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International Monetary Fund


The speeches made by officials attending the IMF–World Bank Annual Meetings are published in this volume, along with the press communiqués issued by the International Monetary and Financial Committee and the Development Committee at the conclusion of the meetings.

International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept.
Solicitud de fortalecimiento del FMI, Perspectivas de crecimiento mundial, Strauss-Kahn asume como nuevo Director Gerente del FMI, Comunicado del CMFI, Globalización, Ciclo económico mundial, flujos de capital, Seminarios durante las Reuniones Anuales, Perspectivas de la economía asiática, Perspectivas de economía africana, Notas breves.
International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept.
Calls for stronger IMF, World Growth Outlook, Strauss-Kahn Takes Over as New IMF Head, IMFC Communique, Globalization, Global Business Cycle, Capital Flows, Annual Meetings Seminars, Asian Economic Outlook, African Economic Outlook, News Briefs.
International Monetary Fund. External Relations Dept.
Plaidoyer pour un FMI plus robuste ; Perspectives de l'économie mondiale ; Strauss-Kahn prend la tête du FMI ; communiqué du CMFI ; mondialisation ; cycle économique mondial ; flux de capitaux ; séminaires lors de l'assemblée annuelle ; perspectives économiques asiatiques ; perspectives économiques africaines ; point sur l'actualité.