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International Monetary Fund
This paper assesses the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’s (FRY) 2002 Article IV Consultation, Third Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement (SBA), and a Request for an Extended Arrangement. Despite the impressive achievements since late 2000, when FRY succeeded to membership in the IMF, the challenges facing the authorities remain daunting. The FRY authorities’ medium-term program of stabilization sets a good basis for achieving sustainable growth and a viable external position, and deserves the continued support of the IMF through completion of the third review under the current SBA and approval of the proposed extended arrangement.
International Monetary Fund
This Selected Issues paper and Statistical Appendix for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia outlines the progress made in the fiscal area since late 2000, focusing on the overall fiscal adjustment (developments in revenue and expenditure) and reforms of the tax system and social spending. The paper also presents an overview of financial sector reforms in Serbia and Montenegro, elaborates on the closure of the four largest state-owned banks in Serbia, and outlines progress in strengthening prudential supervision in both republics.
International Monetary Fund
The new government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has formulated and started to implement an ambitious program of stabilization and reform with impressive speed and commitment. The program provides for macroeconomic policies designed to reduce inflation and support reconstruction coupled with bold reforms. The policy achievements so far have been impressive. Prudent policies alone cannot ensure progress toward sustainable growth and external viability. The program sets the basis for the country in achieving sustainable output growth and a viable external position.