Resolution No. 55-1 Salary of the Managing Director
The Executive Board resolved on March 29, 2000 to recommend an adjustment in the salary of the Managing Director.
In accordance with Section 13 of the By-Laws, the following Resolution was submitted to the Governors on April 6, 2000 for a vote without meeting:
Whereas the Executive Board has endorsed a proposal to reallocate the financial elements of the Managing Director’s remuneration, such that the overall level of remuneration would remain unchanged, with the amount of the salary increase being fully offset by a reduction in the representation allowance combined with a corresponding adjustment in the calculation of retirement benefits.
Now, therefore, the Board of Governors hereby RESOLVES:
1. Effective (May 1), 2000, the annual salary of the Managing Director of the Fund shall be three hundred eight thousand, four hundred and sixty dollars ($308,460).
2. The annual salary of the Managing Director shall be adjusted effective July 1, 2000 and each July 1 thereafter by the percentage increase in the Washington metropolitan area consumer price index for the twelve months ending the preceding May. The application index for this purpose shall be the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Regional (Washington, Baltimore, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia) Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, or the equivalent replacement index.
The Board of Governors adopted the foregoing Resolution, effective April 20, 2000.
Resolution No. 55-2 Direct Remuneration of Executive Directors and Their Alternates
Pursuant to Section 14(e) of the By-Laws, the 2000 Joint Committee on the Remuneration of Executive Directors and Their Alternates on June 29, 2000 directed the Secretary of the Fund to transmit its report and recommendations to the Board of Governors of the Fund. The Committee’s report contained the following proposed Resolution for adoption by the Board of Governors.
In accordance with Section 13 of the By-Laws, the following Resolution was submitted to the Governors on June 30, 2000 for a vote without meeting:
That, effective July 1, 2000, the remuneration of the Executive Directors of the Fund and their Alternates pursuant to Section 14(e) of the By-Laws shall be paid in the form of salary without a separate supplemental allowance, and such salary shall be paid at the annual rate of $168,660 per year for Executive Directors and $145,890 per year for their Alternates.
The Board of Governors adopted the foregoing Resolution, effective August 14, 2000.
Resolution No. 55-3 2000 Regular Election of Executive Directors
The Executive Board resolved on July 17, 2000 that action in connection with the regulations for the conduct of the 2000 regular election of Executive Directors should not be postponed until the time of the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors at which the election would take place.
In accordance with Section 13 of the By-Laws, the following Resolution was submitted to the Governors on July 18, 2000 for a vote without meeting:
(a) That the proposed Regulations for the Conduct of the 2000 Regular Election of Executive Directors are hereby adopted; and
(b) That a Regular Election of Executive Directors shall take place at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors in 2002.
The Board of Governors adopted the foregoing Resolution, effective August 16, 2000.
Resolution No. 55-4 Financial Statements, Report on Audit, and Administrative and Capital Budgets
That the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund considers the Report on Audit for the Financial Year ended April 30, 2000, the Financial Statements contained therein, and the Administrative Budget for the Financial Year ending April 30, 2001 and the Capital Budget for capital projects beginning in Financial Year 2001 as fulfilling the requirements of Article XII, Section 7 of the Articles of Agreement and Section 20 of the By-Laws.
The Board of Governors adopted the foregoing Resolution, effective September 27, 2000.
Resolution No. 55-5 Amendments of the Rules and Regulations
That the Board of Governors of the Fund hereby notifies the Executive Board that it has reviewed the abrogation of Rule J-7, the redesignation of the former Rules J-8 and J-9 as Rules J-7 and J-8, respectively, and the amendment of Rule O-10, which have been made since the 1999 Annual Meeting, and has no changes to suggest.
The Board of Governors adopted the foregoing Resolution, effective September 27, 2000.
Resolution No. 55-6 Appreciation
That the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group express their deep appreciation to the government and people of the Czech Republic and the city of Prague for their warm and gracious hospitality;
That they express their gratitude for the outstanding facilities of the Prague Congress Center made available for the meetings in Prague;
That they express particular appreciation to the Governors and Alternate Governors for the Czech Republic and to their associates for the many contributions which they made toward ensuring the success of the 2000 Annual Meetings; and
That all Annual Meetings participants express their gratitude to the Czech authorities for so effectively ensuring their safety and that of the residents of Prague.
The Board of Governors adopted the foregoing Resolution, effective September 27, 2000.
International Monetary and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund
Press Communiqué
September 24, 2000
1. The International Monetary and Financial Committee held its second meeting in Prague on September 24, 2000, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom. It welcomes Mr. Horst Köhler as the new Managing Director and looks forward to working with him on the continuing reform of the Fund and the strengthening of the international financial architecture.
World Economic Outlook
2. The Committee welcomes the strengthening of global economic growth this year to the highest rate in twelve years. Economies in all major regions of the world have grown, and inflation remains generally under control.
3. While the overall outlook is positive, the Committee remains mindful of the significant remaining risks associated with the continuing economic and financial imbalances in the global economy. These potential challenges include imbalances in external accounts and the possible risk from misalignments in exchange rates and high levels of equity valuations in the major currency areas. The Committee considers that it will therefore be important to remain vigilant against inflationary pressures in the United States, and that national savings should increase; to pursue policies in Japan that are strongly supportive of self-sustained domestic demand-led recovery; and to intensify the momentum of growth-supporting structural reforms in the European Union and in other advanced countries. In almost all developing and emerging market countries, continued progress with structural reforms-in particular through strengthening their financial sectors-is required to strengthen prospects for sustained economic growth. The Committee also expresses concern that, despite the strength of the global recovery, poverty remains unacceptably high, and many poor countries continue to face serious economic problems.
4. The Committee welcomes the gradual improvement in the last year in the terms and conditions of market access for emerging market countries, reflecting the better fundamentals in these markets. However, flows remain below pre-crisis levels, at higher spreads, and continue to show significant volatility, and market access remains extremely limited for some emerging markets.
5. The Committee is concerned that current oil prices, if sustained, could hamper global growth, add to inflationary pressures, and adversely affect prospects for many countries. It notes in particular the effect on the poorest countries and those highly dependent on oil imports. The Committee agrees on the desirability of stability in oil markets around reasonable long-term prices. It notes the recent U.S. decision to mobilize reserves and notes that some other industrial countries may be in a position to examine the possibility of doing so to help achieve greater stability. The Committee welcomes the steps the oil-producing countries have taken this year to increase production and calls on them to take further steps to create conditions in oil markets conducive to healthy global growth. The Committee looks forward to improved dialogue between oil producers and consumers to promote greater oil market stability.
6. The Committee notes that, in the ten years since the launch of the transition to market economies in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, much has been achieved. But the process has been difficult and remains far from complete, and progress has varied across countries. The Committee underlines that a key lesson from this experience is that transition economies that have made the greatest progress in establishing macroeconomic stability and implementing structural and institutional reforms have also achieved the best economic performance.
The Future Role of the IMF
7. The Committee strongly supports the objective of making globalization work for the benefit of all. In this respect, it endorses the Managing Director’s vision of the future role of the IMF, and looks forward to working with him on continuing reform of the Fund and strengthening the international architecture. While each country’s own actions will inevitably be the most important determinant of its economic progress, all members of the international community have essential roles in supporting and facilitating these individual efforts. The international community must place renewed emphasis on promoting broadly-shared prosperity, sustained growth, and poverty reduction. With its broad mandate and universal membership, the Fund, in partnership with the World Bank, is uniquely placed to serve its members, including the poorest countries, by contributing to this global effort.
8. The Committee notes the advances in applying the lessons of recent financial crises to the work of the IMF and the policies of its members. Many concrete steps have been taken or are under way to improve the functioning of the international financial system, and to strengthen its capacity for preventing and managing financial crises. As a result, the international community has made progress toward dealing with difficult situations and managing their external repercussions.
9. But continued efforts for change will be necessary. The Committee calls upon the IMF, in particular, and the international community, as a whole, to continue to strengthen their efforts to reduce vulnerability and to avoid crises, and when crises do occur, to reduce their spillover effects. These efforts will need to focus on:
broadening and strengthening the Fund’s surveillance of the domestic economic policies of all members and of the international financial system, including regional dimensions;
continued promotion, development, and voluntary implementation, in a fully participatory way, of internationally agreed codes and standards, in cooperation with other bodies, as appropriate, supported by enhanced technical assistance; and
constructive engagement of the private sector by the official sector.
10. The Committee reiterates that the Fund has a central role to play in bringing together the efforts of other global institutions to strengthen the international financial system in helping to ensure that all countries can benefit from globalization. It agrees that the Fund can best contribute to this global effort and strengthen its overall effectiveness by:
continuing to deepen its collaboration with other agencies and bodies. In that regard, it welcomes the initiatives of the Managing Director and the President of the World Bank to strengthen cooperation and complementarity between the two institutions;
promoting, within the context of the Fund’s mandate, international financial and macroeconomic stability and growth of member countries, the Fund must sharpen the focus of work in its core areas of responsibility: macroeconomic stabilization and adjustment; monetary, exchange rate, and fiscal policies and their associated institutional and structural aspects; and financial sector issues, especially systemic issues relating to the functioning of domestic and international financial markets.
11. The Committee stresses the importance of national ownership of Fund-supported programs for their sustained implementation. The Committee urges the Executive Board to take forward its review of all aspects of the policy conditionality associated with Fund financing in order to ensure that, while not weakening that conditionality, it focuses on the most essential issues; enhances the effectiveness of Fund supported programs; and pays due respect to members’ specific circumstances and their implementation capacities.
The Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) and the Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC)
12. The Committee affirms the Fund’s enhanced role in poor countries. It considers that a lasting breakthrough in combating world poverty can only be achieved if the poorest countries are able, with the support of the international community, to build the fundamentals for sustained growth. Macroeconomic stability and structural reform will provide the conditions for private sector investment and growth and will, over time, allow countries to access international capital markets. The Committee also considers that international trade is critical for development and poverty reduction. To help ensure that the fruits of globalization are shared by all, it will be crucial that access of developing countries, particularly the poorest, to industrial country markets continues to improve. Industrial countries should increase their official development assistance. The Committee encourages developing countries, for their part, to follow policies consistent with domestic macroeconomic stability and competitiveness in international markets; continue to reduce trade barriers; and implement other appropriately sequenced outward-oriented reforms that promote poverty reducing growth, investment in human capital, particularly health and education, and development.
13. The PRGF provides an essential framework, together with complementary assistance from the World Bank, for supporting countries’ own growth strategies and for enabling HIPC debt relief to be translated into poverty reduction.
14. The Committee endorses the Progress Reports on the HIPC Initiative and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs). It welcomes the progress made in developing country-owned poverty reduction strategies, including through the preparation of PRSPs, which now underpin the work of the Fund and World Bank in low-income countries. It also welcomes the progress in implementing the enhanced HIPC Initiative, and the commitment of the Fund and the Bank to do everything possible to bring 20 countries to their Decision Point by the end of 2000 to ensure that debt relief is provided in the context of a strong commitment to growth and poverty reduction. Recent shocks in terms of trade must not jeopardize this objective. The Fund, through its facilities, may need to respond flexibly to the needs of members that arise from a sustained period of high oil prices. Our efforts should be supported by increased technical assistance. The Committee urges members to work together and meet their commitments to full financing of the HIPC Initiative and the PRGF as soon as possible. It also urges all creditors to participate in the HIPC framework, while recognizing the special needs of particular creditors. The Committee looks forward to a productive discussion of the enhanced HIPC Initiative and the PRSP process at its joint meeting with the Development Committee.
Strengthening the International Financial Architecture and Reform of the Fund
Review of Fund Facilities
15. Following the Executive Board’s wide-ranging review of the IMF’s nonconcessional financial facilities, the Committee welcomes the agreement reached on modifications that are intended to enhance the precautionary nature of the Contingent Credit Line (CCL) and to preserve the revolving nature of the Fund’s resources.
The CCL has been modified, within its existing eligibility criteria, to make it a more effective instrument for preventing crises and resisting contagion for countries pursuing sound policies.
The terms of stand-by arrangements and the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) have been adapted to encourage countries to avoid reliance on Fund resources for unduly long periods or in unduly large amounts.
It has been reaffirmed that the EFF should be confined to cases where longer-term financing is clearly required.
It has been agreed that enhanced post-program monitoring could be useful, especially when credit outstanding exceeds a certain threshold level.
Enhancing Fund Surveillance, and Promoting Stability and Transparency in the Financial Sector
16. The Committee considers that Fund surveillance should be strengthened further and welcomes the recent initiatives in a range of areas. It reaffirms the role of the Article IV process as the appropriate framework within which to organize and discuss with members the results of work in these areas. Strengthened surveillance will help the Fund and its members to identify vulnerabilities and to anticipate threats to the financial stability of member countries. In this respect, it welcomes the continuing efforts to improve the Fund’s understanding of its members’ economies; the quality and availability of economic and financial data; Financial System Stability Assessments (FSSAs) derived from the joint Fund-World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP); Reports on Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSCs); and vulnerability indicators and early warning systems. It welcomes the joint Bank-Fund work on debt management guidelines, as well as the Fund’s work on sound reserves management practices, and its role in assessing offshore financial centers.
