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El ejercicio estuvo marcado por retos difíciles y logros importantes. Para vigorizar el crecimiento moderado durante una etapa de incertidumbre en torno a una situación complicada de la economía mundial, los países miembros del FMI avalaron una estrategia triple de políticas monetarias, fiscales y estructurales para reencauzar la economía mundial por una senda de crecimiento más sólido y seguro. Entre los aspectos destacados de la labor del FMI durante el ejercicio cabe mencionar la entrada en vigor de las reformas del régimen de cuotas y la estructura de gobierno aprobadas en 2010, que incrementan los recursos básicos de las institución y la representatividad de los países; los compromisos para reforzar el apoyo financiero, el asesoramiento sobre políticas, los conocimientos especializados y la capacitación que se brindan a los países en desarrollo de bajo ingreso para ayudarlos a cumplir los Objetivos de Desarrollo sostenible de las Naciones Unidas; los análisis sobre el sistema monetario internacional; la inclusión de la moneda china en la cesta de divisas que conforman el Derecho Especial de Giro; y el asesoramiento en materia de políticas acerca de las repercusiones económicas de la migración masiva de refugiados de Siria y otros estados afectados por conflictos. En el informe anual del FMI, que abarca el período comprendido entre el 1 de mayo de 2015 y el 30 a de abril de 2016, se tratan todos estos temas, así como una amplia gama de cuestiones de políticas abordadas por el Directorio Ejecutivo durante el ejercicio.
The year was marked by difficult challenges and milestone achievements. To reinvigorate modest growth at a time of uncertainty about a complicated global economy, the IMF membership endorsed a three-pronged approach of monetary, fiscal, and structural policies to get the world economy back on a stronger and safer growth track. Highlights of the IMF’s work during the year included entry into effect of its quota and governance reforms approved in 2010, which increase the Fund’s core resources and make it more representative of the membership; commitments for increased financial support, policy advice, expertise, and training to help low-income developing countries achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals; analysis of the international monetary system; inclusion of the Chinese currency in the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Right; and policy advice on the economic repercussions of mass migration of refugees from Syria and other conflict-afflicted states. The IMF Annual Report, which covers the period May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016, discusses all of these issues, plus a wide range of policy matters that the Executive Board addressed during the year.
The year was marked by difficult challenges and milestone achievements. To reinvigorate modest growth at a time of uncertainty about a complicated global economy, the IMF membership endorsed a three-pronged approach of monetary, fiscal, and structural policies to get the world economy back on a stronger and safer growth track. Highlights of the IMF’s work during the year included entry into effect of its quota and governance reforms approved in 2010, which increase the Fund’s core resources and make it more representative of the membership; commitments for increased financial support, policy advice, expertise, and training to help low-income developing countries achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals; analysis of the international monetary system; inclusion of the Chinese currency in the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Right; and policy advice on the economic repercussions of mass migration of refugees from Syria and other conflict-afflicted states. The IMF Annual Report, which covers the period May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016, discusses all of these issues, plus a wide range of policy matters that the Executive Board addressed during the year.
The year was marked by difficult challenges and milestone achievements. To reinvigorate modest growth at a time of uncertainty about a complicated global economy, the IMF membership endorsed a three-pronged approach of monetary, fiscal, and structural policies to get the world economy back on a stronger and safer growth track. Highlights of the IMF’s work during the year included entry into effect of its quota and governance reforms approved in 2010, which increase the Fund’s core resources and make it more representative of the membership; commitments for increased financial support, policy advice, expertise, and training to help low-income developing countries achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals; analysis of the international monetary system; inclusion of the Chinese currency in the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Right; and policy advice on the economic repercussions of mass migration of refugees from Syria and other conflict-afflicted states. The IMF Annual Report, which covers the period May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016, discusses all of these issues, plus a wide range of policy matters that the Executive Board addressed during the year.