V. Summary of Tax System as of July 1,1996 1
International Monetary Fund
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This summary does not cover oil companies; the tax regime of these companies is governed by contractual arrangements with the Government (see SM/93/162,7/23/93, Section IV).


This summary does not cover oil companies; the tax regime of these companies is governed by contractual arrangements with the Government (see SM/93/162,7/23/93, Section IV).

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities.

This summary does not cover oil companies; the tax regime of these companies is governed by contractual arrangements with the Government (see SM/93/162,7/23/93, Section IV).


Table 1.

Cameroon: Gross Domestic Product and Expenditure, 199CV91-1995/96 1/

(At current prices)

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.

Series have been revised on the basis of new national accounts and balance of payments data.

Table 2.

Cameroon: Gross Domestic Product and Expenditure, 1990/91-1995/96 1/

(At constant 1989/90 prices)

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.

Series have been revised on the basis of new national accounts and balance of payments data.

Table 3.

Cameroon: Gross Domestic Product by Sector of Origin, 199CV91-1995/96 1/

(At current prices)

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.

Series have been revised on the basis of new national accounts.

Table 4.

Cameroon: Gross Domestic Product by Sector of Origin, 1990/91-1995/96 1/

(At constant 1989/90 prices)

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.

Series have been revised on the basis of new national accounts.

Table 5.

Cameroon: Income, Savings, and Net Financial Balances, 1990/91 -1995/96

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Sources: Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.

Gross disposable national income minus total consumption.

Central government total revenue minus current expenditure (excluding interest payments to the IMF) minus restructuring expenses.

GDP at market prices minus total consumption.

Table 6.

Cameroon: Production of Principal Food Crops, 1990/91-1995/96

(In thousands of metric tons)

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Source: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities.

Modern sector.

Includes macabo, taro, cassava, yams, and sweet potatoes.

Table 7.

Cameroon: Domestic Consumption of Petroleum Products, 1990/91-1995/96 1/

(In millions of liters)

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Source: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities.

Includes sales to other UDEAC countries.

Table 8.

Cameroon: Consumer Price Developments, December 1993-June 1996 1/

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.

New series based on the 1983/84 consumer expenditure survey. Cameroon’s Directorate for Statistics did not produce a consumer price index during the period October 1990-December 1993; during December 1990-December 1993, consumer prices declined cumulatively by an estimated 1.7 percent.

Table 9.

Cameroon: Selected Producer Prices, 1990/91-1995/96

(In CFA francs per kilogram)

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Source: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities.

The producer prices for cocoa, coffee, and cotton were determined in September, January, and November, respectively, until 1992/93. Since the liberalization of the market in 1994/95, the producer prices are negotiated between the purchaser and the producer.

The substandard grade was discontinued in 1993/94.

Table 10.

Cameroon: Petroleum Product Price Schedule, 1994-1996

(In CPA francs per liter)

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities.

From February 1994 to January 1995.

From January 1995 to July 1995.

From July 1995 to February 1996

From February 1996 to September 1996.

From September 1996 onward.

Table 11.

Cameroon: Retail Prices of Petroleum Products, 1991-96

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.
Table 12.

Cameroon: Central Government Operations, 1990/91–1995/96

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Sources: Data provided by the Cameroonian authorities; and staff estimates.

In percent of non-oil GDP.