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In recent years, the IMF has become deeply involved in the international movement to prevent the abuse of financial systems and to protect and enhance the integrity of the international financial system. The IMF’s involvement has been expanded beyond anti-money-laundering efforts to include those aimed at combating the financing of terrorism. This handbook will facilitate the provision of relevant technical assistance by providing a compendium of essential materials for officials drafting legislation designed to combat such financing. The relevant international standards and obligations are presented, together with examples of existing legislation designed to meet them. The issues discussed in this book are relevant to all countries, regardless of their individual geopolitical situations.
In recent years, the IMF has become deeply involved in the international movement to prevent the abuse of financial systems and to protect and enhance the integrity of the international financial system. The IMF’s involvement has been expanded beyond anti-money-laundering efforts to include those aimed at combating the financing of terrorism. This handbook will facilitate the provision of relevant technical assistance by providing a compendium of essential materials for officials drafting legislation designed to combat such financing. The relevant international standards and obligations are presented, together with examples of existing legislation designed to meet them. The issues discussed in this book are relevant to all countries, regardless of their individual geopolitical situations.
In recent years, the IMF has become deeply involved in the international movement to prevent the abuse of financial systems and to protect and enhance the integrity of the international financial system. The IMF’s involvement has been expanded beyond anti-money-laundering efforts to include those aimed at combating the financing of terrorism. This handbook will facilitate the provision of relevant technical assistance by providing a compendium of essential materials for officials drafting legislation designed to combat such financing. The relevant international standards and obligations are presented, together with examples of existing legislation designed to meet them. The issues discussed in this book are relevant to all countries, regardless of their individual geopolitical situations.
Ces dernières années, le FMI a commencé à participer activement aux efforts déployés au niveau international en vue de prévenir l'utilisation abusive des systèmes financiers et afin de protéger et renforcer l'intégrité du système financier international. L'implication du FMI dans ces questions s'est étendue au-delà des mesures contre le blanchiment de capitaux pour y inclure les initiatives visant à réprimer le financement du terrorisme. Ce manuel est destiné à faciliter la fourniture de l'assistance technique nécessaire en fournissant des documents essentiels aux législateurs nationaux chargés de rédiger des lois contre le financement du terrorisme. Il présente les règles et obligations internationales pertinentes, ainsi que des exemples de législation destinés à y satisfaire. Les questions examinées dans le manuel présent un intérêt pour tous les pays, quelle que soit leur situation géopolitique.
En los últimos años, el FMI ha participado activamente en iniciativas de cooperación internacional para evitar el abuso de los sistemas financieros nacionales y proteger y mejorar la integridad del sistema financiero internacional. Más allá de los esfuerzos por combatir el lavado de dinero, el FMI ha aplicado su participación también a la lucha contra el financiamiento del terrorismo. Este manual facilitará la prestación de asistencia técnica pertinente al proporcionar un compendio de materiales esenciales para los funcionarios que tienen a su cargo la redacción de leyes de represión de estas actividades de financiamiento. Se presentan las normas y obligaciones internacionales pertinentes, junto con ejemplos de la legislación vigente orientada a cumplir con dichas normas y obligaciones. Los temas tratados en este libro son relevantes para todos los países, independientemente de su situación geopolítica.
In recent years, the IMF has become deeply involved in the international movement to prevent the abuse of financial systems and to protect and enhance the integrity of the international financial system. The IMF’s involvement has been expanded beyond anti-money-laundering efforts to include those aimed at combating the financing of terrorism. This handbook will facilitate the provision of relevant technical assistance by providing a compendium of essential materials for officials drafting legislation designed to combat such financing. The relevant international standards and obligations are presented, together with examples of existing legislation designed to meet them. The issues discussed in this book are relevant to all countries, regardless of their individual geopolitical situations.