United Kingdom
Observance by CREST of the CPSS-IOSCO Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems Detailed Assessment of Observance

In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.


In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.

I. Summary, Key Findings, and Recommendations1

1. The overall assessment is that the CREST system itself is reliable and effective in providing delivery versus payment settlement on a real-time gross basis. There is, however, a residual interbank credit risk stemming from the U.S. dollar settlement mechanism. CREST’s supervision and oversight are risk-based and thus are implemented on a prioritization basis. They have been strengthened since the crisis, at both the Bank of England (BoE) and the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Still at least 15 percent by value of equities and around 1 percent by value of gilts are not dematerialized, which involves operational costs for market participants. Exposures to commercial settlement banks are highly concentrated and growing, increasing credit risk outside the system.

A. introduction

2. This assessment was undertaken in the context of an IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) exercise for the United Kingdom (U.K.) over the period January-July 2011, which included, inter alia, the Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems (RSSS).2 This assessment covers the CREST securities settlement system (CREST) operated by Euroclear U.K. & Ireland Limited (EUI), which is the Central Securities Depository (CSD) of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man.

3. CREST settles and holds a wide range of securities, including U.K. and Irish equities, gilts, corporate debt, money market instruments, warrants, and English Law depository receipts that represent international securities (equities, Eurobonds, and international warrants). It acts as the CSD for U.K. securities, the vast majority of which is dematerialized. Since 2001, a transfer of securities in the book-entry system of CREST has constituted the legal transfer of title, with CREST records being the register for dematerialized securities under U.K. law. In addition, EUI runs a fully-owned subsidiary (CREST International Nominee Limited) which acts as depository/custodian for international securities settled in CREST, and issues CREST Depository interests, with exactly the same characteristics as the underlying international securities, but which can be settled in CREST under English law.

CREST provides a delivery versus payment (DvP) settlement service in three currencies: sterling, euro, and U.S. dollars. In sterling and euro, interbank cash settlement is on a real-time gross settlement (RTGS) basis in central bank money. The US dollar payment arrangements involve bilateral net interbank cash settlement after the end of the CREST settlement day, at a time and in a manner bilaterally agreed between each settlement bank. CREST also provides other services including collateral facilities, securities borrowing and lending functions, tax assistance and stamp duty, corporate actions facilities (including market claims management, automatic transformations and electronic proxy voting, income and redemptions, issuer and new issues services), and transaction reporting to the U.K. and Irish regulators.

B. Information and Methodology Used for Assessment

4. The assessors reviewed several previous assessments and held discussions with relevant parties. During the 2002 FSAP, a detailed assessment was made of CREST against the RSSS. A follow-up of this assessment was undertaken as a selected issue in the context of the 2005 Article IV consultation. The FSA and the BoE conducted a formal assessment of CREST’s observance of the RSSS in 2005 and published it in June 2006. In addition, a new assessment was prepared by the FSA with the BoE’s input on CREST payment arrangements for Recommendations 7, 8, and 10 in December 2010 for the FSAP mission. The FSA also provided a number of documents relevant for the assessment. Extensive meetings were held with officials from the FSA and the BoE, supplemented by discussions with officials from EUI as well as with representatives of four CREST participants and two stock-exchanges.

5. The assessment methodology for “Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems” issued by the CPSS/IOSCO in November 2002, was used when assessing CREST. In accordance with the assessment methodology, the assignment of an assessment category with respect to a Recommendation is based on the current situation existing without regard to any proposed or ongoing actions. Material changes underway are presented in the description and/or comment sections.

6. Each Recommendation was assessed on a qualitative basis based on a five-fold assessment categorization: observed, broadly observed, partly observed, non-observed, and not applicable. The categorization follows the guidelines in the assessment methodology. As a general principle, a Recommendation is considered observed whenever all assessment criteria are generally met without any significant deficiencies. A Recommendation is considered broadly observed whenever only minor shortcomings are found, which do not raise major concerns and when corrective actions to achieve full observance with the Recommendation are scheduled and realistically achievable within a prescribed period of time. A Recommendation is considered partly observed whenever the shortcomings are sufficient to raise doubts about the ability to achieve observance within a reasonable time frame. A Recommendation is considered non-observed whenever major shortcomings are found in adhering to the assessment criteria. Whenever a Recommendation is assessed to be broadly, partly or non-observed, suggestions are proposed for achieving full observance. A Recommendation is considered not applicable whenever it does not apply given the structural, legal, and institutional conditions.

