In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.


In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.

Table 1.

Morocco: Gross Domestic Product by Sector of Origin, 1988–94

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Source: Direction de la Statistique, Documents de la Comptabilite Nationale.
Table 2.

Morocco: Gross Domestic Product by Sector of Origin, 1989–94

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Sources: Ministére des Affaires Economiques et Sociales, Direction de la Statistique, Documents de la Comptabilitè Nationale; and Fund staff estimates.
Table 3.

Morocco: Supply and Use of Resources, 1988–94

(In millions of dirhams at current prices)

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Sources: Ministère des Affaires Economiques et Sociales, Direction de la Statistique, Documents de la Comptabilité Nationale; and Fund staff estimates.

Excludes consumption of residents abroad.

Includes consumption of nonresidents in Morocco.

Excludes consumption of nonresidents in Morocco.

Table 4.

Morocco: Savings-Investment Balance, 1988–94

(In percent of GDP)

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Sources: Direction de la Statistique, Documents de la Comptabilité Nationale; and Fund staff estimates.

National savings adjusted for net income from abroad.

Excluding local consumption by nonresidents.

Excluding consumption by residents abroad.

Table 5.

Morocco: Gross Fixed Capital Formation and its Components, 1988–94

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Source: Direction de la Statistique.
Table 6.

Morocco: Production, Consumption, Imports, and Prices of Main Cereals, 1988/89–1993/94 1/

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Sources: Moroccan authorities; and staff estimates.

Crop year: November-October.

Imported in calendar year beginning during the crop year.

Table 7.

Morocco: Official Agricultural Producer Prices, 1988/89–1993/94 1/

(In Moroccan dirhams per quintal)

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Source: Moroccan authorities.

Crop year: November to October.

Table 8.

Morocco: Area, Production, and Yield of Cereals, 1988/89–1994/95 1/

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Source: Moroccan authorities.

Crop year: November to October.

Table 9.

Morocco: Imports of Main Agricultural Products, 1988–94

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Source: Moroccan authorities.
Table 10.

Morocco: Official Marketing of Principal Home-Grown Cereals by ONICL, 1988/89–1993/94 1/

(In thousands of quintals) 2/

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Source: Office National Interprofessionnel des Céréales et Légumineuses (ONICL).

Marketing season: June-May.

Ten quintals equal one metric ton.

Table 11.

Morocco: Sugar Industry Developments, 1989–94

(In thousands of tons)

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Source: Moroccan authorities.

Production during the sugar beet season (15 May-10 August).

Imports through September of crop year.

Table 12.

Morocco: Livestock and Controlled Slaughtering, 1988–94

(In thousands of head)

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Source: Moroccan authorities.

Estimates of livestock population at end -March.

Slaughterings on an annual basis.

Table 13.

Morocco: Marine Fisheries, 1988–94

(In thousands of metric tons)

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Source: Moroccan authorities.
Table 14.

Morocco: Mineral Production and Exports, 1988–94

(In thousands of tons)

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Source: Moroccan authorities.
Table 15.

Morocco: Index of Industrial Production, 1988–94

(1992 = 100; period average)

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Sources: Moroccan authorities; and Fund staff estimates.

For years prior to 1993, this index has been adjusted to reflect a change in weights in 1993.

Table 16.

Morocco: Authorized Industrial Investments, 1988–95 1/

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Source: Moroccan authorities.

Investment authorized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the context of the investment codes.