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International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
This Technical Assistance Report discusses the recommendations made by the IMF mission to assist Uganda in moving toward risk-based supervision of insurance sector. It highlights that under the revised insurance legislation, the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda (IRA) will be requiring nonlife insurers to provide certification for adequacy of technical provisions by an actuary as is currently required for life insurers. When the requirement comes into effect, it will be necessary for it to be supported by guidance from IRA in terms of its expectations for the actuarial reports to be filed. This will ensure consistency in reporting to the IRA and that the reports will provide the information needed by the IRA for supervisory purposes.
International Monetary Fund
This supplement presents ten case studies, which highlight the roles of targeted policies to facilitate sustainable financial deepening in a variety of country circumstances, reflecting historical experiences that parallel a range of markets in LICs. The case studies were selected to broadly capture efforts by countries to increase reach (e.g., financial inclusion), depth (e.g., financial intermediation), and breadth of financial systems (e.g., capital market, cross-border development). The analysis in the case studies highlights the importance of a balanced approach to financial deepening. A stable macroeconomic environment is vital to instill consumer, institutional, and investor confidence necessary to encourage financial market activity. Targeted public policy initiatives (e.g., collateral, payment systems development) can be helpful in removing impediments and creating infrastructure for improved market operations, while ensuring appropriate oversight and regulation of financial markets, to address potential sources of instability and market failures. 
Ms. Iyabo Masha
This paper analyzes the impact of the global financial crisis on the banking systems in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, and their responses to it, using information from banking system balance sheets. The paper undertakes two distinct analyses. In the first analysis, the focus is on the trend in intersectoral balances and positions in the long run, using annual data for 2001–08. The second analysis uses monthly data for December 2007–May 2009 to determine how intersectoral balance sheets adjusted in the short run to sudden changes in the economic environment during the recent global financial crisis.
International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept.
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