Front Matter
Mr. Manmohan Singh
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Mr. Peter Stella
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Front Matter Page

Research Department


  • I. Introduction

  • II. Money and the (Adjusted) Money Multiplier

  • III. Collateral

  • IV. Safe Assets and Treasury-bills—What Determines their Supply?

  • V. Collateral Chains

  • VI. Monetary Policy and Financial Lubrication

  • VII. Conclusion

  • References

  • Table

  • 1. Definition of Terms Used

  • Figure

  • 1. Monetary Base and Deposits at the Central Bank (1959-2011)

  • 2. U.S. Total Credit Market Assets (ratio to GDP)

  • 3. U.S. Ratio of Total US Financial Intermediaries Liabilities to Ultimate Liquidity

  • 4. Ratio of Total US Commercial Bank Liabilities to Ultimate Liquidity

  • 5. Ratio of Total US Nonbank Financial Intermediaries Liabilities to their holdings of C1

  • 6. Ratio of T-Bills/Total Issuance by U.S. Treasury Since 1982

  • 7. Bills/Total Issuance Relative to 10 year Yields minus 6-month Yields (1961-2011)

  • Annex

  • 1. Debt Management Strategy of U.S. Treasury since the 1960s

  • Collapse
  • Expand
Money and Collateral
Mr. Manmohan Singh
Mr. Peter Stella