17. The Committee recognizes that the Fund has to play its role as part of the international efforts to protect the integrity of the international financial system against abuse, including through its efforts to promote sound financial sectors and good governance. It asks that the Fund explore incorporating work on financial abuse, particularly with respect to international efforts to fight against money laundering, into its various activities, as relevant and appropriate. It calls on the Fund to prepare a joint paper with the World Bank on their respective roles in combating money laundering and financial crime, and in protecting the international financial system, for discussion by their Boards before the Spring meetings and asks them to report to the Spring IMFC/Development Committee meetings on the status of their efforts.
18. The Committee is encouraged by the experience so far in preparing ROSCs and looks forward to the review later this year of the experience with assessing the implementation of standards. It notes their crucial role in helping countries to improve economic policies, identifying priorities for institutional and structural reform, and in promoting the flow of important information to markets. The Committee looks forward to the next review of the FSAP. It encourages members to participate in these initiatives.
19. The Committee notes that three issues at the core of the Fund’s mandate also require further consideration: exchange rate arrangements; the sequencing of financial sector development and capital account liberalization; and the monitoring and analysis of developments in international capital markets. The Committee encourages the Fund to deepen its work on international financial markets, including by improving its understanding of market dynamics and cross-border capital flows. It also urges the Fund to continue exploring ways of engaging more constructively the private sector on these matters, and welcomes the formation of the Capital Markets Consultative Group.
20. In the context of ongoing efforts to enhance the transparency and openness of the Fund, the Committee welcomes the Executive Board’s agreement to adopt a general policy of voluntary publication of Article IV and use of Fund resources staff reports and other country papers. It encourages members to move in principle toward publication of these documents.
Private Sector Involvement
21. The Committee endorses the report by the Managing Director on the involvement of the private sector in crisis prevention and management. It welcomes the progress on developing a framework for involving private creditors in the resolution of crises. The Committee notes that this approach strikes a balance between the clarity needed to guide market expectations and the operational flexibility, anchored in clear principles, needed to allow the most effective response in each case. The Committee notes that Fund resources are limited and that extraordinary access should be exceptional; further, neither creditors nor debtors should expect to be protected from adverse outcomes by official action.
22. The Committee agrees that the operational framework for private sector involvement must rely as much as possible on market-oriented solutions and voluntary approaches. The approach adopted by the international community should be based on the IMF’s assessment of a country’s underlying payment capacity and prospects of regaining market access. In some cases, the combination of catalytic official financing and policy adjustment should allow the country to regain full market access quickly. The Committee agrees that reliance on the catalytic approach at high levels of access presumes substantial justification, both in terms of its likely effectiveness and of the risks of alternative approaches. In other cases, emphasis should be placed on encouraging voluntary approaches, as needed, to overcome creditor coordination problems. In yet other cases, the early restoration of full market access on terms consistent with medium-term external sustainability may be judged to be unrealistic, and a broader spectrum of actions by private creditors, including comprehensive debt restructuring, may be warranted to provide for an adequately financed program and a viable medium-term payments profile. This includes the possibility that, in certain extreme cases, a temporary payments suspension or standstill may be unavoidable. The Fund should continue to be prepared to provide financial support to a member’s adjustment program despite arrears to private creditors, provided the country is seeking to work cooperatively and in good faith with its private creditors and is meeting other program requirements. The Committee urges progress in the application of the framework agreed in April 2000, and in further work to refine the analytical basis for the required judgments, and it looks forward to a progress report by its next meeting.
Good Governance and the Fund
23. The Committee views with concern a number of recent cases of misreporting to the Fund and stresses the importance of the steps being taken to improve the reliability of the information the Fund uses. It welcomes the application of the new safeguards assessment procedure to all new Fund arrangements, which will provide assurances of adequate control, reporting, and auditing procedures in borrowing countries.
24. The Committee strongly welcomes the Executive Board’s decision to establish an independent evaluation office (EVO), including the agreement to publish promptly its work program, and the strong presumption that its reports would be published promptly. The creation of this office will help the Fund to improve its future operations, and will enhance its accountability. It urges that the EVO become operational before the Spring 2001 meeting of the IMFC, and looks forward to receiving regular reports on the EVO’s work.
25. Quotas should reflect developments in the international economy. The Committee takes note of the Executive Board discussion of the work of the quota formulae group, and looks forward to the Board’s continued work on this issue.
26. The Committee takes note of the work of the Working Group to Review the Process of Selection of the Managing Director, which is being carried out in tandem with similar work in the World Bank on the Process of Selection of the President, and notes that the two groups will report together.
27. The Committee considers that the most valuable asset of the IMF is its outstanding staff, and the Committee highly values the staffs professionalism and dedication in executing the responsibilities of the Fund effectively and efficiently.
28. The Committee expresses its sincere appreciation for the excellent hospitality and support provided by the Czech authorities and the people of the Czech Republic.
Next Meeting of the Committee
29. The next meeting of the IMFC will be held in Washington, D.C. on April 29, 2001.
International Monetary and Financial Committee Composition
as of September 24, 2000
Gordon Brown, Chairman
Hamad Al-Sayari
Eddie George
Rod Kemp
Dato’ Shafie Mohd. Salleh
Makhtar Diop
Masaru Hayami
Ibrahim A. Al-Assaf1 | Saudi Arabia |
Gordon Brown2 | United Kingdom |
Peter Costello3 | Australia |
Dai Xianglong | China |
Tun Daim Zainuddin4 | Malaysia |
Rodrigo de Rato Figaredo | Spain |
Emile Doumba5 | Gabon |
Hans Eichel | Germany |
Laurent Fabius | France |
Abdelouahab Keramane | Algeria |
Mohammed K. Khirbash | United Arab Emirates |
Aleksei Kudrin | Russian Federation |
José Luis Machinea | Argentina |
Pedro Sampaio Malan | Brazil |
Paul Martin | Canada |
Kiichi Miyazawa6 | Japan |
Linah K. Mohohlo | Botswana |
Sauli Niinistö | Finland |
Didier Reynders | Belgium |
Yashwant Sinha | India |
Lawrence H. Summers | United States |
Vincenzo Visco | Italy |
Kaspar Villiger | Switzerland |
Gerrit Zalm | Netherlands |
Hamad Al-Sayari
Eddie George
Rod Kemp
Dato’ Shafie Mohd. Salleh
Makhtar Diop
Masaru Hayami
Ibrahim A. Al-Assaf1 | Saudi Arabia |
Gordon Brown2 | United Kingdom |
Peter Costello3 | Australia |
Dai Xianglong | China |
Tun Daim Zainuddin4 | Malaysia |
Rodrigo de Rato Figaredo | Spain |
Emile Doumba5 | Gabon |
Hans Eichel | Germany |
Laurent Fabius | France |
Abdelouahab Keramane | Algeria |
Mohammed K. Khirbash | United Arab Emirates |
Aleksei Kudrin | Russian Federation |
José Luis Machinea | Argentina |
Pedro Sampaio Malan | Brazil |
Paul Martin | Canada |
Kiichi Miyazawa6 | Japan |
Linah K. Mohohlo | Botswana |
Sauli Niinistö | Finland |
Didier Reynders | Belgium |
Yashwant Sinha | India |
Lawrence H. Summers | United States |
Vincenzo Visco | Italy |
Kaspar Villiger | Switzerland |
Gerrit Zalm | Netherlands |
Hamad Al-Sayari
Eddie George
Rod Kemp
Dato’ Shafie Mohd. Salleh
Makhtar Diop
Masaru Hayami
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries (Development Committee)
Press Communiqué
September 25, 2000
1. The 62nd meeting of the Development Committee was held in Prague, Czech Republic, on September 25, 2000 under its new Chairman, Mr. Yashwant Sinha, Finance Minister of India. The Committee expressed its great appreciation to Mr. Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda, Minister of Finance of Thailand, for his valuable leadership and guidance to the Committee as its Chairman during the past two years.1
2. The Ministers’ discussions took place against the background of continuing public debate about the benefits and risks of globalization. Ministers stressed that the more integrated global economy and technological gains brought about by globalization should be a great source for economic and social progress, equity and stability, but that these results are not inevitable. Ministers recognized their important responsibility to help ensure that globalization works for the benefit of all, and not just the few, and reemphasized their commitment to strengthening the Bank, the Fund and other multilateral institutions as valuable allies in this effort whose ultimate objective is global poverty reduction, in particular halving the proportion in extreme poverty by the year 2015.
3. Poverty Reduction and Global Public Goods: In considering the role the Bank might play in global public goods in areas within its mandate, Ministers noted four key criteria for Bank involvement: clear value-added to the Bank’s development objectives; Bank action is needed to catalyze other resources and partnerships; a significant comparative advantage for the Bank; and an emerging international consensus that global action is required. They endorsed four areas for Bank involvement, in cooperation with relevant international organizations: facilitating international movement of goods, services and factors of production; fostering broad inclusion in the benefits of globalization and mitigating major economic and social problems, such as the transmission of disease and the consequences of conflict; preserving and protecting the environment; and creating and sharing knowledge relevant to development.
4. Ministers warmly endorsed the greatly expanded efforts being made by the Bank, the United Nations and other international, national and private partners, to combat communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. Ministers noted the progress made since the April meeting of the Committee, and were encouraged that the international consensus that AIDS and other widespread diseases created severe development problems was being turned into strengthened action. They also welcomed the commitment of International Development Association (IDA) donors to expand and make more flexible the concessional resources available for these activities, without compromising fundamental IDA allocation policies. They encouraged the Bank to press further ahead on its commitment to help turn back the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, and welcomed the recently approved $500 million IDA program for this purpose in Africa.
5. Ministers noted the Bank’s valuable role, in partnership with the Fund and other international agencies, in strengthening international financial architecture. This includes helping to develop appropriate standards and codes, taking account of the developing country perspective, in areas that are important to financial resilience and integration into the global financial system, and assisting countries to strengthen their related institutions and policies. Ministers also pointed to the importance for all nations of increased national and international efforts to combat cross-border financial abuse, such as money-laundering and other forms of abuse. They urged the Bank to expand its program of technical and advisory support as a significant contribution to greater participation by developing countries in a more open and equitable world trading system. They reiterated both the promise and the challenge of communications technology to promote equitable growth, and welcomed initiatives by the Bank to help provide greater access, in partnership with others, for poor countries and communities to the knowledge and information opportunities of the digital age.
6. Ministers recognized the need to explore further opportunities for securing appropriate financing for carefully selected priority global and regional programs with substantial impact on poverty reduction. This would require innovative use of World Bank lending and, in some cases, grant facilities, taking into account alternative sources of such funds and financial implications for the Bank, as well as of new forms of collaboration with international, bilateral, philanthropic and private partners. They stressed global public goods investments that benefited all countries should attract new resources.
7. The Committee looked forward to receiving at its next meeting a report on progress made in further delineating priority global public goods investment areas for the Bank, as well as on division of labor between development partners and the development of appropriate financing arrangements.
8. Bank Support for Country Development: Recognizing that working with individual countries remains the backbone of the Bank’s business, Ministers welcomed this initial opportunity for a broad review of the World Bank Group’s role and instruments in support of member countries’ development, taking into account the role of the IMF and other institutions.
9. Ministers emphasized that the Bank must tailor its support to reflect widely differing country situations. To help ensure that country programs are well grounded, Ministers urged the Bank to continue to strengthen its country diagnostic and other economic and sector work. They stressed the need to focus on relevance to the country concerned, and on opportunities for greater synergy with the work of the country and other development partners. Ministers noted that this analytic work, along with capacity building, took on added importance in light of the use of programmatic adjustment lending in support of borrowers’ social and structural reforms, and the vision for Bank and Fund roles and partnership set out in the September 5, 2000 Joint Statement by the President and the Managing Director.
10. Ministers emphasized the urgent need for the World Bank Group to clarify its agenda for institutional selectivity (based in part on its upcoming review of sector strategy papers), to manage carefully total demands made on Bank staff and other resources, and to work closely and systematically with other multilateral development banks and international organizations on a better coordination of responsibilities. Ministers stressed that multilateral and bilateral donors could contribute greatly to country ownership, more efficient use of resources, and achievement of the agreed International Development Goals, by making greater progress on the harmonization of their operational policies and procedures to reduce the burden on developing countries. Ministers asked the Bank to work closely with its partners and prepare a report for the Committee’s next meeting on progress with harmonization.
