Front Matter Page
© 2001 International Monetary Fund
July 2001
IMF Country Report No. 01/118
Albania: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
This Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix on Albania was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with the member country. It is based on the information available at the time it was completed on June 29, 2001. The views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not necessary reflect the views of the government of Albania or the Executive Board of the IMF.
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Front Matter Page
Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Prepared by Hongsung Moon, Volker Treichel, Jan Kees Martijn (all EU1), Karen Ongley (PDR) and Eva Jenkner (FAD)
Approved by the European I Department
June 29, 2001
I. Medium-Term Debt Sustainability
A. Introduction
B. The Current Debt Situation
C. Base Scenario
D. Alternative Scenarios
E. Concluding Remarks
I.1 Debt Dynamics, 2000-2010
Text Tables
I.1 Base Scenario: Debt Sustainability, 2000-10
I.2 Scenario 1: Higher Domestic Interest Rates, 2000-10
I.3 Scenario 2: Higher Foreign Interest Rates, 2000-10
I.4 Scenario 3: A Lower Real GDP Growth, 2000-10
I.5 Scenario 4: An Exchange Rate Depreciation, 2000-10
II. Financial Sustainability and Reform Options for the Albanian Pension Fund
A. Introduction
B. Key Features of the Albanian Pension Scheme
C. Financial Sustainability under Various Scenarios
Policy Scenario I—Increasing the Contribution Ceiling
Policy Scenario II—Increasing the Contribution Ceiling and Maximum Benefits
Policy Scenario III—Increasing the Contribution Ceiling and Reducing Contribution Rates
Policy Scenario IV—Increasing the Contribution Ceiling, Reducing Contribution Rates and Increasing the Retirement Age
D. Conclusions and Key Recommendations for Administrative Reforms
Text Tables
II.1 Financial Sustainability of the Albanian Pension Fund, 2000-48
Statistical Appendix Tables
1. Basic Indicators, 1992-2000
2. GDP by Sector of Origin, 1992-2000
3. Registered Private Enterprises by Activity and Date of First Registration, 1992-2000
4. Production of Selected Industrial Products in the State Sector, 1992-2000
5. Quarterly Changes of Construction Cost Index, 1993-2000
6. Consumer Price Subsidies, 1992-2000
7. Agricultural Production, 1992-2000
8. Area Under Cultivation, Production, and Yields of Selected Agricultural Crops, 1992-2000
9. Production and Yields of Selected Fruits, 1992-2000
10. Production and Yields of Selected Livestock, 1992-2000
11. Consumer Price Index, 1992-2000
12. Population, Labor Force, and Employment, 1990-2000
13. Employment and Wages in Budgetary Institutions, 1992-2000
14. Fiscal Accounts, 1993-2000
15. Central Government Expenditure Shares, 1993-2000
16. Tax Revenue Shares, 1993-2000
17. Exchange Rate, 1992-2000
18. Deposit Interest Rate Structure, 1996-2000
19. Monetary Survey, 1993-2000
20. Balance Sheet of the Bank of Albania, 1993-2000
21. Net Foreign Asset Position of the Bank of Albania, 1993-2000
22. Structure of Bank Deposits by Currency and Depositor, 1993-2000
23. Distribution of Deposits in State-Owned Commercial Banks, 1993-2000
24. Credit Provided by State-Owned Banks, 1993-2000
25. Nonperforming Credits of State-Owned Banks, 1993-2000
26. Balance of Payments, 1994-2000
27. Commodity Composition of Exports, SITC Classification, 1994-2000
28. Commodity Composition of Imports, SITC Classification, 1994-2000
29. Direction of Trade, Exports (f.o.b.), 1994-2000
30. Direction of Trade, Imports (f.o.b), 1994-2000
31. External Debt in Convertible and Nonconvertible Currencies, 1994-2000
1. Summary of the Tax System at End-March 2001