Statistical Annex

In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.


In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.

Panama: Basic Data

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Sources: Panamanian authorities; and Fund staff estimates.

Excluding grants.

External debt service as percent of exports of goods and nonfactor services.

Table 1.

Panama: National Accounts by Productive Activity 1/

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Sources: Office of the Comptroller General; and Fund staff estimates.

The national accounts for 1980-94 were revised and published in December 1995. The base year for the constant price data was updated to 1982 from 1970 and methodological improvements were implemented.

Includes the sales tax: “impuesto a la transferencia de bienes muebles”.

Table 2.

Panama: National Accounts by Use

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Source: Office of the Comptroller General; and Fund staff estimates.

Includes changes in inventories.

Table 3.

Panama: Saving and Investment

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Sources: Office of the Comptroller General; and Fund staff estimates.
Table 4.

Panama: Agricultural Production

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Source: Office of the Comptroller General.
Table 5.

Panama: Value Added in Manufacturing

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Source: Office of the Comptroller General.
Table 6.

Panama: Electricity Generation and Consumption

(In thousands of gigawatt hours) 1/

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Source: Hydraulic Resources and Electricity Institute (IRHE).

A gigawatt hour is equal to one billion watts being generated or consumed for one hour.

Table 7.

Panama: Private Sector Construction Permits, District of Panama

(In thousands of square meters)

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Source: Office of the Comptroller General.
Table 8.

Panama: Domestic Sales of Petroleum

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Sources: Office of the Comptroller General; and Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Includes marine diesel.

Table 9.

Panama: Labor Force Statistics

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Sources: Ministry of Labor, and Office of the Comptroller General.

Excludes indigenous population and collective housing, but includes employees in the formal and informal sectors, employers, and the self-employed.

Total labor force as percent of the working-age population.

Employed labor force as percent of the working-age population.

Includes the cities of Panama and Colon.

Table 10.

Panama: Average Prices Received by Farmers

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Source: Office of the Comptroller General.

First grade.

Colorado or Chiricano.

Deflated by the agricultural wholesale price index.

Table 11.

Panama: Selected Price Indices 1/

(Annual percent change)

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Sources: Office of the Comptroller General; and staff estimates.

The consumer and wholesale price indices use 1987 as the reference period.

Table 12.

Panama. Consumer Price Index

(1987= 100)

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Sources: Office of the Comptroller General; and Fund staff estimates.
Table 13.

Panama: Wholesale Price Index


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Sources: Office of the Comptroller General; and Fund staff estimates.
Table 14.

Panama: Selected Energy Prices

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Sources: Hydraulic Resources and Electricity Institute (IRHE); and Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Table 15.

Panama: Operations of the Nonfinancial Public Sector

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Sources: Office of the Comptroller General; Ministry of Planning and Economic Policy: and Fund staff estimates.

Revenue less current expenditure.

Revenue and grants, less expenditure.

Part year percentages are annualized.

The Trust Fund for Development invests divestment proceeds abroad and transfers its investment income to the central government to finance development projects, including social projects.