Asia and Pacific > Samoa

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International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
The Samoan economy has bounced back strongly over the last two years, supported by a recovery in tourism. Fiscal surpluses, in part due to high grant flows, have helped the country emerge from the pandemic with enhanced buffers. At the same time, several longstanding and emerging factors—including lack of economies of scale, climate vulnerabilities, ML/TF concerns, delays in the implementation of public investment due to capacity constraints, and rising outward migration—pose challenges to the economic outlook in the medium term.
International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
2024 Selected Issues
International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
This report provides an overview of the assistance provided by the IMF to the Central Bank of Samoa on enhancing its risk management in line with international best practices for central banks.
International Monetary Fund. Fiscal Affairs Dept.
International Monetary Fund. Strategy, Policy, & Review Department
This paper reviews the two Climate Macroeconomic Assessment Program (CMAP) pilots and proposes a way forward. It builds on the experience of the previous six Climate Change Policy Assessment (CCPA) pilots, and the recent rollout of the World Bank’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR). It also accounts for early experience with countries requesting support under the Fund’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST). Based on the lessons from pilots and recent developments, staff proposes to streamline the CMAP to focus on the Fund’s comparative advantages in the areas of mitigation, PFM and macro-fiscal impact of climate change policies, provide a streamlined CMAP in exceptional circumstances, and expand more targeted CD in particular in support of RSF countries. This focused and tailored approach would benefit members as it is more agile, allows the Fund to serve more members within the same resource envelope and enhance synergies with other Fund products and the World Bank’s CCDR.