Statistical Appendix

In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.


In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.

Table 1.

Russian Federation: Selected Indicators of Economic Activity, 1990–June 1995

(Real percentage change from one year earlier)

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Source: Goskomstat.
Table 2.

Russian Federation: Real Gross Industrial Output by Sector, 1991–June 1995

(Real percentage change from one year earlier)

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Source: Goskomstat.

Starting from 1994 the data include chemical and petrochemical industries.

Table 3.

Russian Federation: Industrial Producer Price Inflation, 1991–July 1995

(In percent)

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Source: Goskomstat.
Table 4.

Russian Federation: Gross Industrial Output at Current Prices, 1991–May 1995

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Source: Goskomstat.
Table 5.

Russian Federation: Nominal GDP by End-Use, 1991-March 1995

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Source: Goskomstat.

Includes residential investment and business fixed investment.

Table 6.

Russian Federation: Energy Balance, 1990-94

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Sources: Goskomstat, Ministry of Fuel and Energy, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations; and Fund staff estimates.

Consumption has been derived as a residual of domestic production plus imports minus exports, thus, implicitly assuming no change in stock.

Table 7.

Russian Federation: Wholesale Prices of Energy Resources, 1992–July 1995 1/

(In rubles; monthly averages)

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Source: Goskomstat.

Excluding excise tax and transportation costs.

Table 8.

Russian Federation: Consumer Price Inflation, 1992–August 1995

(Average monthly changes in percent) 1/

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Source: Goskomstat.

The Russian authorities have discontinued the practice of announcing average monthly inflation rates since November 1994. Data reported in this table, since December 1994, is on an end of period basis.

Includes food, beverage, and tobacco.

Includes doting and footwear, household goods, medicines, recreation, education and culture, and personal care and effects.

Includes rent, water, fuel and power, transport, and communication.

Table 9.

Russian Federation: Distribution of Employment by Sector, 1990-94 1/

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Source: Goskomstat.
Table 10.

Russian Federation: Distribution of Employment by Type of Economic Organization, 1990- 94 1/

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Source: Goskomstat.

Excluding students.

Table 11.

Russian Federation: Unemployment and Vacancies, 1992–June 1995

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Source: Goskomstat.
Table 12.

Russian Federation: Indicators of Hidden Unemployment, 1993-94 1/

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Source: Goskomstat.

In industry, construction, transportation, communication, services, science, and scientific support.

For 1993, data include number of people on shortened workday at the end of each quarter; for 1994 data show those on shortened workdays over the course of the period.

Without pay or with partial pay.

Table 13.

Russian Federation: Average Monthly Wages and Pensions, 1987–June 1995

(In current rubles)

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Source: Goskomstat.

Including all benefits and allowances, average pension during last month.

Table 14.

Russian Federation: Relative Wages by Sector, 1987–April 1995

(Ratio of the average monthly sectoral wage to average monthly wage in the economy)

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Source: Goskomstat; and Fund staff calculations.

Beginning January 1990, the arts and culture categories are combined.

Ratio between highest and lowest average sectoral wage.

Table 15.

Russian Federation: Wage Arrears in Industry, Agriculture and Construction, 1992–July 1995

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Source: Goskomstat.

In billions of rubles, 1st of month.

In constant March 1992 prices, deflated by CPI.

Table 16.

Russian Federation: Household Income, Expenditures, and Savings, 1985-94

(In billions of rubles, end of period)

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Source: Goskomstat

Includes savings in deposits, securities, and cash.

Table 17.

Russian Federation: Federal Government Operations, 1992–Q2 1995

(In trillions of rubles)

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Sources: Ministry of Finance; and Fund staff calculations.

Includes all national economy spending in 1992-94.

Actual in 1992 -94; scheduled in 1995.

lndudes only cash interest paid in 1993-94, and the real part only in 1995.

Exclude inflation component of GKO interest from expenditure.

Table 18.

Russian Federation: Federal Government Operations, 1992–Q2 1995

(In percent of GDP)

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Sources: Ministry of Finance; and Fund staff calculations.

Actual in 1992-94; scheduled in 1995.

Includes only cash interest paid in 1993-94, and the real part only in 1995.

1995 data are staff estimates.