Africa > Uganda

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International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
Uganda has benefited from international reserve accumulation. The fiscal stance is tighter mainly owing to delays in execution of a large hydropower project. A suspension of budget support owing to theft of donor funds has curtailed spending plans and hurt growth prospects. The authorities have acknowledged the damage from corruption and responded to the concerns of development partners. Tight policies have led to the achievement of program targets. Sound macroeconomic policies need to be accompanied by reinforced efforts to fight corruption.
International Monetary Fund
The Fund has long played a lead role in supporting developing countries’ efforts to improve their revenue mobilization. This paper draws on that experience to review issues and good practice, and to assess prospects in this key area.
International Monetary Fund
Statistical data and issues are discussed in this paper. Mauritania reached the completion point under the enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries. In July 2004, a new economic team took actions to tighten fiscal and monetary policies. The authorities intend to adopt sound principles for oil revenue management and tracking (various frameworks, such as the one proposed in the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative, are under consideration). Executive Directors welcomed the authorities’ willingness to prepare for the transition to a more flexible exchange rate.
Mr. Arvind Subramanian


Since the early 1990s, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have made significant progress in opening their economies to external competition through trade and currency liberalization. This paper analyzes trade and policy developments for 22 countries in eastern and southern Africa, looks at regional and multilateral integration issues, and reflects on the main challenges these countries face in the new decade. It addresses the main trade policy issues for these countries and suggests possible actions they and their trading partners could follow.

Mr. Benedict J. Clements
Mr. Liam P. Ebrill
Mr. Sanjeev Gupta
Mr. Anthony J. Pellechio
Mr. Jerald A Schiff
Mr. George T. Abed
Mr. Ronald T. McMorran
, and
Marijn Verhoeven


The reform of fiscal policies and institutions lies at the heart of structural adjustment in developing countries. Although the immediate aim of such reform is to reduce fiscal imbalances to achieve macroeconomic stability, the long-term goal is to secure more durable improvements in fiscal performance. This study reviews the fiscal reform experience of 36 low-income developing countries that undertook macroeconomic and structural adjustment in the context of the IMF's Structural Adjustment Facility and Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility during the period of 1985-95.