Front Matter Page
Statistics Department
I. Introduction
II. Literature review
III. Shadow Banking as Nontraditional Financial Intermediation
A. Institutions
B. Counterparts
C. Financial Instruments
IV. Source data and Country Sample
V. Discussion of Results
A. Size of Core and Noncore Liabilities
B. Growth rates and variability
C. Comparison with FSB estimates
VI. Data gaps
VII. Illustrative Analysis
VIII. Conclusions
Table 1. Availability of Data by Sector and Jurisdiction
Table 2. Summary statistics
Table 3. Broad noncore liabilities, percent of GDP
Table 4. Narrow noncore liabilities, percent of GDP
Table 5. Core liabilities, percent of GDP
Table 6. Broad noncore liabilities (USD billion)
Table 7. Narrow noncore liabilities (USD billion)
Table 8. Core liabilities (USD billion)
Figure 1. The Structure of the financial sector
Figure 2. Components of Broad and Narrow Noncore Liabilities
Figure 3. Credit Intermediation through Traditional and Shadow Banking
Figure 4. Evolution of the Shadow Banking System in Selected Jurisdictions
Figure 5. Core and noncore liabilities (percent of GDP)
Figure 6. United States: Instrument Composition of Noncore Liabilities
Figure 7. Euro Area: Instrument Composition of Noncore Liabilities
Figure 8. Core and Noncore Liabilities in Europe in 2008:Q3 and 2013:Q4
Figure 9. Quarterly Changes of Core (Stripes) and Noncore (Solid) Liabilities
Figure 10. Noncore vs. FSB estimates
Figure 11. Growth of Noncore Ratio Indicator and GDP for the US and the Euro Area
I. Comparison of Selected SBS Measurement Methodologies
II. Compilation Details for Individual Countries
III. Summary Tables