11. Ministers welcomed the Bank’s overall approach for low income countries and its proposals for achieving greater coherence among various program documents and instruments, including basing Country Assistance Strategies on Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. Ministers welcomed the discussion of a poverty reduction support credit that would support poverty reduction strategies of governments and complement the Fund’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility. They suggested that in its further definition of the instrument, the Bank should also address the nature of the analytic work needed to underpin it, such as public expenditure reviews and poverty and fiduciary assessments. They also requested the Bank and the Fund to review the modalities for their cooperation in implementing both the Bank’s support credit and the Fund’s growth facility. Ministers stressed the importance of effective Bank/Fund coordination given the significant role the institutions play in support of poverty reduction in low-income countries.
12. Ministers reaffirmed the very important continuing role of the Bank Group in helping to reduce poverty in middle-income countries, home to so many of the world’s poor. They stressed that the Group’s focus must be on providing support that the private sector can not or will not provide and on fostering private-sector led economic growth. They welcomed the creation of a task force to address how the Group can best respond to the evolving development needs of this diverse group of economies. Ministers agreed that the task force should consider, inter alia, the modalities of conditionality and instruments to maximize the effectiveness of Bank assistance for countries at different stages of development and reform; the scope and conditions for providing borrowers more financial support for social and structural programs at times of market dislocation; the coverage of economic and sector work; and the costs of doing business with the Bank, including the implications for pricing of Bank products. Ministers looked forward to a progress report at their next meeting.
13. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC): Ministers welcomed the progress achieved in implementing the Initiative and urged that all appropriate steps be taken to further strengthen the process. They noted that the enhancements endorsed at their meeting last year are resulting in “deeper, broader and faster” debt relief to eligible countries undertaking the economic and social reforms needed to reduce poverty. They noted in particular that to date, 10 countries have reached their decision point under the enhanced framework, and work is being accelerated within that framework to try to reach the goal of bringing 20 countries to this point by the end of the year. This is expected to result in combined debt service relief (including original and enhanced HIPC assistance) amounting to well over $30 billion. Taken together with traditional debt relief mechanisms, a total of about $50 billion will be provided to these countries.
14. Ministers also welcomed the increased efforts to improve implementation of the Initiative. They asked that the Bank and the Fund continue to work with other creditors and eligible countries to ensure that the modifications to the original HIPC framework (reflected in the enhanced Initiative endorsed a year ago), such as the provision of interim assistance beginning at the decision point and adoption of a floating completion point, provide the much needed support to qualifying countries on a timely basis. Ministers expressed support for the strengthened partnership between the two institutions in implementing the Initiative, and for their commitment to move forward as expeditiously as possible. It was recognized, however, that the pace of implementation would also be determined by country factors. Ministers supported maintaining a flexible approach with respect to track record requirements. They endorsed the extension of the “sunset clause” until end-2002 to allow additional countries, particularly those emerging from conflict, to participate in the Initiative. Ministers also reiterated that within the existing HIPC framework the option exists, at the completion point, to reconsider the amount of debt relief for countries seriously affected by exceptional adverse shocks.
15. Ministers stressed the importance of fully financing the enhanced HIPC Initiative, without compromising concessional facilities such as IDA. They urged all donors to meet their commitments of financial support, and welcomed the arrangements in place to accomplish this objective. While recognizing the special needs of particular developing and low-income transition country creditors, Ministers also urged all creditors to participate in the debt relief framework.
16. Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: Ministers reviewed progress with respect to the Poverty Reduction Strategy approach, endorsed at their September 1999 meeting as a way to strengthen the link between poverty reduction, HIPC debt relief and Bank and Fund concessional lending. They noted the growing momentum in the adoption of the approach and the positive response to it on the part of countries and development partners. Ministers recognized the challenges countries faced due, inter alia, to limited data and institutional capacity, but urged movement from interim to full poverty reduction strategy papers on a timely basis. While strongly reiterating the core principle of country ownership, Ministers called on the Bank, the Fund and other agencies to provide appropriate technical support for countries’ strategy preparation efforts.
17. Comprehensive Development Framework: Ministers expressed support for the comprehensive approach to development reflected in the framework and welcomed the progress being made, and the lessons learned, in implementing it in pilot countries. They recognized that implementation is still at an early stage and many country-specific challenges remain, but noted that a wider application of the framework is already taking place in the preparation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers which are based on the framework’s principles, particularly that of achieving strong country ownership. They looked forward to reports of further progress in implementing the comprehensive development framework.
18. IBRD Financial Capacity: Ministers reviewed the World Bank’s updated report on this subject and confirmed that the Bank’s finances remained sound. At the same time, Ministers recognized that the Bank’s financial capacity may, in the case of significantly increased demand, limit its ability to respond. Ministers requested management and the Executive Board to keep this subject under review, including the level of Bank reserves.
19. Bank/Fund Staff: Ministers took this opportunity to express, on behalf of all member governments, their appreciation to Fund and Bank staff for their continued hard work and high level of dedicated service for the goals of the Bretton Woods Institutions.
20. Note of Appreciation: Ministers expressed their deep gratitude for the warm hospitality and support provided by the Czech authorities and the people of the Czech Republic.
21. Next Meeting: The Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for April 30, 2001 in Washington, D.C.
Development Committee Composition
as of September 25, 2000
Yashwant Sinha, Chairman
Hamad Al-Sayari
Rod Kemp
Charles Josselin
Yoshitaka Murata
Haruhiko Kuroda
E . A . S . Sarma
Timothy F. Geithner
Antonio Fazio
Jin Liqun
Ron Keller
Ibrahim A. Al-Assaf1 | Saudi Arabia |
Peter Costello2 | Australia |
Pascal Couchepin | Switzerland |
Nicolás Eyzaguirre | Chile |
Laurent Fabius3 | France |
Jorge Giordani | Venezuela |
Victor B. Khristenko | Russian Federation |
Pedro Sampaio Malan | Brazil |
Paul Martin | Canada |
Nangolo Mbumba | Namibia |
Kiichi Miyazawa4, 5 | Japan |
Fathallah Oualalou | Morocco |
Prijadi Praptosuhardjo | Indonesia |
Didier Reynders | Belgium |
Abdulla Hassan Saif | Bahrain |
Clare Short | United Kingdom |
Yashwant Sinha6 | India |
Lawrence Summers7 | United States |
Anne Kristin Sydnes | Norway |
Vincenzo Visco8 | Italy |
Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul | Germany |
Xiang Huaicheng9 | China |
Gerrit Zalm10 | Netherlands |
Tertius Zongo | Burkina Faso |
Hamad Al-Sayari
Rod Kemp
Charles Josselin
Yoshitaka Murata
Haruhiko Kuroda
E . A . S . Sarma
Timothy F. Geithner
Antonio Fazio
Jin Liqun
Ron Keller
Ibrahim A. Al-Assaf1 | Saudi Arabia |
Peter Costello2 | Australia |
Pascal Couchepin | Switzerland |
Nicolás Eyzaguirre | Chile |
Laurent Fabius3 | France |
Jorge Giordani | Venezuela |
Victor B. Khristenko | Russian Federation |
Pedro Sampaio Malan | Brazil |
Paul Martin | Canada |
Nangolo Mbumba | Namibia |
Kiichi Miyazawa4, 5 | Japan |
Fathallah Oualalou | Morocco |
Prijadi Praptosuhardjo | Indonesia |
Didier Reynders | Belgium |
Abdulla Hassan Saif | Bahrain |
Clare Short | United Kingdom |
Yashwant Sinha6 | India |
Lawrence Summers7 | United States |
Anne Kristin Sydnes | Norway |
Vincenzo Visco8 | Italy |
Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul | Germany |
Xiang Huaicheng9 | China |
Gerrit Zalm10 | Netherlands |
Tertius Zongo | Burkina Faso |
Hamad Al-Sayari
Rod Kemp
Charles Josselin
Yoshitaka Murata
Haruhiko Kuroda
E . A . S . Sarma
Timothy F. Geithner
Antonio Fazio
Jin Liqun
Ron Keller
Joint Session of Development Committee and the International Monetary and Financial Committee on HIPC and PRSP Implementation
Press Communiqué
September 24, 2000
1. Ministers of the Development Committee and the International Monetary and Financial Committee met jointly on September 24, 2000 to review progress on the enhanced Initiative for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) process. The joint meeting symbolizes the close cooperation and high political commitment of all countries and institutions to achieving a virtuous circle of debt relief, poverty reduction and economic growth for the poorest countries of the world.
2. Ministers believed that solid foundations have been laid for further progress in turning last year’s blueprints into this year’s reality. They agreed that since last year good momentum has developed in both the HIPC and PRSP programs and that real progress has been made towards broader, deeper and faster debt relief.
3. Ministers noted that 10 countries have already reached their decision points under the enhanced HIPC Initiative and have begun to receive relief. They welcomed the determination of the President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the Fund to do everything possible to bring twenty countries to their decision points by the end of 2000. This is expected to result in combined debt service relief (including original and enhanced HIPC assistance) amounting to well over $30 billion. Taken together with traditional debt relief mechanisms, a total of about $50 billion will be provided to these countries. They noted that interim assistance beginning at the decision point had accelerated the provision of relief, and that the incorporation of the floating completion point offers qualifying countries the opportunity to reduce significantly the period between decision and completion point. In addition, Ministers reaffirmed the objective of the enhanced HIPC Initiative to deliver debt sustainability and noted that, within the existing HIPC framework, the option exists at the completion point to reconsider the amount of debt relief for countries seriously affected by exceptional adverse shocks.
4. While it was recognized that implementation would ultimately be determined by country-specific factors, Ministers welcomed recent steps to accelerate progress. These include, in particular, closer working partnership between the Bank and Fund through active work of the Joint Implementation Committee (JIC); flexibility in assessing countries’ track records, which should help to bring forward countries originally expected next year; and greater focus on key reforms to accelerate growth and poverty reduction. Consistent with the goal of broadening the initiative, Ministers supported the extension of the sunset clause for two more years to allow countries, particularly those emerging from conflict, time to enter the process. Ministers looked forward to consideration of Bank and Fund post-conflict work at the time of the Spring Meetings.
5. Ministers reiterated the importance of fully financing the enhanced HIPC Initiative, and urged all donors and creditors to meet their commitments of financial support.
6. Ministers recalled that a central component of the enhanced HIPC initiative is the strengthened link between debt relief and poverty reduction, to be made operational through country-owned PRSPs. They were encouraged that as many as 13 countries had already completed Interim PRSPs, and that two had already completed full PRSPs. They also noted that countries and their development partners had responded positively to both the promise and the challenge of the PRSP process, and were moving purposefully to put poverty at the center of nationally owned strategies. While reaffirming the principle of country ownership, Ministers urged all development partners to increase their efforts to provide additional technical assistance to support countries’ preparation of PRSPs, which should provide the context for IMF and IDA concessional assistance as well as that of donors and other multilateral institutions. In this context they welcomed the Bank’s proposal to develop a Poverty Reduction Support Credit and the key changes in the Fund’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility - for example, the enhanced link to PRSPs, ensuring appropriate flexibility in fiscal targets and making budgets more pro-poor and pro-growth.
7. Ministers emphasized that the early progress achieved with the enhanced HIPC Initiative and PRSPs needed to be supported by a sustained global effort from eligible countries, development partners, bilateral donors, multilateral agencies, and international civil society in order to make best use of these new opportunities.
