Front Matter
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Front Matter Page

European Department

Authorized for distribution by Luc Everaert


  • I. Introduction

  • II. Euro Area Sovereign Risk and the Crisis: Stylized Facts

  • III. Dissecting Common Risk

  • IV. Explaining Developments in Euro Area Sovereign Risk During The Crisis

  • V. Conclusion

  • Tables

  • 1. Explaining Common Factor’s Dynamics

  • 2. Panel Estimates

  • 3. Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimates, January 2003-January 2009

  • 4. Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimates, January 2003-March 2009

  • Figures

  • 1. Selected Euro Area Sovereign Spreads, June 2008-09

  • 2. Dispersion in Euro Area Sovereign Spreads, January 2001-June 2009

  • 3. Headline Deficit: Contributions from Automatic Stabilizers and Discretionary Measures

  • 4. Up-front Government Financing Need to Shore Up the Financial Sector

  • 5. From Credit Risk to Sovereign Risk: The Case of Ireland

  • 6. Sovereign Spreads and Financial EDFs in Euro Area Countries

  • 7. Estimated Common Component in Sovereign Spreads

  • 8. A Preliminary Look at the Determinants of Spreads Behavior

  • 9. Contributions to the Change in Spreads, January 2003-January 2009

  • 10. Contributions to the Change in Spreads, January 2003-March 2009

  • References

Euro Area Sovereign Risk During the Crisis
Author: Ms. Edda Zoli and Ms. Silvia Sgherri