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International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department


This 2001 Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions provides a detailed description of the exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions of individual member countries, as well as Aruba, the Netherlands Antilles, and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The report highlights that in the case of Algeria, the external value of the dinar is set at the interbank foreign exchange market rate. No margin limits are imposed on the buying and selling exchange rates in the interbank foreign exchange market.

International Monetary Fund
The new government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has formulated and started to implement an ambitious program of stabilization and reform with impressive speed and commitment. The program provides for macroeconomic policies designed to reduce inflation and support reconstruction coupled with bold reforms. The policy achievements so far have been impressive. Prudent policies alone cannot ensure progress toward sustainable growth and external viability. The program sets the basis for the country in achieving sustainable output growth and a viable external position.
International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department


The exchange and trade systems of IMF member countries are presented in this comprehensive volume in a tabular format. There is expanded coverage of the regulatory framework for capital movements. The information generally relates to the end of 1999 but also covers significant developments in early 2000. Published in Septermber.

International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department


The exchange and trade systems of IMF member countries are presented in this comprehensive volume in a tabular format. There is expanded coverage of the regulatory framework for capital movements. The information generally relates to the end of 1998 but also covers significant developments in early 1999. Published in September.

International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department


This 1997 Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions provides a detailed description of the exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions of individual member countries, including Hong Kong, China, for which the United Kingdom had accepted the IMF Articles of Agreement, and Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles, for which the Kingdom of the Netherlands has accepted the IMF Articles of Agreement. In general, the description relates to the exchange and trade systems as of the end of 1996, but in appropriate cases, reference is made to significant developments that took place in early 1997.