Members of Fund Delegations
Shkelqim Cani
Teuta Baleta
Mimoza Vangjel Dhembi
Ermira Haxhi
Piro Milkani
Ermira Skenderi
Gjergji Teneqexhiu
Fatmir Xhaferi
Abdelouahab Keramane
Temporary Alternate Governor
Ammar Hiouani
Mohamed Alem
Babaammi Hadji
Abderrahmane Meziane-Cherif
Joaquim D. da Costa David
Alternate Governor
Aguinaldo Jaime
Emanuel Maravilhoso Buchartts
Nazare da Conceicao Ferreira
Valentina Matias de Sousa Filipe
Celestino Eliseu Kanda
Luis F. Rodrigues Lelis
Laura M.P. de Alcantara Monteiro
Irene Beatriz F. Sobrinho
Cristina Van Dunem
Antigua and Barbuda
Lennox O. Weston
Jose Luis Machinea
Alternate Governor
Mario Vicens
Ricardo Carciofi
Oscar Cetrangolo
Julio Dreizzen
Carlos Alberto Lorenzo
A. Guillermo Zoccali
Levon Barkhudaryan
Alternate Governor
Tigran Sargsyan
Arthur Rudik Babayan
Nerses Yeritsyan
Rod Kemp
Alternate Governor
E.A. Evans
Margaret Anne Adamson
Vanessa Beenders
Angela Margaret Carey
Joanne Evans
Stephen Grenville
David Hardy
Marcela Kasprzykova
Nicole Masters
Ross Muir
Zuzana Paluskova
Bev Sims
Gregory F. Taylor
Petr Vodvarka
Klaus Liebscher
Alternate Governor
Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell
Elisabeth Florkowski
Wolfgang Ippisch
Franz Nauschnigg
Rene Oberleitner
Johann Prader
Adolf Wala
Matthias Winkler
Peter F. Zoellner
Ilqar Fatizade
The Bahamas
William C. Allen
Alternate Governor
Julian W. Francis
Maria-Teresa Butler
David Rostan Davis
Kevin Andrew Demeritte
Paul Feeney
Simon D. Wilson
Abdulla Hassan Saif
Alternate Governor
Abullah Bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa
Isa Abdulrahman Al Thawadi
Akbar Ali Khan
Alternate Governor
Mohammed Farashuddin
Muhammad Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan
Harunur Rashid Bhuyan
K. Anwarul Masud
Owen S. Arthur
Alternate Governor
Marion Williams
Harold E. Codrington
Kelvin Arthur Dalrymple
Michael Ian King
Peter H. Whitehall
Petr Petrovich Prokopovich
Alternate Governor
Nikolay Petrovich Korbut
Uladzimir Belski
Vasily Ivanovich Kornev
Vadim Sergeevich Misyukovets
Nikolai Sarvirov
Guy Quaden
Alternate Governor
Gregoire Brouhns
Temporary Alternate Governor
Willy Kiekens
Gino Pierre Alzetta
Hiliana Coessens
Kurt Delodder
Ronald De Swert
Marcia De Wachter
Ann-Sophie Dupont
Bruno G. Guiot
Pierre-Yves Jeholet
Christian Josz
Marc Marechal
Philippe Peeters
Dominique Servais
Ralph Fonseca
Alternate Governor
Keith A. Arnold
Sydney J. Campbell
Eamon H. Courtenay
Hugh J.E. McSweaney
Samuel Stephens
Abdoulaye Bio Tchane
Alternate Governor
Idriss L. Daouda
Emmanuel Assilamehoo
Romain Degla
Paul Derreumaux
Jean-Louis Gankpe-Houenouss
Theophile Montcho
Ibrahim Pedro Boni
Libasse Samb
Souleymane Tamboura
Sonam Wangchuk
Alternate Governor
. Penjore
Fernando Campero Prudencio
Alternate Governor
Jorge Requena Blanco
Armando Pinell Siles
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Novak Kondic
Alternate Governor
Jadranko Prlic
Temporary Alternate Governor
Peter William Nicholl
Zlatko Hurtic
Linah K. Mohohlo
Alternate Governor
Freddy Modise
Keith R. Jefferis
Kealeboga Masalila
Pedro Sampaio Malan
Alternate Governor
Arminio Fraga Neto
Temporary Alternate Governors
Marcos Caramuru de Paiva
Daniel Luiz Gleizer
Gerson Machado Pires Filho
Murilo Portugal
Maria Isabel Rezende Aboim
Aurora Maria Paiva de Almeida
Paulo Donizeti de Araujo
Patricia Goes Bakaj
Luis Antonio Balduino
Fabio de Oliveira Barbosa
João dos Reis Borges Muniz
Daso Maranhão Coimbra
Jose Linaldo Gomes de Aguiar
Eleazar de Carvalho Filho
Guilherme Gomes Dias
Carlos Eduardo Dutra
Gil Bernardo Borges Leal
Claudio de Almeida Machado
Acir Pimenta Madeira Filho
João Batista do Nascimento Magalhaes
Helio Mori
Jose Marcelo Lima Pontes
Byron Costa de Queiroz
Rubens Sardenberg
Isac Roffe Zagury
Brunei Darussalam
Alternate Governor
Haji Selamat Haji Munap
Temporary Alternate Governor
Hj Rosli bin Hj Sabtu
Jefri Haji Mohd Salleh
Svetoslav Veleslavov Gavriiski
Alternate Governor
Dimitar Borisov Radev
Slavka Bozoukova
Margarita Ganeva Ganeva
Georgi Vassilev Georgiev
Nikolay Kirov Gueorguiev
Alan Lee Hawkins
Bojidar Lubenov Kabaktchiev
Plamen Vassilev Orecharski
Olga Antonova Raeva
Tentcho Ivanov Tenev
Martin Ljubenov Tomov
Valentin Petrov Tsvetanov
Vitko Ivanov Vitkov
Martin Hristov Yovchevsky
Burkina Faso
Tertius Zongo
Alternate Governor
Lucien Marie Noel Bembamba
Temporary Alternate Governor
Celestin Kouka Zalle
Gregoire Banyiyezako
Alternate Governor
Cyprien Sinzobahamvya
Thomas Ndikumana
Gerard Niyibigira
Chea Chan To
Alternate Governor
Eng Thay San
Sokha Nguon
Sum Sannisith
Tal Nay Im
Edouard Akame Mfoumou
Alternate Governor
Sadou Hayatou
Temporary Alternate Governors
Jean-Marie Gankou
Urbain Olanguena Awono
Aminou Bassoro
Bruno Iboklene
Christophe Ketchankeu
Rene T. Mbappou Edjenguele
Anatole Nkodo Ze
Ginette Ndame Obam Obam
Jean Tchoffo
Joseph Tedou
Pierre Titti
Paul Martin
Alternate Governor
Gordon G. Thiessen
Temporary Alternate Governors
Ian Bennett
Thomas A. Bernes
Joy Kane
Howard Brown
Jean-Michel Catta
Jeffrey Allen Chelsky
John Davison
Dale Eisler
Margaret Huber
Paul William Jenkins
Jill E. Johnson
Alain Latulippe
Blake MacKenzie
Stephen Millar
Maria Minna
Doug Nevison
Pauline Picard
Scott Reid
Eric Siegel
Bill Singleton
Monte Solberg
Donald R. Stephenson
Ruth Thorkelson
Cape Verde
Olavo Avelino Garcia Correia
Alternate Governor
Luis Pedro Rodrigues
John D.C. Hall
Antonio Pericles Silva
Central African Republic
Anicet-Georges Dologuele
Alternate Governor
Issa Allam-Ndoul
Lazare Dokoula
Benoit Ketchekmen
Jean Nkuete
Andre Guy-Sinclair Tekpa
Mahamat Ali Hassan
Alternate Governor
Mahamad Amine Ben Barka
Bidjere Bindjaki
Carlos A. Massad
Alternate Governor
Guillermo R. Le Fort Varela
Jaime L. Estevez
Ana Maria Jul
Felipe G. Morande
Heinz P. Rudolph
Marta Tonda Mitri
Kathleen Uribe
Dai Xianglong
Alternate Governor
Li Ruogu
Temporary Alternate Governors
Norman Chan
Ge Huayong
Qi Jin
Teng Lin Seng
Donald Tsang
Benhua Wei
Cao Zhihong
Chai Minqi
May Chan
Carman Chiu
Chu Man Ling
Fong Ngai
He Jianxiong
Jin Zhongxia
Jonathan Laurier Lange
Lao Kam Chio
Francis Lau
Andrew Leung
Fushou Liu
Zhengming Liu
Yang Luo
Teresa Sair
Sun Ping
Wang Yanzhi
Wong Alfred
Teresa Wong
Yang Tao
Yu Jiangyan
Philip Yung
Miguel Urrutia Montoya
Temporary Alternate Governors
Carlos Caballero Argaez
Sergio Clavijo Vergara
Luis Bernardo Florez Enciso
Roberto Junguito
Maria Mercedes Rengifo de Duque
Jaime Eduardo Ruiz Llano
Juan Manuel Santos Calderon
Patricia Correa Bonilla
Alberto de Brigard
Maria Claudia Franco
Gustavo Adolfo Lopez Garcia
Belarmino Pinilla
Assoumany Aboudou
Alternate Governor
Said Ahmed Said Ali
Mohamed Abdallah
Abdoul Ahamadi
Republic of Congo
Mathias Dzon
Alternate Governor
Pacifique Issoibeka
Paul-Adam Dibouilou
Albert Gambou
Roger Gossaki
M. Kaba-Mbouala
Leon Raphael Mokoko
Costa Rica
Eduardo Lizano Fait
Alternate Governor
Marta E. Arrea
Enrique Carballo
Roy Gonzalez Rojas
Côte d’Ivoire
Kouame Yao
Alternate Governor
Lansina Bakary
Alexandre Assemien
Adamoh Djelhi Yahot Moliere
Koffi Paul Koffi
Leon Naka
Alassane Sogodogo
Alternate Governor
Boris Vujcic
Temporary Alternate Governors
Slavko Linic
Tomislav Presecan
Jadranka Bosnjak
Jadranka Granic
Damir Kustrak
Marica Zorica Matkovic
Zoran Piculjan
Marko Skreb
A.C. Afxentiou
Alternate Governor
H.G. Akhniotis
Leslie G. Manison
Costas Orphanides
Nicos Panayi
Czech Republic
Josef Tosovsky
Alternate Governor
Jan Mladek
Vit Barta
Vladimir Bezdek
Ales Capek
Vladislav Cieslar
Jirina Dienstbierova
Pavel Dvorak
Petra Edelmannova
Kamil Galuscak
Jan Gregor
Jan Hampl
Jiri Havel
Jiri Havlik
Hana Heidlerova
Miloslav Hejnak
Jana Hendrichova
Tomas Hladek
Tibor Hledik
Tomas Holub
Milena Horcicova
Vlastimil Horkel
Miroslav Hrncir
Zdenek Hruby
Vratislav Izak
Lubos Janda
Eduard Janota
Emilie Jasova
Marcela Jezkova
Martina Jezkova
Jiri Jonas
Ota Kaftan
Vera Kamenickova
Jitka Kodesova
Miroslav Kostel
Vladimir Krejca
Petr Krejci
Ales Krejdl
Jana Krelinova
Petr Kubernat
Jiri Kudlik
Martin Kujal
Lenka Loudova
Dimitrij Loula
Zdenek Lukes
Marie Mac Donaldova
Marcela Malinova
Vera Masindova
Marian Mayer
Premysl Micka
Vera Nepimachova
Ludek Niedermayer
Igor Ocka
Jaroslav Orzendovic
Jiri Palan
Radek Pilar
Jiri Pospisil
Robert Potac
Petr Prochazka
Helena Prochazkova
Pavel Racocha
Vaclav Rombald
Dana Rottova
Jiri Roudny
Jan Saiga
Ales Satanek
Jan Schmidt
Petr Sedlacek
Frantisek Skoda
Katerina Smidkova
Pavel Soukup
Jiri Spicka
Pavel Stepanek
Jiri Strach
Leopold Surga
Helena Suvova
Pavel Telicka
Milan Tomanek
Zdenek Tuma
Radek Urban
Libor vacek
Drahomira Vaskova
Jana Vavrincova
Jiri Vetrovsky
Zdenek Virius
Jan Vit
Jaromir Vlcek
Ivana Vlkova
Petr Vojtisek
Ladislav Zelinka
Kamil Ziegler
Jiri Zimola
Veronika Znamenackova
Pavel Zubek
Jens Thomsen
Alternate Governor
Michael Dithmer
Temporary Alternate Governors
Henrik W. Fugmann
Kai Aaen Hansen
Lemmi Kristiina Tui
Djama Mahamoud Haid
Alternate Governor
Houmed Abdou Daoud
Ali Farah Assoweh
Ambrose George
Alternate Governor
Ambrose M.J. Sylvester
Dominican Republic
Francisco M. Guerrero Prats-R.
