Middle East and Central Asia > Uzbekistan, Republic of

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Khaled Eltokhy
Nicoletta Feruglio
Kezhou Miao
Arturo Navarro
, and
Eivind Tandberg
This How to Note discusses how low-income developing countries (LIDCs) can strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of their public investment. The note draws on Public Investment Management Assessments and focuses on eight institutions that are likely to be key reform priorities in many LIDCs: project appraisal, multi-year budgeting, maintenance, project selection, procurement, availability of funding, project management, and monitoring of public assets. For each of these, the note discusses basic practices, which should be realistic initial reform objectives for low-capacity countries, as well as medium practices that may be relevant objectives for medium-term reforms. The note also discusses how to overcome reform implementation challenges and consolidate the reforms and provides examples of action plans to implement the different reforms.
International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.
A technical assistance mission assisted the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (SA) in conducting a major revision of national accounts time series. Based on the results of the 2023 survey on non-observed economy (NOE) in hotels, restaurants, and other services, the 2024 major revision increases the nominal GDP for 2017–2023 in the range of 10–12 percent. The mission reviewed the results of the 2024 major revision and provided recommendations for improvement before their publication. These improvements to data and methods will improve the understanding of the Uzbekistan economy, both for domestic policymaking and international surveillance.