2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Vanuatu


2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Vanuatu

Fund Relations

(As of May 14, 2019)

Membership Status: joined September 28, 1981; Article VIII

General Resources Account:

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SDR Department:

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Outstanding Purchases and Loans:

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Emergency Assistance may include ENDA, EPCA, and RFI.

Latest Financial Arrangements: None

Projected Payments to the Fund 2/

(SDR million; based on existing use of resources and presenting holdings of SDRs);

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When a member has overdue financial obligations outstanding for more than three months, the amount of such arrears will be shown in this section.

Implementation of HIPC Initiative: Not applicable

Implementation of Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative: Not applicable

Implementation of Catastrophe Containment and Relief: Not applicable

Exchange Arrangements

Since 1988, Vanuatu has officially maintained an adjustable peg exchange rate arrangement. Currently, the exchange rate of the vatu is linked to a transactions-weighted (trade and tourism receipts) basket of currencies. The weights and composition of the basket, which are not publicly disclosed, are adjusted periodically. The Reserve Bank of Vanuatu (RBV) quotes daily buying and selling rates for the vatu against the U.S., Australian, and New Zealand dollars; the euro; the U.K. pound; and the Japanese yen. The rate in terms of the U.S. dollar as of May 14, 2019 was VT 115.01 per U.S. dollar. The de facto classification is “other managed,” as the composite weights are not disclosed and cannot be confirmed. Vanuatu has accepted the obligations of Article VIII, Sections 2, 3, and 4, and maintains an exchange system that is free of restrictions on payments and transfers for current international transactions.

Article IV Consultation

Vanuatu is on a 12–month consultation cycle. The previous Article IV consultation mission took place during January 29-February 8, 2018 and the consultation was concluded on a lapse-of-time basis on April 6, 2018 (Country Report No. 18/109).

OFC Assessments

The most recent Offshore Financial Center Module II Assessment, conducted by MFD, was concluded in May 2006.

Safeguards Assessment

The first safeguards assessment of the RBV was completed in October 2016 in connection with emergency financing received in 2015. The assessment found that the RBV has a recognized accounting framework and publishes annual financial statements, albeit with some delay. It also identified several weaknesses in its governance arrangements, autonomy, transparency, and audit mechanisms. Recommendations included: (i) drafting amendments to the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu Act to align it with leading practices for central banks; (ii) establishing an Audit Committee; (iii) outsourcing internal audit services to an independent international audit firm; and (iv) formulating a recapitalization plan. While the RBV received technical assistance on the recapitalization framework and recently appointed an internal auditor, progress in implementing the safeguards recommendations has been slow.

Technical Assistance

Technical assistance on public financial management, central bank audit functions, financial supervision, and statistics (GDP and government finance) has been provided mainly through PFTAC, with additional support for training on the LIC DSF at CICDC.

Resident Representative

The resident representative office for the Pacific Islands, including Vanuatu, was opened in September 2010 in Suva, Fiji. Ms. Leni Hunter is the current Resident Representative.

Relations with Other International Financial Institutions (IFIs)

Relations with other IFIs:

Statistical Issues

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Vanuatu: Table of Common Indicators Required for Surveillance

(As of May 2019)

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Daily (D), Weekly (W), Monthly (M), Quarterly (Q), Annually (A), Irregular (I), and Not Available (N/A).

Includes reserve assets pledged or otherwise encumbered as well as net derivative positions.

Both market-based and officially-determined, including discount rates, money market rates, rates on treasury bills, notes and bonds.

Foreign and domestic financing.

The central government is only the budgetary central government. The data not monthly to STA or IFS. The last available information in IFS available is December 2016. On April 30, 2019 the Government started to release the data through its e-GDDS National Summary Data Page

Includes external gross financial asset and liability positions vis-à-vis nonresidents.