Temporary Alternate Governor
Eduardo Garcia Michel
Clarissa de la Rocha de Torres
Alba Cabral Pena-Gomez
Jose Luis Ycaza
Alternate Governor
Leopoldo Baez Carrera
Temporary Alternate Governor
Juan Falconi Puig
Guillermo A. Lasso
Francisco Arosemena
Maritza Ines Cabezas
Ramiro Esteban Crespo Fabara
Pedro Kohn
Oscar Loor
Romulo Muentes
Patricio Rubianes
Daisy Luz Vargas
Linda Vasquez
Mauricio An Yepez Najas
Ismail Hassan Mohamed
Temporary Alternate Governor
Mohamed Awny Mahfouz
Mohamed Al-Diwany
Sanaa Attallah
Mohamed Doweidar
Tatjana Masitova
Hisham Nagi
El Salvador
Rafael Barraza
Alternate Governor
Nicola Ernesto Angelucci Silva
Claudio Manuel de Rosa Ferreira
Craig Leon
Roberto Rivera Campos
Equatorial Guinea
Miguel Abia Biteo Boriko
Alternate Governor
Martin Crisantos Ebe Mba
Carlos Damian Baca Eboro
Rafael Tung Nsue
Tekie Beyene
Alternate Governor
Woldai Futur
Vahur Kraft
Alternate Governor
Aare Jarvan
Temporary Alternate Governor
Tanel Ross
Kersti Kaljulaid
Marge Laast
Valdur Laid
Ulle Lohmus
Madis Muller
Marten Ross
Ingrid Toming
Andres Trink
Madis Uurike
Daniel Vaarik
Teklewold Atnafu
Temporary Alternate Governor
Gebreyesus Guntih Hellamo
Brutawit Dawit Abdi
Moges Chemere Belachew
Yilma Chanyalew
Girma Negash Damessa
Amerga Kassa
Temesgen Kebede
Neway Gebreab
Philippos Wolde Mariam
Lulseged Teferi
Tadelle Teferra
Esubalew Tekeste Negatu
Savenaca Narube
Alternate Governor
Uday Singh
Isikeli Mataitoga
Matti Vanhala
Alternate Governor
Esko Ollila
Temporary Alternate Governor
Kjell Peter Soederlund
Markiis Fogelholm
Kerstin M. Heinonen
Olli-Pekka Lehmussaari
Laurent Fabius
Alternate Governor
Jean-Claude Trichet
Temporary Alternate Governors
Herve Hannoun
Jean-Claude Milleron
Elisabeth Ardaillon-Poirier
Gilles Bauche
Jean-Joseph Boillot
Sandrine Boucher
Arnaud Chneiweiss
Philippe Coste
Bertrand Couillault
Philippe Cristelli
Delphine D’Amarzit
Bruno Deletre
Pierre Jaillet
Didier Janci
Bruno Jeudy
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Jacques Le Pape
Jacques Mistral
Nina Mitz
Robert Moulie
Emmanuel Moulin
Danielle Noirclerc-Schoenberg
Jean-Pierre Patat
Dominique Perreau
Jean Pesme
Guy Pontet
Florence Ribard
Ann W. Scoffier
Marc-Olivier Strauss-Kahn
Gilles Vaysset
Temporary Alternate Governor
Michael Adande
Philibert Andzembe
Laure Olga Gondjout
Lambert Ondo Ndong
Luc Oyoubi
The Gambia
Momodou A. Ceesay
Alternate Governor
Momodou Clarke Bajo
Grahame J. Nathan
Sidi M. Sanneh
Irakli Managadze
Alternate Governor
Temur Basilia
Ernst Welteke
Alternate Governor
Hans Eichel
Temporary Alternate Governors
Bernd Esdar
Axel R.K. Nawrath
Georg Michael Roeskau
Stefan Schoenberg
Juergen Stark
Joerg Asmussen
Helmut Breiderhoff
Leo Dautzenberg
Martin Dippl
Wolf-Dieter Donecker
Martin Friewald
Alexander Gross
Volker Halsch
Stefanie Hamacher
Dietrich Hartenstein
Bernd Heiden
Maria Heider
Antje Hermenau
Elke Kallenbach
Reiner Kotschi
Rudolf Kraus
Sabine Lanver
Klaus Lennartz
Detlef Lingemann
Heinz-Ulrich Luettger
Edgar Meister
Florian Meyerhoefer
Georg Milbradt
Wolfgang Moerke
Frank Mumpro
Claudia Oehm
Elke Pedack
Gregor Alexander Pieske
Adolf Roth
Christine Scheel
Bernd Scheelen
Emil Schnell
Claus-Peter Schollmeier
Gerhard Sennlaub
Karlheinz Walch
Bernd Walter
Angelika Waschk
Rolf Wenzel
Klaus-Peter Willsch
Franz-Christoph F.K. Zeitler
Michaela Zintl
Kwabena Duffuor
Temporary Alternate Governor
Joseph Godson Amamoo
Osa Ahinakwah
Christian Baeta
William Panford Bray
Percival Alfred Kuranchie
John Kwabena Kwakye
Emmanuel Korley Martey
Chris Nartey
Samuel Valis-Akyianu
Henry A.K. Wampah
Lucas D. Papademos
Alternate Governor
Nikolaos C. Garganas
Julie Christou
Gikas Hardouvelis
Georgios Kasmas
Georges Linardos
Spyros P. Papanicolaou
Panagiotis A. Pliatsikas
George Politakis
Harilaos Vittas
Anthony Boatswain
Alternate Governor
Timothy Antoine
Lizardo Arturo Sosa Lopez
Temporary Alternate Governors
Jose Antonio Blanco Gomez
Oscar Lionel Figueredo Ara
Mario Alberto Garcia Lara
Jose Alfredo Blanco Valdes
Julio Roberto Suarez
Arturo Tobar Blanco
Cheick Ahmadou Camara
Alternate Governor
Ibrahima Cherif Bah
Koikou Felix Assamoi
Boubacar Bah
Marguerite Maurel Camara
Mohamed Alkaly Daffe
Alpha Diallo
Thierry Thierno Diallo
Claus M. Hable
Marie-Agnes Toure
Sekou Traore
Rui Duarte Barros
Alternate Governor
Francisco Camala
Fernando Correia
Luis Candido Lopes Ribeiro
Juan C. Vilanova
Saisnarine Kowlessar
Alternate Governor
Gobind Nauth Ganga
Fritz Jean
Alternate Governor
Sylvain Lafalaise
Henry Cassion
Dona-Lisa Danies
Ketleen Florestal
Georgette Jean-Louis
Ericq Pierre
Victoria Asfura de Diaz
Alternate Governor
Jesus Ernesto Anariba Alvarenga
Juan Carlos Aguilar-Perales
Jorge A. Alvarado L.
Federico Alvarez
Jacobo Nicolas Atala Zablah
Manuel de J. Bautista F.
Guillermo Bueso
Mauricio Diaz Burdett
Jorge Alejandro Faraj R.
Orlando Enrique Garner O.
Francisco Machado Leiva
Matthew H. Martin
Amado H. Nunez
Laura Elena Nunez
Mario Rietti
Carlos A. Rivera Xatruch
Gyorgy Suranyi
Alternate Governor
Peter Adamecz
Laszlo Bogar
Laszlo Buzas
Akos Cseres
Tibor Erhart
Julianna Feher
Imrene Kloknicer
Laszlo Lengyel
Erzsebet Wurdits
Szilvia Zador
Birgir Isl. Gunnarsson
Ingimundur Fridriksson
Olafur Isleifsson
Yashwant Sinha
Alternate Governor
Bimal Jalan
Temporary Alternate Governors
Shankar Nath Acharya
Vijay L. Kelkar
Girish Dhume
Praveen Kumar Gautam
Sandip Ghose
Narendra Jadhav
M.R. Nair
R.K. Singh
Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Alternate Governor
Noor Fuad
Temporary Alternate Governors
Anwar Nasution
Rizal Ramli
Arief Arryman
Cyrillus Harinowo
Jeffrey Kairupan
Dendy Kurniawan
Rachmat Saleh
Hartadi A. Sarwono
Tirta Segara
Maman Husein Somantri
Ignatius Tri Handoyo
Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohsen Nourbakhsh
Alternate Governor
Mohammad Javad Vahaji
Temporary Alternate Governor
Mohammad Jafar Mojarrad
Aziz Farrashi
Mohammad-Hadi Mahdavian
Abbas Mirakhor
Morteza Moradian
Abbas Norouzi
Abbas Shahyar
Mohammad Javad Shariati
Mohsen Sharif Khodaei
Mohammad R. Shojaeddini
Faik Ali Abdul Rasool
Alternate Governor
Abdul Ahad P. Toma
Charlie McCreevy
Alternate Governor
Maurice O’Connell
Temporary Alternate Governors
Elizabeth Beckett
Peter Charleton
John Hurley
Padraig McGowan
Noel O’Gorman
George Reynolds
Michael J. Somers
Michael Collins
Amanda Johnston
Adrian J. Kearns
Noeleen C. McCreevy
Dermot McGauran
Hannah O’Riordan
Avraham B. Shochat
Alternate Governor
Meir Sokoler
Oren Anolik
Eddy Azoulay
Ohad Bar-Efrat
Dan Catarivas
Yaacov Driks
Erez Gilhar
Erella Hadar
Leora Hadar
Milan Kenkus
Ofer Eliezer Levy
Einav Livne
Sylvia Piterman
Gideon Schurr
Alon Shoham
Vincenzo Visco
Alternate Governor
Vincenzo Desario
Fabrizio Befani
Giuseppina Belviso
Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi
Pierluigi Ciocca
Pierluigi Conti
Angelo de Mattia
Riccardo Faini
Paolo Faiola
Fabio Franceschini
Giorgio Gomel
Vittorio Grilli
Vincenzo La Via
Francesca Manno
Giuseppe Maresca
Arturo Olivieri
Cecilia Piccioni
Vincenzo Pontolillo
Francesco Puccio
Giorgio Ricordy
Roberto Rinaldi
Fabrizio Saccomanni
Carlo Santini
Giuseppe Schlitzer
Franco Tempesta
Omar Lloyd Davies
Alternate Governor
Derick Latibeaudiere
Kiichi Miyazawa
Alternate Governor
Masaru Hayami
Temporary Alternate Governors
Yuzo Harada
Kiyoto Ido
Takatoshi Ito
Tadashi Iwashita
Seiji Kojima
Haruhiko Kuroda
Masayuki Matsushima
Yoshitaka Murata
Koji Tanami
Yoshihisa Ueda
Ken Yagi
Yukio Yoshimura
Masayoshi Amamiya
Toshihiro Araki
Masatsugu Asakawa
Mitsuhiro Furusawa
Yasuhiro Hayasaki
Toshiaki Hiromitsu
Atsushi Iizuka
Masato Kanda
Takuo Komori
Kazutomi Kurihara
Susumu Kuwahara
Junichi Maruyama
Kunio Matsuda
Nobuchika Mori
Tokio Morita
Yoichi Nemoto
Kentaro Ogata
Kenji Okamura
Yoshio Okubo
Toshio Oya
Tomoyuki Saisu
Hidehiko Sogano
Yoshiyuki Tahara
Haruyuki Toyama
Yasusuke Tsukagoshi
Shinichi Uchida
Hiroshi Watanabe
Jun Yamada
Mamoru Yanase
Masanori Yoshida
Michel Marto
Alternate Governor
Ziad Fariz
Muhammad M.A. Hamadah Abdallah
Abdel Qader Abdel Hakim Al Dweik
Awad Abboud Fadayel
Ghassan F. Ifram
Zuhair Khouri
Grigori Marchenko
Alnur Jumanbekov
Sovetkali Kartbayev
Micah Kiprono Cheserem
Alternate Governor
Maurice John Pette Kanga
Mark Letitoiya Lesiit
Benson Ouma Ogutu
Chiboli Induli Shakaba
Beniamina Tinga
Alternate Governor
Timi Kaiekieki
Haruko Fukuda
Nyum Jin
Chol-Hwan Chon
Temporary Alternate Governors
Yong-Duk Kim
Kwi-Sup Yoon
Il Sang Bae
Chang-Beom Cho
In-Kang Cho
Jae-Young Choi
Kwang-Won Chung
Ho Hyun Jang
Kwang-Woo Jun
Hak-Ryul Kim
