Western Hemisphere > Paraguay

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Ramon Hurtado Arcos
Juan Alberti
Eduardo Aldunate
Jorge Baldrich
Rui Monteiro
, and
Isabel Rial
An IMF team conducted a Public Investment Management Assessment including the module on Climate Change in Paraguay. The team identified strengths related to the recent reforms in the National Public Investment System (SNIP) and several weaknesses along the investment cycle that affect its efficiency. It identified ten high-priority recommendations that could improve PIM processes.
International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
Paraguay's economic activity remained strong in 2024. GDP growth is anticipated to reach 4 percent with some upward potential due to favorable performance of financial intermediation, services, and manufacturing. Inflation is firmly under control and expectations are well anchored. Monetary policy is close to its neutral stance. As projected, the current account has shifted into a wider deficit this year reflecting the post recovery adjustment in trade and higher imports. Fiscal consolidation is continuing with the deficit expected to reach the budgeted 2.6 percent of GDP. In the second part of the year, Paraguay has obtained an investment grade status from Moody’s for the first time in history.
International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
La actividad económica de Paraguay ha mostrado un buen desempeño durante el 2024. Se prevé que el crecimiento del PIB alcance 4%, con cierto potencial de superar esa cifra debido a los buenos resultados de la intermediación financiera, del sector servicios y del sector manufacturero. La inflación está controlada y las expectativas se mantienen bien ancladas. La política monetaria se acerca a su posición neutral. Como se esperaba, la cuenta corriente registra un mayor déficit este año, debido al ajuste del comercio tras la recuperación y al incremento de las importaciones. La consolidación fiscal continúa y se espera que el déficit alcance 2,6% del PIB presupuestado. En la segunda mitad del año, Moody's ha otorgado a Paraguay el grado de inversión por primera vez en su historia.