Front Matter Page
© 2003 International Monetary Fund
June 2003
Corrected: July 2003
IMF Country Report No. 03/166
Eritrea: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
This Selected Issues paper and Statistical Appendix for Eritrea was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with the member country. It is based on the information available at the time it was completed on April 21, 2003. The views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the government of Eritrea or the Executive Board of the IMF.
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Front Matter Page
Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Prepared by a Staff Team Consisting of Mr. Riechel (head), Mr. Christensen, Mr. Mercereau, Mr. Schindler, and Mr. Yamauchi (all AFR), and Mr. Ding (TRE)
Approved by the African Department
April 21, 2003
Basic Data
I. Introduction
II. Sustainability of the Public Finances
A. Introduction
B. The Importance of Fiscal Sustainability
C. Public Finance: Developments and Trends
D. Responses to Fiscal Policy and Management
E. Restoring Sustainability
Annex. Measures of Fiscal Sustainability Gaps
Text Figures
II.1. Fiscal Policies and the Sustainability of Public Finance
Text Tables
II.1. Key Fiscal Indicators, 1993-2002
II.2. Indicators of Fiscal Sustainability, 1993-2002
II.3. Assets and Liabilities of Government, 1993-2002
II.4. Key Economic Developments, 1993-2002
II.5. Sustainability Indicators, 1993-2002
II.6. Minimum Primary Balance and Adjustment Required - Status Quo, 2000
II.7. Minimum Primary Balance—Sensitivity Analysis, 2002-20
III. Monetary Policy and Management
A. Introduction
B. The Eritrean Financial Sector
C. Statutory Role of the BE
D. Implementation of Monetary Policy
E. Tentative Conclusions
Text Figures
III.1. Bank of Eritrea’s Advances to the Government, 1997-2002
Text Tables
III.1. Selected Monetary Indicators, 1997-2002
IV. Exchange Rate Policy and Management
A. Introduction
B. Brief of Historical Overview
C. Official (de jure) Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market
D. Actual (de facto) Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market
E. Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Implications
F. Conclusions
Annex. Diagrammatic Analysis of Exchange Rate Determination
Text Figures
IV.1. Nominal Exchange Rates, 1998-2002
IV.2. Actual and Hypothetical exports, 1998-2001
V. Inflation and Its Determinants in Eritrea
A. Introduction
B. Measures of Inflation in Eritrea
C. Recent Developments in Inflation
D. Theoretical Background and Data Issues
E. Results
F. Conclusions
Annex I. Data Issues Description and Sources
Annex II. Time-Series Properties: Test for Stationarity
Text Figures
V.1. Inflation and Its Subcomponents, January 1997-December 2002
V.2. Levels and First Differences of the Data Series, 1992:Q1-2002:Q4
Text Tables
V.1. Comparison of Weights in the CPI Measures of the BE, and SEO, and Ethiopia
V.2. CPI and Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 1993-2002
V.3. Structural VAR Models, 1993:Q2-2002:Q3
Statistical Appendix Tables
1. Gross Domestic Product by Sector, 1997-2002
2. Agricultural Production and Prices, 1997-2002
3. Regional Structure of the Agricultural Sector, 1997-2002
4. Food Grain Position, 1996/97-2001/02
5. Annual Catch and Sales of Fish, 1997-2002
6. Gross Value of Public Enterprise Production, 1997-2002
7. Investment Projects by Sector, 1997-2002
8. Assab Refinery Production, Purchases, and Sales by Eritrea, 1997-2002
9. Ex-Refinery and Retail Prices of Petroleum Products, 1997-2002
10. Electricity Production, Sales, and Tariffs, 1997-2002
11. Asmara Price Index, 1997-2002
12. Developments in the Labor Market, 1997-2002
13. Structure of Private Sector Wages, 1997-2002
14. Summary of Government Operations, 1997-2002
15. Selected Indicators of Government Operations, 1997-2002
16. Government Revenues and Grants, 1997-2002
17. Government Current Expenditure by Economic Classification, 1997-2002
18. Government Current Expenditure by Functional Classification, 1997-2002
19. Government Capital Expenditure, 1997-2002
20. Monetary Survey, 1997-2002
21. Summary Accounts of the Bank of Eritrea, 1997-2002
22. Summary Accounts of the Commercial Banks, 1997-2002
23. Distribution of Net Foreign Assets, 1997-2002
24. Commercial Banks’ Excess Reserves, 1997-2002
25. Sectoral Distribution of Commercial Bank Loans, 1997-2002
26. Structure of Interest Rates, 1997-2002
27. Balance of Payments, 1997-2002
28. Commodity Composition of Exports, 1997-2002
29. Commodity Composition of Imports, 1997-2002
30. Direction of Exports, 1997-2002
31. Origin of Imports, 1997-2002
32. External Public Debt Commitments and Disbursements, 1997-2002
33. Foreign Exchange Rates, 1992-2002
34. Summary of the Tax System as of December 2002