Kum-Ran Kim
Sirn-Byung Kim
Sung-Bae Kim
Dae-Hee Lee
Hyoung-Ryoul Lee
Shang-Heon Lee
Woon-Ki Lyeo
Jin-Woong Nam
Jong Nam Oh
Kwang-Pyo Oh
Byung-Hwa Rhee
Dong-Kyu Shin
Hyung-Goo Shin
Yeon-Sung Shin
Il-Seob Soh
Min-Ho Son
Cheon-Sik Yang
Ahmed Abdullah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah
Alternate Governor
Saleh Mubarak Al-Falah
Sami Husain Alanbaee
Yousef Al-Awadi
Waleed Mohammed Al-Huwaishel
Talal Allaf
Yousef B.Y.H. Al-Roumi
Khalid Sulaiman Al-Ruwaih
Salem Abdullah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah
Mustafa Jassim Al-Shamali
Bader Saleh Al-Tunaib
Ahmad Mohammed Abdulrehman Bastaki
Ahmad Abduallah Bu-Zuobar
Hassan Sleiman Ezzeddine
Kyrgyz Republic
Ulan Sarbanov
Alternate Governor
Sadriddin Jienbekov
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Soukanh Mahalath
Temporary Alternate Governor
Khamsouk Sundara
Gundars Berzins
Alternate Governor
Einars Repse
Roberts Latvis Grava
Aija Odina
Juris Pogrebnaks
Ilmars Rimsevics
Inna Steinbuka
Inguna Sudraba
Inta Vasaraudze
Aivars Veiss
Riad Toufic Salameh
Alternate Governor
Marwan M. Nsouli
Jihad Azour
Ali Abdallah El-Jammal
Anwar Ali Jammal
Zouheir Kazzaz
Farid Raphael
M.C. Mphutlane
Alternate Governor
Stephen Mustapha Swaray
Lebohang Kenneth Moleko
Mary Manneko Monyau
Edward Thabo Nyepetsi
Refiloe Tlali
M. Nathaniel Barnes
Alternate Governor
Elie E. Saleeby
Nathaniel Gbaba
Boimah Taylor
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Taher E. Jehaimi
Alternate Governor
Abdalla Ali Khalifa
Saleh Ahmed Keshlaf
Bashir Mahmud H. Nahaesi
Reinoldijus Sarkinas
Alternate Governor
Dalia Grybauskaite
Vygintas Grinis
Daiva Kamarauskiene
Arunas Kaminskas
Rima Kaziliuniene
Stasys Kropas
Jean-Claude Juncker
Alternate Governor
Yves Mersch
Michele Eisenbarth
Robert Goebbels
Jerome Hamilius
Georges A. Heinen
Emile Jung
Serge Kolb
Jan Prusak
Jean-Pierre Schoder
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Ljube Trpeski
Alternate Governor
Antoneta Manova Stavreska
Goran Ancheski
Zoran Jovanovski
Ljupka Mindosheva
Tantely R.G. Andrianarivo
Alternate Governor
Gaston Edouard Ravelojaona
Temporary Alternate Governor
Zina Andrianarivelo-Razafy
Jocelyn Andriambahiny
Vonintsalama Andriambololona
Jocelyn Victor Rafidinarivo
Andre Rajaonah-Ratsimisetra
Daniel Ramarokoto
Florence Ramarokoto
Christian Guy Dettriga Rasolomanana
Elias E. Ngalande
Alternate Governor
R.P. Dzanjalimodzi
Esther Chioko
Charles S.R. Chuka
Maxwell Mkwezalamba
Kassam Okhai
Ted Thokozani Sitimawina
Alfred A. Upindi
Patrick Francis Zimpita
Shafie Mohd. Salleh
Temporary Alternate Governor
Latifah Merican Cheong
John Patrick Antonysamy
Khairuddin Hj. Arshad
Ng Chow Soon
Wan Fadzmi Othman
Raja Zaharaton Bte Raja Zainal Abidin
Siti Hadzar Mohn. Ismail
Mohamed Jaleel
Alternate Governor
Ibrahim Naeem
Bacari Kone
Alternate Governor
Bangaly N’ko Traore
Abdoulaye Daffe
Idrissa Traore
Michael C. Bonello
Temporary Alternate Governor
Alfred De Marco
Robert Aquilina
Edward J. Scicluna
Marshall Islands
Patrick Chen
Mahfoudh Ould Mohamed Ali
Alternate Governor
Sidi Ould Mouhamdi
Lemine Mohamed El Jailani
Mohamed Salem Ould Abdessalam
Mohamed Lemine Ould Khlil
Bekaye Ould Sidi Mohamed
Temporary A Iternate Governor
Abdel Rehman Ismael
Guillermo Ortiz Martinez
Alternate Governor
Luis Ernesto Derbez
Temporary Alternate Governors
Gonzalo Aguirre Enrile
Javier Guzman-Calafell
Armando Baqueiro
Agustin Carstens
Claudio Guzman Mendez
Roberto Marino
Moises Pineda
Erwin Roeniger
Iliana Sansores
Federated States of Micronesia
John Ehsa
Alternate Governor
Lorin S. Robert
Leonid Talmaci
Alternate Governor
Victor Vasile Chiriac
Stela Axenti
Rutger Palmstierna
Ochirbat Chuluunbat
Temporary Alternate Governor
Tserendagvyn Odongua
Ochirvaani Chimgee
Mohamed Seqat
Temporary Alternate Governor
Abdelmalek Ouenniche
Omar Alaoui Benhachem
Othman Benjelloun
Mohammed Dairi
Lahbib El-Idrissi Lalami
Mohamed El Merghadi
Abdellah El-Ouadrhiri
Mustapha Faris
Omar Hasnaoui Chaoui
Abdesselam Ouazzani
Luisa Dias Diogo
Temporary Alternate Governor
Antonio Fernando Laice
Piedade Macamo Matavela
Jose A. Sulemane
Daniel Gabriel Tembe
Kyaw Kyaw Maung
Alternate Governor
Nyo Myint
Tha Yin Myat
Kyi Shein
Wynn Thein
Nangolo Mbumba
Alternate Governor
Thomas K. Alweendo
Chris Hoveka
Penda Kiiyala
Dipendra Purush Dhakal
Alternate Governor
Madhav Prasad Ghimire
Gopal S. Kakshapati
Yuba Raj Khatiwada
O.B.L. Maskey
Uttam B. Pun
Devendra Pratap Shah
Prakash Shrestha
A.H.E.M. Wellink
Alternate Governor
Kees van Dijkhuizen
Temporary Alternate Governors
Age F.P. Bakker
Henk J. Brouwer
J. Wijnholds
Jerrald M. Hasselmeyer
Jos R. Heuvelman
Aerdt C.F.J. Houben
Frits Kemperman
P.A. Menkveld
Kenneth A.H. Polvliet
Gerard Steeghs
Emsley D. Tromp
Marco van Hengel
R.J. van Houtum
Wilfred Russell Voges
J.L. Westhoff
Paul Wind
New Zealand
Michael Cullen
Alternate Governor
Murray A. Sherwin
Brendon H. Doyle
Vera Egermayer
Kim Mackenzie
Ian Michael Woolford
Luis H. Duran-Downing
Alternate Governor
Edgard A. Guerra
Temporary Alternate Governor
Carlos Noguera
Francisco Aguirre-Baca
Roberto J. Arguello
Ramy Attie
Julio David Cardenas Robleto
Ernesto Fernandez Holmann
Juan Carlos Gutierrez
John D. Strasma
Norman Ali Uriarte
Robert J. Zamora Llanes
Ali Badjo Gamatie
Temporary Alternate Governor
Talata Camara Amina
Yacouba Abou
Hamani Harouna
Boubacar Moumouni Saidou
Abdoulaye Soumana
Joseph Sanusi
Alternate Governor
Samuel Chukwuma Nwokedi
Temporary Alternate Governors
John O. Aderibigbe
Jibrin Barau
Michael Olufemi Ojo
Godwill E. Ukpong
Ismaila Usman
Jibril Ibrahim Zarewa
Ismaila Abubakar
O. Akindele
J. Anie
Justina Ogugua Ashinze
Dauda Bundot
Benjamin D. Ibe
Christopher Osiomha Itsede
Peter N. Jiya
Babatunde F. Lawal
Femi Okurounmu
Umar Farouk Shehu
Okorie Awa Uchendu
Ahmed Beita Yusuf
Svein Ingvar Gjedrem
Alternate Governor
Tore Eriksen
Temporary Alternate Governor
Jarle Bergo
Anne Berit Christiansen
Asbjorn Fidjestol
Sigurd Klakeg
Enok Olsen
Bjarne Stakkestad
Ali bin Mohammed bin Moosa
Alternate Governor
Hamood Sangour Al-Zadjali
Jawad Mohammed Jawad Talib
Ishrat Husain
Alternate Governor
Mueen Afzal
Shahid A. Chaudhry
Shahid Hafiz Kardar
Nasrullah Khan
Zakir Mahmood
Azizali F. Mohammed
Farrakh Qayyum
Mohammed Ahmad Zuberi
Lawrence Alan Goddard
Domingo Latorraca
Alternate Governor
Bolivar Pariente
Alfredo Arias
Greta Maria Guerra
Papua New Guinea
Leonard Wilson Kamit
Alternate Governor
Loi Martin Bakani
Jeremiah Andrew
Washington Ashwell
Alternate Governor
Luis Lezcano Pastore
Temporary Alternate Governors
Renzo G. Rossini
Carlos Saito
Luis Baba Nakao
Raul Becerra Arana
Oscar A. Hendrick
Carlos Adrian Linares Penaloza
Ivan Rivera
Rafael B. Buenaventura
Temporary Alternate Governor
Benjamin Estoista Diokno
Isidro C. Alcantara, Jr.
Joel A. Banares
Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr.
Jose Macario L. Laurel, IV
Xavier P. Loinaz
Placido L. Mapa, Jr.
Gilda Victoria Gadi Mendoza
Roberto Panlilio
Carmelita Salas
Florencia G. Tarriela
Amando M. Tetangco, Jr.
Jaroslaw Bauc
Alternate Governor
Krzysztof J. Ners
Temporary Alternate Governor
Jacek Tomorowicz
Edward Basinski
Jan Bielawski
Jerzy Bychawski
Pawel Duriasz
Michal Mackiewicz
Remigiusz Jan Paszkiewicz
Marek Pernal
Anita Ryng
Wieslaw Szczuka
Jerzy Uzieblo
Grzegorz Dariusz Wasilewski
Tadeusz Weglarz
Vitor Manuel Ribeiro Constancio
Alternate Governor
Antonio Manuel Pereira Marta
Temporary Alternate Governor
Maria Helena Cordeiro
Paulo Ernesto Carvalho Amorim
Antonio Cascais
Jose de Matos
Nuno Maria Mariano de Carvalho Jonet
Pedro Patricio
João Santos
Maria Jose Vaz Rocha Vidal
Fahad Bin Faisal Al-Thani
Alternate Governor
Abdulla Mulla Al-Mulla
Abdulrahman Ali M. Al-Aqaily
Salah Al-Jaidah
Saeed Abdullah Ali Al-Mosnid
Abdulbasit Al-Shaibei
Bashir Issa Al-Shirawi
Khalid Bin Ahmed Al-Sowaidi
John P. Finigan
Maqbool Habib Khalfan
Assad Koshaish
Emil Iota Ghizari
Alternate Governor
Valentin Lazea
Alice Batu
Nicoleta Brebenel
Mircea Ionut Costea
Mugur Tolici
Nicolae Vulpasin
Russian Federation
Aleksei Kudrin
Alternate Governor
Tatyana Paramonova
Temporary Alternate Governors
Andrei Bugrov
Viktor Gerashchenko
Sergei Ignatiev
Andrei N. Illarionov
Ivan Ivanov
Sergei Kolotukhin
Aleksei V. Mozhin
Elvira Nabiullina
Svetlana Ganeeva
Grigori Glazkov
Nadezhda Ivanova
Andrei Kostin
Yuri Kozeikin
Mikhail Lopatin
Andrei Lushin
Oleg Lushnikov
Valery Matveev
Aleksander Nikolskiy
Sergei Ovseichik
Lev V. Palei
Sergei Pavlenko
A. Pirogov
Sergei Scherbakov
Aleksandr Shamrin
Andrei Shinayev