7. No obstacles were faced in the work. The authorities and others were fully cooperative.

C. Institutional and Market Structure—Overview

8. CREST is the only securities settlement system (SSS) registered in the United Kingdom. It is operated by EUI, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Euroclear SA/NV Group (Euroclear) based in Belgium (Figure 1). Euroclear SA/NV provides and supports the technical CREST services for EUI, but EUI is the U.K. regulated body and the Board of Directors of EUI is responsible for providing the CREST service to the U.K. and Irish markets.

Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Euroclear Group Structure

Citation: IMF Staff Country Reports 2011, 236; 10.5089/9781462331482.002.A001

9. Currently, there are two CCPs based in the United Kingdom, which clear securities: LCH. Clearnet Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the United Kingdom/France-based LCH. Clearnet group; and EuroCCP, a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S.-based DTCC.3 In addition, two CCPs that hold a Recognized Overseas Clearing House license clear U.K. securities: EMCF based in the Netherlands and SIX x-clear AG based in Switzerland.

10. U.K. equities are traded across a number of trading platforms, including exchanges and Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs), and cleared via those four CCPs. In 2010, around 60 percent by value of equities were traded on the LSE and cleared via LCH. Clearnet Limited and SIX x-clear. The remainder of equity trading was undertaken over-the-counter, and through the MTFs, mostly Chi-X, BATS and Turquoise, with Chi-X and BATS cleared by EMCF, and Turquoise cleared by Euro CCP (Figure 2). The PLUS Markets exchange offers trading in the alternative, junior equities market (AIM) and is cleared by LCH. Clearnet Limited. Transactions are settled in CREST; Euroclear Bank SA/NV (Euroclear), the Brussels based International Central Securities Depository (ICSD); and SegaInterSettle (SIS), the Zurich based ICSD.

Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Exchanges, MTFs, and CCPs Settling in CREST

Citation: IMF Staff Country Reports 2011, 236; 10.5089/9781462331482.002.A001

11. Bond trading is undertaken via MTFs, bilateral trading systems, and voice brokers; part of it is centrally cleared by LCH. Clearnet Limited. Gilts and U.K. registered corporate debt instruments are settled in CREST.

12. In 2010, on average the CREST system settled around 240,000 transactions on a daily basis with a value of around £0.6 trillion (1.6 trillion including the self-collateralized repos) with 99.5 percent being settled in sterling, 0.2 percent in U.S. dollars, and 0.1 percent in euro. The U.K. government bonds (gilts) and money market instruments account for approximately 88 percent of the value of settlement. The value of securities held in CREST amounted to more than £3.3 trillion, of which 60 percent was equities.

D. Regulatory Framework—Overview

13. The current tripartite structure in the United Kingdom was established in 1997. It brings together those authorities with responsibilities connected to financial stability—HM Treasury (HMT), the FSA, and the BoE. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between HMT, the Bank, and the FSA (2006) sets out the respective roles of each authority.

  • HMT is responsible for the overall institutional structure of financial regulation and the legislation which governs it, including the negotiation of European directives; informing, and accounting to Parliament for the management of serious problems in the financial system and any measures used to resolve them; and accounting for financial sector resilience to operational disruption within government.

  • The FSA is responsible for, inter alia, the supervision of financial markets, securities listings and of clearing and settlement systems; the conduct of operations in response to problem cases affecting firms, markets, and clearing and settlements systems and regulatory policy in these areas, including that intended to promote the resilience to the operational disruption of authorized firms and Recognized Bodies.

  • The BoE contributes to the maintenance of the stability of the financial system as a whole - one of its two core purposes. This includes overseeing financial system infrastructure systemically significant to the United Kingdom, in particular payments systems whether based in the United Kingdom or abroad. The BoE advises the Chancellor, and answers for its advice, on any major problem arising in these systems. The BoE is also closely involved in developing and improving the infrastructure and strengthening the system to help reduce systemic risk.

14. EUI is authorized as an operator of a relevant system under the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (USRs) and is regulated in the United Kingdom by the FSA as a Recognized Clearing House (RCH) under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA). EUI is also authorized as an operator of systems in Ireland, Jersey and the Isle of Man. CREST is also a designated system in the United Kingdom and Ireland under the Settlement Finality Directive (SFD).

15. The BoE oversees EUI as an operator of an inter-bank payment system under Part 5 of the Banking Act 2009, which establishes a statutory regulatory regime for interbank payment systems. Treasury recognized the embedded payment arrangements within CREST as an inter-bank payment system in January 2010. CREST is one of the largest embedded payment systems in the United Kingdom with daily cash movements of £1.6 trillion (including self-collateralized repos). The BoE and the FSA signed an MOU regarding the oversight of payments systems, which covers FSA regulated entities such as EUI that have embedded payment systems.

