Statistical Annex
International Monetary Fund
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In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.


In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.

Table 1.

Suriname: Output and Expenditure

(In millions of Suriname guilders at current prices)

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Sources: General Bureau of Statistics; and Fund staff estimates.

Includes public entities other than the Central Government.

Table 2.

Suriname: Aggregate Demand and Supply at Current Prices

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Sources: Statistical Appendix Table 1.

Includes public entities other than the Central Government.

Table 3.

Suriname: Gross Domestic Product by Sector

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Sources: General Bureau of Statistics; and Fund staff estimates.
Table 4.

Suriname: Real Gross Domestic Product by Sector

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Sources: General Bureau of Statistics: and Fund staff estimates.
Table 5.

Suriname: Real GDP at 1980 Prices

(Annual percentage changes)

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Sources: Statistical Appendix Table 4.
Table 6.

Suriname: Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries - Production Data

(In metric tons unless otherwise indicated)

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Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishing.

Cabbage, tomatoes, and green vegetables.

In thousands of units.

In hectares.

The ratio of planted to physical area; reflects areas with two harvests.

In metric tons per hectare.

In millions of units.

Table 7.

Suriname: Bauxite Sector - Production Data

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Sources: Central Bank of Suriname; Bauxite Institute of Suriname; and World Metal Statistics.
Table 8.

Suriname: World Production, Consumption, and Changes in Stocks of Primary Aluminum

(In thousands of metric tons)

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Sources: World Metal Statistics, various issues, London; and International Financial Statistics; and Fund staff estimates.

In U.S. cents per pound.

Table 9.

Suriname: Selected Manufacturing Production

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Source: General Bureau of Statistics.
Table 10.

Suriname: Consumer Price Index - Paramaribo and Suburbs

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Source: General Bureau of Statistics.
Table 11.

Suriname: Employment by Sector 1/

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Source: General Bureau of Statistics.

Companies or entities with nine employees or more.

Table 12.

Suriname: Average Gross Labor Cost Per Employee

(Annual percentage change)

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Source: General Bureau of Statistics.
Table 13.

Suriname: Population Data

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Source: General Bureau of Statistics.
Table 14.

Suriname: Central Government Operations

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Sources: Ministry of Finance; Central Bank of Suriname; Embassy of the Netherlands in Suriname; and Fund staff estimates.

Debt service payments on external debt and external arrears are valued at Sf 1.8 per U.S. dollar through the first half of 1994 and at the unified exchange rate in the second half of 1994.

Table 15.

Suriname: Government Revenues and Grants

(In millions of Suriname guilders)

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Sources: Ministry of Finance; Embassy of the Netherlands in Suriname; and Fund staff estimates.

Includes the difference between total receipts recorded at the Central Bank and the individual components reported by collecting agencies.

Table 16.

Suriname: Government Revenues and Grants

(In percent of GDP)

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Sources: Statistical Appendix Tables 1 and 15.

Includes the difference between total receipts recorded at the Central Bank and the individual components reported by collecting agencies.