Euro Area Policies: Staff Report for the 2016 Article IV Consultation—Supplementary Information

The recovery continues with stronger growth in recent quarters, but downside risks have increased, amid growing political divisions and euroskepticism. Medium-term prospects remain weak, with high public and private debt and slow progress in structural reforms weighing on growth. And there is very little policy space to cope with adverse shocks.


The recovery continues with stronger growth in recent quarters, but downside risks have increased, amid growing political divisions and euroskepticism. Medium-term prospects remain weak, with high public and private debt and slow progress in structural reforms weighing on growth. And there is very little policy space to cope with adverse shocks.

1. This supplement provides information that has become available since the issuance of the staff report. The information does not alter the thrust of the staff appraisal.

2. On June 23, the people of the United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union. With the announcement by Prime Minister Cameron that he will resign, a new U.K. government is expected to decide when to trigger Article 50 to start the formal and legal process of leaving the EU, and discuss possible new trade arrangements.

3. The referendum result surprised financial markets and triggered widespread risk aversion, including in the euro area. The euro depreciated against the US dollar by 2.2 percent as of July 1 but was broadly unchanged in nominal effective terms. Sovereign yields initially rose in some countries but have significantly declined during the week following the referendum (with the exception of Greece and Portugal) as German Bund yields reached record lows. Equity markets in the euro area initially fell but have since recovered to around 5 percent below their pre-referendum level. Equity declines were led by bank share prices which have fallen by 17 percent, with sharper drops in Greece, Ireland, and Italy. Despite the financial turbulence, there is little evidence to date of market dysfunction: liquidity has not dried up, and most financial prices have recovered partially from their post-vote troughs. This partly reflects the actions and willingness of the Bank of England, the ECB, and other central banks to backstop liquidity in euros and other currencies.

4. The U.K. is an important trading partner for the euro area, as the destination for about 13 percent of euro area exports, and also has close financial links with the region. Its exit from the EU is expected to negatively affect euro area economies through trade, financial and confidence channels. On this basis, staff now project euro area real GDP to grow by 1.6 percent this year and 1.4 percent next year, somewhat lower than the staff report projections (see table). Inflation has also been revised downward slightly in light of the slower pace of growth.

5. The revised forecast for the euro area is broadly consistent with the “limited scenario” outlined in the 2016 U.K. Article IV report and accompanying Selected Issues paper, in which output in the U.K. is assumed to be 1½ percent below the baseline by 2019. The mark-downs for the euro area reflect likely weaker investor confidence on account of heightened uncertainty, greater financial market volatility, and lower import demand from the U.K. Given the euro area’s substantial weight in world trade, this slowdown would have spillovers to many other economies, including emerging markets but the impact is expected to be limited.

6. Looking ahead, the risks to the outlook remain firmly on the downside and are mainly political. Uncertainty will persist as long as the U.K.’s new status vis-à-vis the EU is not clear. The recommendation in the staff report that collective actions should be taken to improve the governance of the economic union and make it more cohesive remains valid, and has now taken on greater urgency.

7. Reflecting the U.K. referendum result, staff also updated the euro area page for the External Sector Report (attached). Specifically, the revised page now notes that the U.K.’s decision to exit the EU does not affect staff’s external assessment for 2015, but may have implications for the assessment going forward, which will be assessed in the context of future ESR and euro area reports. In addition, EBA results and the latest euro real exchange rate movements are updated, reflecting new information after the issuance of the staff report, neither of which affects staff’s assessment of the euro area external position in 2015.

Table 1.

Euro Area: Main Economic Indicators, 2016–2018

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Source: IMF staff estimates.
Table 2.

External Sector Assessment

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Euro Area Policies: 2016 Aticle IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Euro Area
Author: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.