16. A joint College of Regulators, with representatives of each member country of the Euroclear Group (United Kingdom/Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden and Finland), meets quarterly and seeks to ensure a coordinated regulatory approach. An MOU agrees the extent and methodology of cooperation between the participants.

17. Treasury’s consultation paper of February 2011 indicates that the government intends to transfer regulation and supervision of CCPs to the BoE by end 2012. Under the proposed framework, the Bank would be directly responsible for supervising the providers of systemically important infrastructure. It would, therefore, remain the regulator of payment systems under Part 5 of the Banking Act 2009 and it would take over the FSA’s responsibility for regulating settlement systems under the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001. The BoE would also be the regulator of central counterparties under the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA). This would bring the regulation of all three types of body together for the first time in the United Kingdom.

E. Main Findings

Legal framework (Rec. 1)

18. The settlement activities in the United Kingdom are governed by a consistent set of laws, regulations, and contractual arrangements that form a sound legal foundation for settlement and custody activities. The legal regulatory framework is clear and transparent. The United Kingdom’s implementation of European directives provides a firm statutory foundation for netting, set-off and securities lending, which is consistent with the other member states. Both securities and payment transfers, when finalized, and default arrangements are protected from the ordinary operation of U.K. and Ireland insolvency laws.

Pre-settlement risk (Rec. 2—5)

19. Most trades between direct market participants are due to be confirmed the same day and settled on a continuous basis, using a rolling settlement cycle, three days after trade execution for equities, and between zero and three days for debt instruments (depending on the type of instrument and its maturity). The assessors did not obtain the data to assess the performance of the securities trade confirmation process between direct market participants, and also were unable to assess the performance of trade confirmation at the indirect participant’s level.

20. The U.K. has well-developed securities lending and repo markets that contribute to the settlement process. They are clearly acknowledged in, and supported by, law, regulation, tax and accounting systems. There is no specific regulatory regime for securities lending and repo markets, which are governed by contractual arrangements and codes of practice.

Settlement risk (Rec. 6—10)

21. Since the 2002 FSAP, money market instruments have been fully dematerialized, which is a significant achievement. However, in 2010, at least 15 percent by value of equities and around 1 percent by value of gilts were still not dematerialized, which involves operational costs for market participants. Following the 2009 General Election, the U.K. government considered dematerialization carefully, and concluded that it was not a priority, particularly given that there was not an overall consensus amongst interested stakeholders.

22. DvP is achieved through the simultaneous transfer of funds and securities when settlement is executed in CREST accounts. CREST offers “model 1” DvP for sterling and euro transactions. For US dollar transactions, CREST offers ‘model 2’ DvP. For U.S. dollar settlement, although cash and securities move in CREST on a transaction by transaction basis throughout the settlement day, the settlement banks bilaterally discharge their net payment obligations with each other arising from CREST settlement after the end of the CREST settlement day. They settle these payment obligations at a time and in a manner bilaterally agreed between themselves. There is an interbank credit risk stemming from this mechanism, which means that principal risk is not fully eliminated: if the paying CREST U.S. dollar settlement bank fails, CREST members are exposed to the risk that having delivered a security, they fail to receive payment for it. However, U.S. dollar transactions are presently small.

23. There is a potential risk of revocability of the Irish, Jersey, Guernsey, and Isle of Man securities in the two hours following settlement due to the time needed to register them in local registrars. But the ground upon which a registrar may refuse to register a transfer is very limited and clearly defined in the relevant regulations. In addition, related activity is very small and the risk has never materialized yet.

24. Where CREST members share the same CREST Settlement Bank, the transactions between them are called ‘on-us transactions.’ The proportion of sterling transactions that are ‘on-us’ has steadily increased from around 15 percent at the start of 2008 to 40 percent in December 2010, illustrating the concentration of the custodian business (though a significant part of the increase is from transactions between CREST Settlement Banks’ own entities). In addition, exposures to commercial settlement banks are highly concentrated since two of them account for around 50 percent of the settlement value in sterling, thus increasing credit risk outside the system. This is a potential source of vulnerability since the unexpected unavailability of a major clearer would likely raise substantial liquidity pressures. Although these banks, which are very large, are well-supervised banks, it is essential that this particular dimension is carefully reflected in the supervisory process.

