Front Matter Page
Statistics Department
1 Introduction
2 The COVID-19 crises in Italy, Portugal, and Spain
3 A unique dataset
4 Heterogeneous effects on mobility across gender
4.1 Regression discontinuity
4.2 Local projections
5 Heterogeneous effects on mobility across age groups
5.1 Regression discontinuity
5.2 Local projections
6 Robustness
7 Conclusions
A Lockdown stringency dynamics
List of Figures
1 Mobility Levels from Apple, Google, and Vodafone
2 Mobility and Lockdown Stringency
3 Impact of Stay-at-Home Orders on Mobility, by Gender
4 Impact of School Closures and Stay-at-Home Orders in Northern Italy
5 Impact of a Full Lockdown on Mobility, by Gender
6 Impact of a Doubling of COVID-19 Cases on Mobility, by Gender
7 Impact of a Stay-at-Home Orders on Mobility, by Age
8 Impact of a Full Lockdown on Mobility, by Age Group
9 Impact of a Doubling of COVID-19 Cases on Mobility, by Age Group
10 Impact of Lockdowns and COVID-19 Cases using Full Sample
11 Impact of Lockdowns and COVID-19 Cases using Day-of-the-Week Fixed Effects
12 Impact of Lockdowns and COVID-19 Cases Excluding Portugal
13 Impact of Lockdowns and COVID-19 Cases Excluding Spain
A.1 Lockdown Stringency Dynamics
List of Tables
1 RD Estimate of the Gender Gap by Age Group
2 Gender Gap at the Trough of the Estimated Response
3 Robustness of the RD Results by Gender
4 Robustness of the RD Results by Gender across Provinces
5 Robustness of the RD Results by Age
6 Robustness of the RD results by Age across Provinces