Africa > Uganda

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  • Type: Journal Issue x
  • Nonprofit Organizations and Public Enterprise: General x
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Mr. Paolo Mauro
Mr. Herve Joly
Mr. Ari Aisen
Mr. Emre Alper
Mr. Francois Boutin-Dufresne
Mr. Jemma Dridi
Mr. Nikoloz Gigineishvili
Mr. Tom Josephs
Ms. Clara Mira
Mr. Vimal V Thakoor
Mr. Alun H. Thomas
, and
Mr. Fan Yang
This paper takes stock of the main fiscal risks facing the EAC partner countries. These include macroeconomic shocks, and specific risks, such as the financial performance of the public enterprises, large infrastructure projects, PPPs, and pension funds. In addition, weaknesses in the institutional framework are reviewed. This analysis highlights some of the largest risks and begins to give a sense of the potential magnitudes involved.
Mr. Jeffrey M. Davis
Mr. Thomas J Richardson
Mr. Rolando Ossowski
, and
Mr. Steven A Barnett


Privatization has been a key element of structural reform in many developing and transition economies during the last decade. This paper examines the fiscal and macroeconomic issues involved in the privatization of nonfinancial public enterprises in these economies. It considers issues such as the factors determining the proceeds from privatization and the amount accruing to the budget, the uses of proceeds, the impact of privatization on the budget and macroeconomic aggregates, and the privatization component of IMF-supported programs. The empirical evidence draws on case study countries that reflect geographical diversity and are representative of a range of privatization experience in developing and transition economies.

Mr. Saleh M. Nsouli
Justin B. Zulu


This paper reviews recent experience of African countries in the design and implementation of adjustment programs supported by use of Fund resources.