Throughout this period, China has maintained a much higher investment rate than the G-20 average. However, the trends in the average are not driven by developments in China. The G-20 recovery in recent years has taken place despite somewhat lower public investment in China.


The number of G-20 AE countries in the sample is limited due to lack of consistent reporting of PPP operations.


Table 1 is illustrative, as data on the breakdown between central and local government investment is limited.


The estimates are based on recent IMF staff work (IMF, 2015).


See (Albino-War, 2014) for a discussion of public investment in natural resource-rich MENA and CCA oil-exporting countries.


See IMF (2015) for a detailed description of the PIMA framework and the methodology used to general the overall PIMA scores for countries.


Such as the Public Investment Management Index (Dabla-Norris and others, 2012) and the World Bank’s “unified framework” (Rajaram and others, 2014).


Consultations took place between IMF and World Bank (and OECD) staff at the technical level during the design of the instrument. Bank and Fund have since agreed to fully coordinate the further piloting and implementation of the PIMA in order to avoid any duplication of activities, and to participate in respective diagnostic missions and follow-up technical assistance missions.


The countries in the sample were selected to represent a broad range of countries in terms of income, geography, size, public investment levels, and public investment quality. They include seven AEs (Finland, Germany, Japan, Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States); nine EMs (Algeria, Brazil, Chile, India, Jordan, the Philippines, Qatar, Romania, and South Africa); and nine LIDCs (Bolivia, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nepal, Niger, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Uganda).


These relationships hold even when corrected for income, which has a strong correlation with the four performance measures.


The ICRG Corruption Index is a general measure of perceived corruption in society. The higher the score, the lower is corruption.


Regressions of efficiency on the overall PIM score, using the hybrid PIE-X indicator, suggest that an additional point in PIM overall score is statistically significantly associated with a 5 percent increase in PI efficiency. The result is consistent with other studies. For example, IMF (2014b) found that high public investment efficiency is generally associated with good institutional quality in oil-exporting countries.


Stop-go investment policies were prevalent in the 1990s and early 2000s in many Latin American countries. See Perry, Servén, and Suescún (2008).


Tanzi and Davoodi (1997) confirm anecdotal evidence that higher levels of corruption are associated with higher levels of public investment, lower levels of operation and maintenance expenditure, and a lower level of infrastructure quality. Abed and Gupta (2002) stress the impact on institutions and economic performance.


Each case study described institutions in accordance with the Public Investment Management Assessment tool, and included recommendations for improvement. The case studies have been shared only with each respective country and will not be otherwise circulated or published. This section summarizes the overall results of the case studies without disclosing the details of any one case study.


The PIM institution “budget unity: which discusses joint planning and budgeting of recurrent and capital expenditure did not appear to be a significant issue in the G-20.


A principal component analysis confirmed the correlations between our framework and WGI, but not the PIMI.


The PIMI was developed as a composite index of the efficiency of the public investment process for 71 EMs and LIDCs across four consecutive stages: project appraisal, selection, implementation, and evaluation. Each of the stages is made up of several individual components (17 in total).

  • Collapse
  • Expand
Improving Public Investment Efficiency in the G-20
International Monetary Fund
  • Figure 1.

    Trends in Public Investment and Capital Stock in G-20 Countries

    (percent of GDP and per-capita real terms, 2005 PPP$-adjusted)

  • Figure 2.

    Private vs. Public Investment in Core Infrastructure in the UK and India

    (percent of total investment)

  • Figure 3.

    PPP Capital Stock in G-20 Economies

    (percent of GDP)

  • Figure 4.

    Indicators of Infrastructure Quality and Access

  • Figure 5.

    Public Capital and Infrastructure Performance

  • Figure 6.

    The PIMA Framework

  • Figure 7.

    PI Institutional Overall Score by G-20 Sub-Group

  • Figure 8.

    PIM Institutions and PI Performance Indicators

  • Figure 9.

    G-20 Case Studies: Distribution of Recommendations over PIMA Institutions for AEs and EMs

  • Annex Figure 1.

    Correlation with Other Measure