Vladimir Smenkovskiy
Aleksei Smirnov
Svetlana Vtyurina
Gennady Yezhov
Donald Kaberuka
Alternate Governor
Francois Mutemberezi
Jacob N. Fonderson
Edith Gasana
Claver Gatete
Jack Nkusi Kayonga
Justice Mahundaza
Ntaganda Manasseh
Prosper Musafiri
Fred Quarshie
Jean Rutayisire Musoni
Richard Sezibera
Maurits Van Der Ven
St. Kitts and Nevis
Halva Hendrickson
Alternate Governor
Dwight Venner
St. Lucia
Bernard La Corbiniere
Alternate Governor
Claire Zenith James
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Monty A. Roberts
Alternate Governor
Maurice Edwards
Tuilaepa S. Malielegaoi
Temporary Alternate Governor
Papali’i Tommy Scanlan
Peter Tapsell
San Marino
Clelio Galassi
Alternate Governor
Fausta Morganti
Temporary Alternate Governors
Pietro Giacomini
Raffaele Giardi
Daniele Bernardi
Milena Gasperoni
Giorgio Lombardi
São Tomé and Príncipe
Maria C. Pires de Carvalho Silveira
Alternate Governor
Eugenio Lourenco Soares
Jose Luis Suarez Losada
Saudi Arabia
Hamad Al-Sayari
Temporary Alternate Governors
Ahmed S.M. Alosaimi
Sulaiman M. Al-Turki
Mohammed Abalkhail
Mazen Wasfi Abdulmajid
Haitham Al-Abdullatif
Husain Al-Fakhri
Basel Algadhib
Alaa Al-Jabri
Abdulrahman Mohammed Almofadhi
Mohammed Al-Nafie
Ahmed A. Al-Nassar
Saeed Al-Qahtani
Talal Al-Qudaibi
Abdullah Sulaiman Al-Rajhi
Abdul Monam Rashed Al-Rashed
Rashed Abdulaziz Al-Rashed
Salah Rashed Al-Rashed
Abdulaziz Al-Saghyir
Saud Al-Saleh
Said A. Al-Shaikh
Ibrahim Al-Touq
Abdulaziz Al-Turki
Saud Al-Yemeni
Abdullah bin Salem Bahamdan
Jitendra G. Borpujari
Marcos G. Ghattas
Richard R. Herbert
Khalil Abdulfattah Kurdi
Melhem F. Melhem
Abdulaziz A. O’Hali
Nemeh Elias Sabbagh
Adil Mohamed Sanai
Abdulhadi Ali Shayif
Ali Shihabi
Bertrand Viriot
Makhtar Diop
Temporary Alternate Governor
Charles Konan Banny
Sogue Diarisso
Amadou Kane
Pascal-Irenee Koupaki
Alain Koutangni
Seyni N’Diaye
Yao Sahi Kablan
James Michel
Alternate Governor
Francis Chang-Leng
Pierre Frank Laporte
Sierra Leone
James S. Koroma
Alternate Governor
Edmund Koroma
Andrina R. Coker
Abdulai Kakay
J.A. Keeley
Koh Yong Guan
Alternate Governor
Khor Hoe Ee
Zarina Varukatty
Slovak Republic
Marian Jusko
Alternate Governor
Brigita Schmognerova
Eva Karasova
Elena Kohutikova
Jozef Mach
Katarina Mathernova
Karol Mrva
Milan Oresansky
Eduard Polak
Pavol Popp
Frantisek Ruzicka
Juraj Sipko
Alan Sitar
Jozef Stank
Vladimir Tvaroska
France Arhar
Alternate Governor
Samo Nucic
Marjeta Sketa
Stanislava Zadravec-Caprirolo
Solomon Islands
Rick Nelson Houenipwela
Alternate Governor
George Kiriau
South Africa
Trevor Andrew Manuel
Alternate Governor
Maria da Conceicao Ramos
Temporary Alternate Governor
Tito Titus Mboweni
Xolile P. Guma
Barbara Hogan
Danel Janse Van Rensburg
Anthony Frank Julies
Qedani Dorothy Mahlangu
Leon David Markovitz
Aaron Daniel Mminele
Brian Molefe
Phillip Jabulani Moleketi
Wilma Petra Oosthuizen
Rodrigo de Rato Figaredo
Alternate Governor
Jaime Caruana Lacorte
Temporary Alternate Governors
Angel Martin-Acebes
Gonzalo Ramos Puig
Ramon Aguirre Rodriguez
Rocio Alberdi Alonso
Santiago Cabanas Ansorena
Antonio Gomez-Crespo Lopez
Gloria Hernandez Garcia
Jose Ignacio Lagartos
Luis Ma. Linde de Castro
Pilar Moran Reyero
Alvaro Nadal
Francisco Ochoa Lopez
Jose Luis Pascual
Leonardo Rodriguez
Carlos San Basilio Pardo
Miguel Angel Sanchez
Sri Lanka
Alternate Governor
Faiz Mohideen
Temporary Alternate Governor
W.A. Wijewardena
A.G. Karunasena
Sabir Mohamed Hassan
Alternate Governor
Elzubeir Ahmed Elhassan
El Mutasim Abdalla Ahmed El Faki
Omar Ibrahim Eltahir
Abdel Wahab Ahmed Hamza
Elfatih Ali Siddig
Amin Salih Yasin
Temporary Alternate Governor
Roberto Junguito
John P. Carmichael
Alternate Governor
Martin G. Dlamini
Busi Alice Dlamini
Gcebile C. Dlamini
Nomusa Tfobhi Dlamini-Tibane
Lomvula Grace Hlophe
Cyprian Mabuza
Meshack M.L. Shongwe
Urban Backstrom
Alternate Governor
Sven Hegelund
Temporary Alternate Governors
Lars Heikensten
Sven-Olof Johansson
Lennart Bergstedt
Martin Carlens
Thomas J.H. Franzen
Eva Haghanipour
Tomas Jonsson
Erik Lindfors
Maja Nilsson
Theodor Paues
Jan Sadek
Stig Svensson
Erik Thedeen
Ake Törnqvist
Lena Westerlund Elofsson
Hans Meyer
Alternate Governor
Kaspar Villiger
Temporary Alternate Governors
Roberto F. Cippà
Jean-Pierre Roth
Martin Aeschbacher
Urs Breiter
Johann Bucher
Dagmar Cecelska
Giovanni Antonio Colombo
Carlo Crespi
Jacques de Watteville
Giorgio Dhima
Werner Hermann
Alexander Karrer
Marianne Lasser
Peter Siegenthaler
Pascal Strupler
Robin Tickle
Fritz Zurbrugg
Syrian Arab Republic
Mohammed Imady
Alternate Governor
Mohammad Bachar Kabbarah
Samir Masad
Gulomzhon Dzhuraevich Babayev
Alternate Governor
Murotali M. Alimardonov
Svetlana Sharipova
Daniel A.N. Yona
Alternate Governor
Daudi T.S. Ballali
Jerome J. Buretta
Ndewirwa Ndelekwa Kitomari
Humphrey P.B. Moshi
Anna Muganda
Charles K. Mutalemwa
Omar Yussuf Mzee
Peter Efraim Mayunga Noni
Naftal Mathayo Nsemwa
John Chimile Rubambe
Chatu Mongol Sonakul
Alternate Governor
Pakorn Malakul Na Ayudhya
Varapat Chensavasdijai
Montri Chenvidhayakarn
Kobsak Chutikul
Chittima Duriyaprapan
Kleo-Thong Hetrakul
Boripun Singhsilarak
Regina Wora-Urai
A-H. S.B. Tidjani-Dourodjaye
Alternate Governor
Mongo Aharh-Kpessou
Ayewanou Agetoho Gbeasor
Siosiua T.T. ‘Utoikamanu
Temporary Alternate Governor
Henry William Cocker
Trinidad and Tobago
Brian Kuei Tung
Alternate Governor
Leroy Mayers
Godfrey Bain
Charles de Silva
Vishnu Dhanpaul
Jerry Hospedales
Louis Andre Monteil
Richard Jeremy Trotman
Mohamed Daouas
Temporary Alternate Governor
Hamed Gaddour
Fawzi Belkahia
Ferid ben Tanfous
Ali Debaya
Bechir Jemili
Sadok Rouai
Habib Sfar
Bechir Trabelsi
Recep Onal
Alternate Governor
Gazi Ercel
Omer Altay
Sevgi Ayan
Ugur Bayar
Hasan Sukru Binay
Selim Cakir
Ozgur Demirkol
Ayse Donmezer
Aydin Karaoz
Kursat Kunter
Melih Nemli
Durmus Oztek
Hakan Ozyildiz
H.E. Hatay Savasci
Sureyya Serdengecti
Salih Tastan
Levent Veziroglu
Bahadir Yaman
Seitbay Kandymov
Temporary Alternate Governor
Kurban Kurbanov
Gerald M. Ssendaula
Temporary Alternate Governor
Louis Austin Kasekende
Richard H. Kaijuka
Keith Muhakanizi
Polycarp Musinguzi
Longino Kigambo Tisasirana
Igor Mityukov
Alternate Governor
Volodymyr Stelmakh
Teimour Mamedovich Bagirov
Valentyna Demchenko
Mykola Semenovych Derzhaliuk
Valeriy Dzhyhun
Nataliia Hrebenyk
Oleksii Kostusiev
Ihor Krachkovskyi
Yevhen Kulesha
Vitalij Vasyliovych Lisovenko
Valeriy Litvitskiy
Oleksandr Pinskyi
Yuri Poluneev
Valentyn Povaliaiev
Gennadii Radchenko
Oleg Borysovych Rybachouk
Ihor Anatolijovych Shumylo
Tamara Solyanyk
Petro Strohyi
Serhii Ustych
Yuriy G. Yakusha
Sergey A. Yaremenko
Olexandr Yurov
Natalia Zarudna
United Arab Emirates
Sultan Bin Nasser Al-Suwaidi
Alternate Governor
Khaled Ali Al-Bustani
Mohammed Jameel Al-Jundi
Hussain Abdelrahman M. Al-Midfa
Qamber Ali Al Mulla
Sultan Rashed Ebrahim Saif Al-Sakeb
Farid Youssef Barakat
Habib Abdulnabi Kazim
Michael H. Tomalin
United Kingdom
Gordon Brown
Alternate Governor
Edward A.J. George
Temporary Alternate Governors
Ed Balls
David Clementi
Stephen P. Collins
Mervyn King
Gus O’Donnell
Stephen John Pickford
David Broucher
Robert Mark Burgess
Nick Burns
Creon Butler
Alastair Clark
Jon Cunliffe
Howard Davies
Martin Day
John Drage
Michael Ellam
Judith Gardiner
Hermione Gough
Denis Edward Peter Paul Keefe
Ben Kelmanson
Andrew Lewis
David Mepham
Ed Milliband
Giles Portman
Shona Riach
Peter D. Rodgers
Tom Scholar
Vickie Sheriff
Shriti Vadera
Paul Wright
United States
Lawrence H. Summers
Alternate Governor
Alan Greenspan
Temporary Alternate Governors
John M. Abbott
Timothy F. Geithner
Karin Lissakers
Meg Lundsager
Edwin M. Truman
Thomas Arnold
Caroline Atkinson
Andrew Baukol
Janice F. Bay
Andrew G. Berg
Steven Coffey
Thomas A. Connors
Brian F. Egolf, Jr.
Joseph B. Eichenberger
Roger W. Ferguson
Stephanie Flanders
Judy Garber
Anna Gelpern
Thomas Goldberger
Karen H. Johnson
Jonathan Stuart Kessler
Margaret Kuhlow
Nancy Lee
Mark C. Medish
Annabella Mejia
Steven Radelet
Sheryl K. Sandberg
William Schuerch
John Shattuck
Karen Shepherd
Michelle Smith
Mark Sobel
Louellen Stedman
Todd Stern
Janet G. Thomas
Theresa A. Wagoner
Mary A. Wileden
Cesar Rodriguez Batlle
Alternate Governor
Aureliano Berro
Ariel Fernandez Cova
Mullajanov Faizulla Makhsudjanovich
Temporary Alternate Governor
Nariman T. Mannapbekov
Murat Yakubjanov
Stevens Morking Iatika
Michael S. Hililan
República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Diego L. Castellanos
Temporary Alternate Governor
Angel Ruocco S.
