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International Monetary Fund
This paper examines Serbia and Montenegro’s Third Review Under the Extended Arrangement and Requests for Waiver of Performance Criterion. Serbia and Montenegro’s recent economic performance has been mixed, combining excellent progress in some areas with an uncomfortably large current account deficit and modest growth in output and exports from low levels. The envisaged tightening of fiscal policy is broadly appropriate—albeit overly reliant on revenue measures. Achieving the fiscal deficit target will help narrow the current account deficit and place the fiscal and external accounts on sustainable paths.
International Monetary Fund
Economic performance in 2002 was generally favorable with good policy implementation, but considerable risks remain. Structural reforms have fallen behind program expectations, but the delays are being addressed. The discussions highlighted the need for prudent policies and strengthening of structural reforms. The structural reforms will focus on tax administration and expenditure management, banking supervision and resolution, and privatization. Monetary and exchange rate policies in Serbia should continue to balance the inflation and external objectives. Serbia and Montenegro's performance under the Extended Arrangement has remained good.
International Monetary Fund
This paper assesses Serbia and Montenegro’s First Review Under the Extended Arrangement (EA). Serbia and Montenegro’s economic and policy performance has remained good under the current EA, but daunting challenges lie ahead. Macroeconomic policies need to be carefully calibrated to address potential risks to macroeconomic and financial instability, while the task of economic restructuring will be increasingly difficult. The IMF staff welcomes the authorities’ commitment to address delays in the adoption of reform legislation that led to nonobservance of some structural benchmarks and notes the need to avoid new slippages.
International Monetary Fund
This paper reviews economic developments in Bulgaria during 1990–95. In 1993, GDP continued to contract, albeit more slowly than previously. Real GDP declined by 2.4 percent owing to a drought-induced collapse in agricultural output. As consumption-driven imports rose and exports fell, the lower real GDP in 1993 was accompanied by a large current account deficit. The adoption of restrictive fiscal and incomes policies in 1994 enabled Bulgaria to retain the gains in external competitiveness acquired from the nominal depreciation.