Middle East and Central Asia > Sudan

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International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
The 2024 Article IV Consultation discusses Chad’s post-pandemic recovery picked up steam in 2023 with growth increasing to 4.9 percent. Economic growth is projected to decline to 3.1 percent in 2024 on account of the impact of the recent floods and a slight decline in oil production but would rebound in the medium term owing to sustained public investment and structural reforms. Risks to the outlook are substantial and tilted to the downside and include potential delays in implementing fiscal consolidation measures, a larger-than-expected decline in oil prices, an increase in the influx of Sudanese refugees, and a further increase in the frequency and severity of climate change-related events. Restructuring plans aimed at improving the operational and financial performance of the two systemic public banks while providing for their recapitalization need to be adopted and implemented expeditiously. Strengthening governance and anticorruption frameworks, together with measures to improve education, increase access to basic infrastructure, and promote formalization and financial inclusion, will be essential to create a favorable business environment.
International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
This paper focuses on South Sudan’s Third Review under the Staff-Monitored Program with Board Involvement. Severe spillovers from the conflict in Sudan, including refugee inflows and damages to an oil pipeline, have exacerbated South Sudan’s difficult humanitarian and macroeconomic situation, resulting in an economic slowdown, sharp exchange rate depreciation, high inflation, and higher spending needs against the backdrop of large fiscal revenue losses. Discussions with the South Sudanese authorities during the Third Review of the Staff-Monitored Program with Board Involvement (PMB) focused on re-calibrating macroeconomic policy to address the impact of the external shocks. The authorities remain committed to implementing strong policies and reform measures to restore macroeconomic stability. IMF Management completed the Third review of the PMB with South Sudan. The implementation of commitments taken by the authorities under the Letter of Intent will continue to support macroeconomic stability and debt sustainability. The authorities remain committed to fiscal and monetary prudence and to implementing their medium-term reform agenda.