Luis E. Davila
Beatriz Grando
Hector Griffin
William Larralde Paez
Angelo Lucenti
Oswaldo Nino
Hernan Oyarzabal
Clara Pasquali
German Utreras
Le Duc Thuy
Alternate Governor
Phan Manh Hung
Nguyen Ndoc Dinh
Do Van Nhien
Le Thi Tu Hanh
Nguyen Quang Thep
Nguyen Van Du
Pham Xuan Lap
Doan Thang
Le Xuan Thong
Republic of Yemen
Alawi Saleh Al-Salami
Alternate Governor
Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al-Samawi
Ali Abdulla Abo-Lohom
Abdulwahab Al-Hajjri
Abdulkarim Mohamed Al-Kotf
Ali Lutf Al-Thour
Hamood Ali Ali Atia
Omar Salim Bazara
Tareq Abdullatif Dhaifallah
Ahmed A. Ghaleb Saeed
Mahmoud Mohsen Shayef
Abdulrahman Hassan Shugaa
Katele Kalumba
Alternate Governor
Jacob Mumbi Mwanza
Deepak Malik
Alok Kumar Misra
Maria Mkandawire
Nawa Musiwa Muyatwa
Benjamin Mweene
Simba Herbert Stanley Makoni
Alternate Governor
Leonard Ladislas Tsumba
Olindah Chawora
Fortune Chidavaenzi
Mutasa Dzinotizei
Rudo M. Faranisi
Remi G. Mushambi Kahari
Jabulani Manyanga
Obert Matshalaga
Kombo James Moyana
Richard Victor Wilde
Observers, Representatives of International Organizations, and Special Invitees
Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
Salem Al-Marar
African Development Bank
Omar Kabbaj
Theodore Nkodo
Henock Kifle
Thierry de Longuemar
Dorte Kabell
Selamawit Yemaneberhan N’Diaye
African Export-Import Bank
Christopher Chuka Edordu
Benedict Okechukwu Oramah
Andean Community
Sebastian Alegrett
Jorge G. Vega Castro
Andean Development Corporation
L. Enrique Garcia
Hugo Sarmiento
Luis A. Sanchez Masi
Carolina Espana
Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development
Abdulkarim Mohammad Al-Shamsi
El Arabi Mohamed Hamdi
Yousri M. Gabr
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
Medhat Sami Lotfy
Abdellatif Kamal Mahmoud
Ebe Ouid Ebe
Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
Abdlatif Y. Al-Hamad
Mervat Wahba El-Badawy
Arab Monetary Fund
Jassim Al-Mannai
Samir Abiad
Asian Development Bank
Tadao Chino
John Lintjer
Masaru Yoshitomi
Bindu N. Lohani
Basudev Dahal
Shinji Ichishima
Yoshihiro Iwasaki
Shoji Nishimoto
Christine I. Wallich
Sandra A. Lawrence
Pradumna B. Rana
Ayumi Konishi
Hisashi Ono
Edgardo Pelagio Rodriguez
Eva L. Relova
Bank for International Settlements
Andrew D. Crockett
Andre Icard
William R. White
Robert Sleeper
Renato Filosa
Daniele Nouy
Gavin Bingham
Philip Turner
Josef Van’t Dack
John G. Heimann
Svein Andresen
Kathryn Langdon
Bank of Central African States
Rigobert Roger Andely
Adam Madji
Andre Mfoula Edjomo
Santiago Nsue Medja
Aime-Dominique Bida-Kolika
Isidore Ngoy
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
Ersoy Volkan
Daniela Bobeva
Andrey Kasiyanenko
Nikolaos Zachariadis
Ahmet Nebil Imre
Pierre Nicolas van Peteghem
Panayotis Gavras
Valery Vladimirovich Aksenov
Center for Latin American Monetary Studies
Juan Manuel Rodriguez
Central African States Development Bank
Emmanuel Dokouna
Maurice Kitantou-Diamante
Central American Bank for Economic Integration
Pablo R. Schneider
Jose Eduardo Atala
Victor Rodolfo Portnoy
Edin H. Velasquez Escobedo
Jose Alejandro Arevalo
Luis Ernesto Santamaria
Enrique Paredes
Eduardo Membreno
Maria del Pilar Escobar Pacas
Central American Monetary Council
Mario B. Aleman
Miguel Chorro
Central Bank of West African States
Emmanuel-Marie Nana
Jean-Claude K. Brou
Badanam Patoki
Ousmane Samba Mamadou
Common Fund for Commodities
Rolf W. Boehnke
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Erastus J.O. Mwencha
Donald Mark Pearson
Issa Lukwago
Michael Gondwe
Azhari Gasim Ahmed
Commonwealth Secretariat
Donald Charles McKinnon
Veronica Sutherland
Rumman Ahmad Faruqi
Kaye Whiteman
Michele Christine Law
Stephany Griffith-Jones
Eliawony J. Kisanga
Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
Ajlan Ali Al-Kuwari
Nasser Ibrahim Al-Kaud
Council of Europe Development Bank
Kari Nars
Raphael Alomar
Martin M. Murtfeld
Ignacio Garrido Sanchez
Rainer B. Steckhan
Thierry Poirel
East African Development Bank
Fabian R. Tibeita
Protase T. Tehingisa
Joram Kariisa-Kasa
Economic Community of West African States
Lansana Kouyate
Frank Ofei
Yaya Sow
Rebily David Asante
Remy Gbaguidi
Sade Elhaji Ousmane
Gilbert Ondongo
Economic Cooperation Organization
Abdolrahim Gavahi
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Jean Lemierre
Charles R. Frank, Jr.
Steven D.F. Kaempfer
Noreen Doyle
Willem H. Buiter
Marcus J. Fedder
Antonio Maria Costa
Ayesha Shah
Ullrich H. Kiermayr
Arnaud Prudhomme
Olivier Descamps
Steven Fries
Alain Christian Pilloux
Johan F. J. Bastin
Kurt Geiger
Hans Peter Lankes
Bruno L. Cova
Ricardo Lago
Jeffrey Lee Hiday
G. David Collier
Jacob Sadilek
Jill Williams
Teresa de Barcenas
European Central Bank
Willem F. Duisenberg
Otmar Issing
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
Gerald Grisse
Heikki Hatanpaa
Pierre van der Haegen
Manfred J. Koerber
Frank Moss
Michele Kirstetter
European Commission
Pedro Solbes Mira
Poul Nielson
Frederik Bolkestein
Soledad Abad
Kristian Schmidt
Laurence de Richemont
Gerassimos Thomas
Bernard Petit
Giovanni Ravasio
Herve Carre
Joly Dixon
Guenter Grosche
Paul N. Goldschmidt
Vassili Lelakis
Johan Baras
Peter Bekx
Werner Schule
Daniel A.A. Daco
Francisco Granell
Ramiro Cibrian
Ralf Dreyer
David Ringrose
European Investment Bank (EIB Group)
Philippe Maystadt
Wolfgang Roth
Francis Mayer
Jean-Louis Biancarelli
Terence Brown
Rene Karsenti
Barbara Bargagli-Petrucci
Christopher Bearne
Fiona Turner
European Investment Fund
Walter Cernoia
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Claude Forthomme
John Kelly
Inter-American Development Bank
Enrique V. Iglesias
Charles O. Sethness
Eloy B. Garcia
Muni Figueres
Gabriela Sotela
Anita A. Ruiz
Inter-American Investment Corporation
Jacques Rogozinski
Jorse Roldan
Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
Mamoun Ibrahim Hassan
Ayham Mohammad Abu-Rshaid
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Fawzi Hamad Al-Sultan
Klemens van de Sand
Fawzi H. Rihane
Khatid El-Harizi
Claudia Pardinas
Marie Caroline Upham
International Labor Organization
Maria Angelica Ducci de Santa Cruz
Eddy Lee
Samir M. Radwan
Gerald Rodgers
Stanley G. Taylor
Islamic Development Bank
Ahmad Mohamed Ali
Michael Lee
Zeinhom Antar Zahran
Tarik Kivanc
Mumtaz Khan
Tarek Youssef El Reedy
El-Mansour Ould Veten
Alfa Bocar Nafo
Lamine Ali Doghri
Mohameden Mohamed Sidiya
Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
Abdullah Al Mesaibih
Latin American Economic System
Eduardo Mayobre
Latin American Reserve Fund
Roberto Guarnieri
Ana Maria Carrasquilla
League of Arab States
Moatassem Suleiman Abdel Hadi
Nordic Development Fund
Jens Lund Sorensen
Jesper Andersen
Stella Harriet Eckert
Nordic Investment Bank
Jon Sigurdsson
Erkki A.O. Karmila
Carl Lowenhielm
Bo Heide-Ottosen
Eivind Dingstad
Oddvar Sten Ronsen
Karl Kukka
Tarja Kylanpaa
Heidi Syrjanen
OPEC Fund for International Development
Y. Seyyid Abdulai
Said Aissi
Hanno Scheuch
Jumana A.W. Dejany
Abdelhamid Benkhalef
Anajulia Tarter
Alfred CJ. Helm
Barbara Hausjell
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Donald J. Johnston
Ignazio Visco
Richard H. Carey
William Witherell
Stillpon Nestor
Mats Isaksson
Sveinbjorn Blondal
John West
Development Assistance Committee
Jean-Claude H. Faure
Marc Andre Tocatlian
P. L. O.
Mohammad Zuhdi Nashashibi
Maher Suleiman El-Kurd
Amin M.A. Haddad
Anbar Christidi
Issa Ibrahim Danaf
Khaled S.K. Kayed
Mohammad Shtayyeh
Sameeh Abdul Fattah
Jamal Al-Jamal
Saudi Fund for Development
Abdulaziz A. Al-Sehail
Southern African Development Community
Pakeereesamy Ramsamy
Felix C.C. Kani
Fudzai Pamacheche
United Nations
Ian Kinniburgh
Andreas Nicklisch
Jean-Claude Concolato
Michal Broza
Sabe Soe
UN Children’s Fund
Pavla Gomba
UN Conference on Trade and Development
Yilmaz Akyuz
Detlef Julius Kotte
Pierre Encontre
UN Development Programme
Nancy M. Birdsall
Christophe Bahuet
Kamal Malhotra
Petr Halaxa
Jan V. Krouzek
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Danuta Huebner
Joseph Edward Smolik
UN Environment Programme
Hussein Mohamed Abaza
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Julio Nogues
Universal Postal Union
Juan Blaise Ianni
West African Development Bank
Boni Yayi
Yao Agbo N’De Hounouvi
Omar Fall
West African Economic and Monetary Union
Moussa Toure
Younoussi Toure
Frederic Assomption Korsaga
Kalou Doua Bi
Adele Congo-Kabore
World Health Organization
David Nunes Nabarro
Asha Singh Williams
World Trade Organization
Michael Moore
Philippe Patrick Legrain
John William Hancock
Executive Directors | Al tern ate Executive Directors | Advisors to Executive Directors |
Sulaiman M. Al-Turki | Ahmed S.M. Alosaimi | Melhem F. Melhem |
Alex Barro Chambrier | Damian Ondo Mañe | Abdel Rehman Ismael |
Bernard Konan | ||
Joseph Ntamatungiro | ||
Samba Thiam | ||
Thomas A. Bernes | Peter Charloton | Jeffrey Allen Chelsky |
Faul R. Fenton | ||
Peter H. Whitehall | ||
Agustin Carstens | Hernan Oyarzabal | José Luis Pascual |
Julio Roberto Suarez | ||
Roberto F. Cippà | Wieslaw Szczuka | Fritz Zurbrugg |
Bernd Esdar | Wolf-Dieter Donecker | Claus-Peter Schollmeier |
Riccardo Faini | Harilaos Vittas | Joaõ Santos |
Giuseppe Schlitzer | ||
Kleo-Thong Hetrakul | Cyrillus Harinowo | Nguyen Quang Thep |
Ana Maria Jul | A. Guillermo Zoccali | Jose Antonio Costa |
Oscar A. Hendrick | ||
Vijay L. Kelkar | A.G. Karunasena | Narendra Jadhav |
Willy Kiekens | Johann Prader | Jiri Jonas |
Szilvia Zador |
Executive Directors | Al tern ate Executive Directors | Advisors to Executive Directors |
Sulaiman M. Al-Turki | Ahmed S.M. Alosaimi | Melhem F. Melhem |
Alex Barro Chambrier | Damian Ondo Mañe | Abdel Rehman Ismael |
Bernard Konan | ||
Joseph Ntamatungiro | ||
Samba Thiam | ||
Thomas A. Bernes | Peter Charloton | Jeffrey Allen Chelsky |
Faul R. Fenton | ||
Peter H. Whitehall | ||
Agustin Carstens | Hernan Oyarzabal | José Luis Pascual |
Julio Roberto Suarez | ||
Roberto F. Cippà | Wieslaw Szczuka | Fritz Zurbrugg |
Bernd Esdar | Wolf-Dieter Donecker | Claus-Peter Schollmeier |
Riccardo Faini | Harilaos Vittas | Joaõ Santos |
Giuseppe Schlitzer | ||
Kleo-Thong Hetrakul | Cyrillus Harinowo | Nguyen Quang Thep |
Ana Maria Jul | A. Guillermo Zoccali | Jose Antonio Costa |
Oscar A. Hendrick | ||
Vijay L. Kelkar | A.G. Karunasena | Narendra Jadhav |
Willy Kiekens | Johann Prader | Jiri Jonas |
Szilvia Zador |
ACP | African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group |
AFTA | ASEAN Free Trade Area |
AMC | Asset Management Companies |
AsDB | Asian Development Bank |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
BI | Bank Indonesia |
BIFC | Brunei International Financial Center |
Bimp-Eaga | East-Asian Growth Area (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines) |
Caricom | Caribbean Community |
CCL | Contingent Credit Line |
CDF | Comprehensive Development Framework |
CEE | central and eastern Europe |
CEFTA | Central European Free Trade Agreement |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CPI | consumer price index |
EMU | European Monetary Union |
ESAF | Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility |
EU | European Union |
FESAL | Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan |
FSAP | Financial Sector Assessment Program |
G-7 | Group of Seven |
GAVI | Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization |
GDDS | General Data Dissemination System |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GNP | gross national product |
HIPC | heavily indebted poor country |
HLI | highly leveraged institution |
IBRA | Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IDA | International Development Association |
IDA-11 | eleventh replenishment of IDA |
IDA-12 | twelfth replenishment of IDA |
IFA | international financial architecture |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFI | international financial institution |
IIMM | International Islamic Money Market |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMFC | International Monetary and Financial Committee |
JITF | Jakarta Initiative Task Force |
MTEF | medium-term expenditure framework |
MIGA | Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency |
NPL | nonperforming loan |
ODA | official development assistance |
OFC | offshore financial centers |
OTC | over-the-counter |
PACT | Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa |
PAF | Poverty Alleviation Fund |
PRGF | Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility |
PRSP | Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper |
PSAL | Public Sector Adjustment Loan |
PSI | private sector involvement |
RGC | Royal Government of Cambodia |
ROSC | Reports on Observance of Standards and Codes |
SCA-2 | Second Special Contingent Account |
SDDS | Special Data Dissemination Standard |
SDR | special drawing right |
SRF | Supplemental Reserve Facility |
UN | United Nations |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
Mr. James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank; Mr. Horst Köhler, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and Mr. Carlos Saito, Chairman of the Group of Twenty-Four, addressed the plenary session. Observers from a number of international and regional organizations also attended.