Operational risk (Rec. 11)

25. The system is reliable and secure, and has adequate, scalable capacity. Contingency plans and back-up facilities are in place to allow for timely recovery of operations and completion of the settlement process. However, EUI does not organize compulsory contingency testing for its largest participants. CREST does not have a second IT back-up site (three IT sites architecture), which would be welcome for such a core infrastructure.

Custody risk (Rec. 12)

26. The CSD operates a “direct holding” system, where securities are registered in the name of the legal owner. It offers the possibility to open individual accounts.

27. The failure of Lehman Brothers International (LBIE) highlighted a number of areas where the protection of customers’ securities against the claims of a custodian’s creditors needed to be strengthened. However, it should be noted that no difficulties stemmed from assets registered in EUI.

Other issues (Rec. 13—19)

28. The CSD is owned by users and its Board of directors reflects the interest of shareholders, users, and the public interest. Rules, procedures, fees and major decisions are all published on its external website.

29. The CSD access criteria and the procedures for the exit of participants, whether initiated by the participant or by the CSD, are clearly stated in the participant rules and are disclosed on the CSD website. However, according to the CREST Rules, existing Settlement Banks could potentially veto an applicant settlement bank.

30. The CSD routinely reviews its pricing levels against its costs of operation. It also carries out user surveys and benchmarks its costs and charges against other systems. Ad-hoc surveys are also used to assess user satisfaction with the system and the service it provides.

31. The CSD rules and other contractual arrangements defining the rights and obligations of the participants are publicly available. The CSD has published its self-assessment against the ESCB/CESR recommendations on its website.

32. The role and responsibilities of relevant public authorities with respect to securities settlement activities are clearly defined and transparent. The CSD’s supervision and oversight are risk-based and thus are implemented on a prioritization basis. They have been strengthened since the crisis, both at the BoE and the FSA. Hiring and keeping the right expertise is challenging for them.

33. The CSD has established three links with foreign securities settlement systems. Only one of them settles DvP, while the two others are free-of-payment. Under the current conditions, the links do not seem to expose the CSD to potential credit risk and financial losses.

Table 1.

United Kingdom: Collation of Assessment Results by Assessment Category

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Table 2.

United Kingdom: Summary Observance

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F. Recommended Action Plan and Authorities’ Response

34. A recommended action plan to improve observance is presented in Table 3 for the RSSS that are not fully observed. Table 4 offers additional actions that go beyond observance.

Table 3.

United Kingdom: Recommended Action Plan to Improve Observance

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Table 4.

United Kingdom: Additional Action Plan

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Authorities’ response to the assessment

35. The U.K. authorities welcome this assessment of the CREST settlement system against the CPSS IOSCO recommendations for securities settlement systems (RSSS).

36. The U.K.’s supervision and oversight of Euroclear U.K. and Ireland, the operator of the CREST system has changed since the financial crisis. It is therefore reassuring that the IMF notes the strengthened supervision and oversight of Euroclear UK and Ireland.

37. The assessment identifies recommended actions which would improve observance with the RSSS. The U.K. authorities will consider and review all of the assessors’ recommendations and additional actions, and look to use ongoing supervision and oversight to ensure UK settlement arrangements remain robust and resilient.

38. Finally, the authorities wish to express their strong support of the Financial Sector Assessment Program initiative and look forward to a continuing dialogue with the IMF and other global counterparts to seek to improve the stability and effective supervision of the global financial system.

II. Detailed Assessment

39. The detailed assessment provides a “description” of the system with regard to a particular Principle, a grading or “assessment,” and a “comments” section (Table 5).

Table 5.

United Kingdom: Detailed Assessment of Observance

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  • Description. This section provides information on the recommendation being assessed, based on the “key questions” included in the Assessment Methodology. Responses reflect the actual practices followed by the SSS operator and participants and the competent domestic authorities in their oversight, regulation, or supervision of SSSs or their participants.

  • Assessment. This section contains only one line, stating whether the recommendation is observed, broadly observed, partly observed, not observed, or not applicable.

  • Comments. This section explains why the recommendation is not observed. It describes the actions that system operators, participants, or domestic authorities have proposed or that are ongoing in the jurisdiction to improve observance of the recommendations and the proposed timetable for their completion. Additional comments are proposed to go beyond the strict implementation of the RSSS, based on best practices.


The assessor was Christine Sampic, IMF Financial Sector Expert, in collaboration with Nikil Chande, Principal Researcher in the Department of Financial Stability at Bank of Canada.


Issued in November 2001 by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).


Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation.

United Kingdom: Observance by CREST of the CPSS-IOSCO Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems Detailed Assessment of Observance
Author: International Monetary Fund