Front Matter Page
I. Introduction
II. Foreign Bank Supervision
A. Home/Host Country Division of Responsibilities
B. Consolidated Supervision
C. Quality of Home-Country Supervision
D. Memoranda of Understanding With Home-Country Supervisors
E. Ring Fencing of Banks
III. Challenges to Emerging Market Banking Supervisors
IV. Conclusion
I. The Pros and Cons of Licensing Foreign Banks
II. Country Cases on Whether Permission of Foreign Supervisor is Required in Licensing Foreign Bank Branches or Subsidiaries
III. Country Cases on the Authority to Apply Regulations on a Consolidated Basis to Cross-Border Establishments of Domestic Banks
IV. Country Cases on the Authority to Conduct On-Site Inspections of Cross-Border Establishment of Domestic Banks
V. Country Cases on the Authority to Have Contacts and Exchange Supervisor Information with, and Allow On-Site Inspection by, Foreign Financial Supervisory Agencies
VI. Country Cases on the Equal Applicability of Domestic High Standards to Establishments of Foreign Financial Institutions
1. Forms of Foreign Bank Entry
2. “Minimum Standards” to Reinforce the Concordat
3. Essential Elements of a Statement of Cooperation Between Banking Supervisors
4. Capital and Asset Maintenance Requirement on Foreign Bank Branches
5. Supervision over a Group to Which a Bank Belongs
Appendix Box
A1. Argentina Case