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International Monetary Fund. Legal Dept.
This report summarizes findings and recommendations from a Fund CD mission in Uganda from August 28 to September 1, 2023, in response to a request from the Bank of Uganda (BoU), focusing on AML/CFT measures. Key areas of focus included reviewing the legal and regulatory frameworks, developing operational frameworks for consistent sanction application, and implementing AML/CFT riskrating tools. Recommendations include clarifying roles, strengthening information exchange mechanisms, and enhancing resources for effective AML/CFT supervision to align with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards and promote financial integrity.
Arturo Navarro
Matthew K Quillinan
Jyoti Rahman
Natalia Salazar
Eivind Tandberg
, and
Tjeerd Tim
Uganda has committed to an ambitious climate change mitigation and adaption agenda. To achieve this, the country has developed a sound framework to enhance climate change sensitivity across public financial and public investment management. The framework clearly allocates responsibilities, enhances coordination, and requires the identification of climate expenses in the budget documentation. However, gaps remain in some key regulations, primarily on project appraisal, and some initiatives are in early stages of implementation and need further guidance and training. The Climate Public Investment Management Assessment proposes reforms across multiple areas, underscoring as priority areas project appraisal and selection, and budgeting and portfolio management.